Steps to Change the Tab Name on Shopify

Are you looking to customize your Shopify store and make it stand out from the crowd? One simple yet effective way is by changing the tab name that appears on your customers’ web browsers. Not only does this personalize your store, but it also improves SEO by including relevant keywords.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the easy steps to change the tab name on your Shopify store and explain why it’s important for a successful e-commerce business. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

Changing the Tab Name on Your Shopify Store

Changing the tab name on your Shopify store is a simple yet effective way to personalize your brand and improve SEO. The tab name appears on customers’ web browsers, making it an essential component of your online identity. By default, Shopify sets the tab name as the title of your homepage. However, changing it to something more specific can help attract potential buyers who are searching for relevant keywords.

Why Change the Tab Name?

The tab name of your Shopify store refers to the text that appears on the browser tab when someone visits your online store. It may seem like a small detail, but changing this title can have a big impact on how people perceive and interact with your site.

Firstly, having an informative and catchy tab name can attract more visitors to click on your website. A creative and descriptive title could spark curiosity in potential customers, leading them to explore what you have to offer.

Secondly, changing the tab name can improve search engine optimization (SEO) for your website. By including relevant keywords related to your business or products in the title tag, it helps search engines better understand what your site is about and increase its visibility in search results.

Keeping an outdated or irrelevant tab name could make it difficult for returning visitors to find their way back to your site amidst other open tabs. Having a clear and recognizable tab name ensures repeat customers easily find their way back thus improving customer experience.

While seemingly insignificant at first glance- updating this simple feature on Shopify requires little effort yet has substantial benefits for both SEO and user experience alike.

How to Change the Tab Name

To change the tab name on your Shopify store, start by logging in to your Shopify account and accessing the online dashboard. From there, click on “Online Store” and then select “Themes.” Choose the theme you want to edit and click on “Actions,” followed by clicking on “Edit Code.”

Once you are in the code editor, find the file called “theme.liquid.” Click into it and look for “” which is typically located towards the top of the file. This is where you will need to update your tab title.

To do this, simply replace “{{ page_title }}” with your desired tab name inside quotation marks. For example:. After making these changes, be sure to save them before exiting out of the code editor.

It’s important to note that if you have multiple pages or products within your store, each one will require its own unique tab title within their respective templates. So be sure to repeat this process for every template that requires an updated tab title.

By following these simple steps, you can easily change your Shopify store’s tab name without any hassle!

What Happens if You Don’t Change the Tab Name?

If you don’t change the tab name on your Shopify store, there are a few things that could happen. First and foremost, it can lead to confusion for both your customers and search engines.

When a potential customer visits your website and sees the default “Home” or “Shopify” tab name, they may not immediately understand what your business is about. This could result in them leaving your site before even exploring it further.

Furthermore, search engines use the tab name as part of their algorithm when determining where to rank your website in search results. If you leave the default tab name, you’ll be missing out on an opportunity to optimize for relevant keywords.

In addition, having a generic or default tab title can make your site appear unprofessional and lacking attention to detail. It’s important to remember that first impressions matter online just as much as they do in person.

Taking the time to change the tab name on your Shopify store is a small but impactful step towards improving user experience and optimizing for search engines.


Changing the tab name on your Shopify store may seem like a small task, but it can have a big impact on your website’s SEO and user experience. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily change the tab name to something that accurately reflects your brand or specific page content.

Remember that neglecting to change the tab name could result in missed opportunities for search engine optimization and confusion for visitors navigating your site. Take control of this important element of your website and ensure that both search engines and users are getting a clear understanding of what they will find on each page.

By taking just a few minutes to update all of the tabs across your site with descriptive, keyword-rich titles, you’ll be making an investment in enhancing both usability and visibility – which is always good news for business!