The Ultimate Guide to Delete Your Squarespace Account

Cancelling your Squarespace account is straightforward and simple; however, it is essential that you understand its implications before doing so.

Cancelling your Squarespace subscription will render your website inactive and remove any custom domain names associated with it. If Acuity is attached to your Squarespace site, make sure that this service is also cancelled before cancelling your subscription.

Log in to your account

Squarespace is an intuitive web builder that makes creating, hosting and managing websites simple and straightforward. The platform makes use of modern features to support business growth while remaining easy for even novice webmasters to use. However, switching hosts or cancelling your subscription requires knowledge about how best to go about doing so; here are a few pointers on how best to go about doing that.

Logging in is easy: just enter your username and password into the fields provided on Squarespace’s homepage, sign in using social media, change the login method in your account settings or use a mobile device by tapping profile icon and choosing “Log In.” In addition, the Log Activity Panel offers insight into any activity on your account.

Once logged into Squarespace, you can see all the files and information uploaded to it. From here you can also edit site content as well as add pages or posts directly from the Home menu – plus find additional resources in Help section!

Setting up a Squarespace login page is straightforward and can be completed in a few steps. First, create a page and add a form. Next, link it with the page needing access and you are all set! Your users will only gain entry when necessary reducing security risks.

If you are having difficulty with accessing your Squarespace account, it may be due to incorrect login details. Double check for typos in both email address and login methods before trying different methods of entry or resetting password if lost; if problems still remain reach out to a Squarespace advisor.

If you wish to cancel your Squarespace subscription, all sites linked with it must also be cancelled, including domains that were purchased through it. In addition, auto-renew must also be disabled on all of these domains so as to prevent your Squarespace account from renewing automatically and allow you to transfer them elsewhere.

Go to Billing & Account

Although Squarespace is a popular choice among site owners, it may not be ideal for all. If you find that this platform doesn’t suit you well enough for you to continue using, cancelling your subscription can be accomplished easily in just a few steps – just be sure that all accounts associated with your data and content have been completely removed from the system to prevent future access by others.

To cancel your subscription, log in and go to Billing & Account, selecting “Cancel Subscription.” This will prevent your website from publishing and remove any associated custom domains; though the site will still be visible internally.

After canceling, your website will remain in Squarespace’s backup system for 30 days to give you time to change your mind and restore it; but, once this timeframe expires, your site will be permanently removed from our system and lost forever.

Squarespace also offers new customers a 14-day free trial period in which to try the platform before making any purchasing decisions. If it turns out not being right for you, cancellation and a refund request are both options available within 14 days of payment.

If you use any additional services with your Squarespace account, such as domain registrations, email campaigns or scheduling appointments, cancelling the website plan will not have any bearing on these subscriptions – you must cancel each individually via the Billing & Account section of your profile.

If you are using Acuity with your Squarespace site, to be able to terminate it properly you must cancel it separately from the website itself. Otherwise Acuity will be marked for permanent deletion and no longer accessible – leading to missed appointments or lost revenue for your business as well as accessing clients, subscribers and donors in your Profile section being lost forever. Although you can continue using it elsewhere with different email accounts; creating new scheduler accounts would also be necessary if continuing this service.

Select “Cancel Subscription”

At some point in time, you may wish to cancel your Squarespace subscription for whatever reason; perhaps you are transitioning away from Squarespace altogether or no longer require its services. Whatever the case may be, Squarespace makes canceling easy; simply follow these steps:

Log into your account, navigate to Billing & Account and select the site whose plan you would like to cancel by clicking its three dots icon, before choosing “Cancel Subscription.” For free trial accounts, cancellation must take place within 14 days to qualify for a refund.

Please be aware that when cancelling a website plan, your website will also be placed on hold for 90 days – you won’t be able to make changes or add content during this time. After 90 days have passed, all images, pages and blog posts from your site will be permanently deleted from our database and deleted permanently from our server – although you may request an extension by reaching out to our support.

If you subscribe to other tools such as Domains, Email Campaigns and Scheduling services such as Scheduling (the scheduling service), cancelling your website plan won’t have an effect on them – they must be individually cancelled if you do not want them auto-renew.

DoNotPay’s Delete Old Accounts product makes this easier by scanning emails and bank statements for subscriptions you may have forgotten to cancel, then taking care of them automatically for you – an efficient, fast, affordable way of protecting your financial data.

Select “Delete Account”

Squarespace is one of the leading providers of website building software, renowned for its beautiful templates and robust features. However, when leaving its platform it’s essential that you know how to cancel your subscription and delete your account correctly or else risk permanently losing all your website content and data.

To cancel a Squarespace site, visit the Billing & Account page and select “Cancel Subscription.” This will take immediate action by taking down your website immediately while disabling login credentials and restricting you from making changes until reinstated. However, cancelling only your website subscription won’t remove other active subscriptions such as domains or email campaigns from your Squarespace account–so these must also be handled individually in your profile’s Billing section.

Once your subscription has been cancelled, your site could take up to 90 days for complete deletion from Squarespace servers. At that point, all content–images, pages, posts–will be permanently erased from Squarespace but saved within their backup system for 30 days should you ever need it restored if necessary.

Once your website is gone, it’s advisable to delete any apps no longer needed. For instance, if your calendar included Acuity events scheduling software from Squarespace, its associated data must also be deleted otherwise your calendar will be marked for permanent removal without being able to view past events or make modifications moving forward.

Notably, deleting an account is irreversible so be certain you’re ready to move forward before making your decision. Furthermore, online accounts no longer in use can present security breaches; by closing old accounts you can help safeguard against hackers and reduce the chance of losing important content or data.