Tips for Using the Squarespace Website Management Bar

Squarespace allows you to design a website that is as individual as your brand itself, featuring numerous templates tailored specifically for business or personal needs.

Once you have decided upon a template, the next step should be setting it up. This article demonstrates how to utilize the Website Management Bar to adjust your site settings.

How to Use the Website Management Bar

The Website Management Bar is a tool that enables you to add and edit pages, customize the design of your site, manage settings, and more. Located in the upper-right corner of your screen, this tool offers several different options for administering your Squarespace site.

Hover over any icon and you will see a small button that reads “Add Section”. By clicking this, you’ll be able to add sections with content as needed – simply drag-and-drop! Additionally, each block’s little plus sign opens a menu of more options for that block.

Once your section is added, you can reorder it with drag-and-drop or by pulling on its corners or edges. There’s even a small blue plus icon at the top or bottom of each segment that lets you create new collections by simply clicking it!

The Sessions panel displays an overview of all sessions on your site, with information such as their first login date and time, device name, operating system type and browser type. Sessions remain active until either they log out themselves or their device or user logs out remotely via Connected Apps panel; to delete a session altogether use Account Settings panel.


Establishing a navigation bar requires more thought and planning than you might realize, as the ideal structure can help your visitors find what they need quickly without becoming confused or frustrated with their visit.

Dependent upon your business type, you may require separate pages for different types of content. For instance, retail store may wish to have dedicated pages for products, blog posts and customer testimonials that can then be linked from their navigation bar so customers can easily locate what they’re searching for.

One of the best features of the Website Management Bar is the ability to quickly add or change pages on your site. There are various sections you can add, such as lists, galleries, images and forms; once you choose the option for creating new sections a popup window will open displaying all available options for that section.

If you’re writing some text, for instance, using the text block toolbar allows you to format it with options like bolding or choosing different font styles. Other types of content have their own toolbars which provide more in-depth editing options.


Squarespace websites designed directly from the box may look appealing, but they won’t resonate with visitors if they can’t easily find what they need. By customizing, however, you can inject your unique brand style and create an authentic experience for visitors that resonate with visitors and establish connections between brand and audience.

An effective navigation menu is key to helping visitors quickly find what they need without scrolling excessively. Through advanced customization, drop-down menus and the placement of pages within it can be tailored to match your design aesthetic and enhance usability.

Additionally to your primary navigation menu, consider including a secondary one to help visitors quickly access different sections of your site. A page for blogs, another for products and a third one dedicated to client testimonials could make it easier for people to locate what they’re searching for and enhance user experience.

Create a new section easily by clicking the blue plus icon in your Website Management Bar and choosing one or more Blocks to insert onto your page. Each Block provides its own set of editing features depending on its type, such as being able to edit text directly, change font and color settings and insert hyperlinks.


Once you click the Website Management bar, a series of prompts will appear to guide you in filling in some details about your site and select from various web page design layout options. When this step has been completed, content creation can begin!

Squarespace provides one of the most useful functions: creating a navigation bar for your site. This bar will appear across all pages, making navigation simple for visitors. There are various styles you can employ when designing this feature; finding the ideal style will depend on your layout.

If you want your navigation bar to remain at the top of your site when people scroll down your pages, you must adjust its settings so it remains visible as they scroll. This option can easily be found by selecting “EDIT SITE HEADER” and choosing FIXED POSITION from within its drop-down list.

Use the Website Management bar to keep an eye on all active sessions on your site and gain an idea of who’s visiting and which devices they are using to do it.