Changing Your Squarespace Site Title Link Made Simple

If you’re using Squarespace website, changing your page title or logo might be necessary. To do this, edit either the homepage or regular pages as necessary or visit the Marketing menu of Pages panel to accomplish this task.

Page titles are essential in terms of search engine results pages and browser address bars; therefore they should accurately represent the content of your page.

Page titles

Squarespace makes it simple and efficient to add page titles that are optimized for search engines. Plus, changing font style and size is simple so your website appears professional while giving visitors a clear understanding of what each page contains. Title tags play an integral role in SEO – try using unique ones on every page so it ranks higher in search engine results!

A good page title should be both short and descriptive, containing keywords relevant to your business and easily legible by those viewing search query results on both desktop computers and mobile phones. A stand-out title will encourage visitors to click it.

Log into your Squarespace account, navigate to Pages, select one page from this list, click its gear icon next to its title, and edit its page title (used both for navigation menu items and search engine results) and SEO site title (which serves as your homepage title).

Your Squarespace page title should not exceed 65 characters as any longer could cause it to be cut off by search engines and display […] at the end. If you are concerned that your titles might be too long, try using the Title Length Checker tool for help.

Along with customizing the page title, you can also personalize its Description to give more insight into your website – this can be particularly beneficial if selling products. Incorporating keywords into this description could also help boost its search engine rank.

Improving Squarespace SEO can be as simple as adding meta tags to each of your pages, which will have a dramatic effect on search engine rankings. Meta tags enable you to optimize titles and descriptions with keywords most relevant to your target audience – providing a boost for search engine visibility!

Navigation titles

Navigation titles on a Squarespace website can help visitors easily locate the information they require, from header to footer or anywhere else on your website. By creating easy ways for visitors to locate specific pages they need and keep coming back for more, navigation titles will not only keep visitors coming back but will also improve search engine optimization (SEO).

A navigation title is a link that appears in the main menu of your website, usually short but can be longer to fit more content in. It differs from page titles which appear in browser tabs, search results and on pages themselves and both can be edited in your Pages Settings.

If your Squarespace logo replaces the page title in your navigation, this can be changed using some simple CSS code.

For your Squarespace website, to change its navigation titles simply log into your dashboard and navigate to Pages, then choose your page you wish to edit from there and edit its Page Settings wherein Navigation Title should be entered with new name – you may even decide whether or not displaying its description will also show in navigation menu.

Use this code to easily link files, such as.pdf menus or audio files, in new tabs. This feature is particularly helpful if your site features similar content across several pages and you want to make it simpler for visitors to access what they need.

If your Squarespace site hosts numerous subpages, adding dropdown menus might become necessary. While default dropdowns might look dull and plain, using CSS you can customize their appearance so they are eye-catching and more likely to entice visitors to click. This feature can especially prove helpful on lead magnet pages or pages that require visitor registration – this makes the design of lead magnets or similar calls to action more effective!


Site titles and logos are one of the most integral aspects of a website for SEO, as search engines use them as the first point of comparison when ranking pages, often being the deciding factor as to whether visitors click through. They also determine how well a page ranks in search results – potentially being what leads someone to choose yours over others! It’s essential that you learn how to make necessary modifications so as to increase both its visibility and traffic.

There can be various reasons for wanting to update your Squarespace logo and site name, including rebranding your business or changing your domain. Luckily, changing these settings is straightforward – simply log into your dashboard and select “edit site header”, followed by “site title and logo”. Keep in mind that adding a logo will replace your site title; only do this if you want both your logo and name on display at once.

Squarespace makes changing the font for your site title simple. Simply access your font menu by clicking design, followed by site styles in your main menu and then choosing from among available font options for site titles.

Logos are an integral component of modern brands, and it should always reflect your branding as closely as possible. Furthermore, having a graphical logo can also prove invaluable in SEO terms; Google can see that your site is related to certain keywords which gives it an advantage over sites which use text-only titles alone.

Switching up your Squarespace logo and site title is an easy and quick way to refresh your website’s look and search engine rankings. Just be careful not to overdo it or your site could look chaotic and unprofessional; to start out simple but clean logo and upgrade as your brand expands.

Meta titles

A meta title or SEO title is the text that appears at the top of search engine results pages and gives users information about your page content, often making or breaking a user’s decision to click. A good meta title should contain your focus keyword(s) while providing them with an idea of what awaits them on that particular page.

Meta titles play an essential role in search engine results pages and click-through rates, and are also an integral component of website navigation structures since many visitors will use them as reference points when searching your site for specific content.

If your Squarespace template allows for individual products, creating unique SEO titles (also called meta titles) for each one is achievable. While this may take more time and effort than just using generic titles provided by Squarespace itself, the effort could pay dividends in terms of increased search engine visibility and improved conversion rates.

Changes to a Squarespace meta title depend on whether or not you’re editing a homepage, regular page, blog post or product. For example, to edit an individual product’s SEO title on its Product page by going into “SEO Name” field and entering its SEO title there. However, to appear as such in search engine results it must also include its unique identifier in meta title field as an SEO title.

Consider when naming pages: search engines will select a title most pertinent to the keywords and content on your site. Too many keywords in a title could reduce its rank; try keeping it under 50 characters to maximize SEO benefits.

An important point to keep in mind when creating the URL slug for your site, or URL slug, is that title tags should not overlap with or form part of its slug (ie, you should only use hyphens to separate words instead of underscores or spaces). Furthermore, adding keywords at the end of your slug may aid search engine optimization efforts.