Tips on Changing Font Sizes on Your Shopify Variants

Are you looking for ways to make your Shopify variants stand out and grab the attention of potential customers? One simple yet effective way to do this is by changing the font size. With a variety of different options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which size is best for your store.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll give you tips on how to change font sizes for your Shopify variants and provide insights on which sizes work best in different scenarios. So sit back, relax, and get ready to take your Shopify game up a notch with these helpful tips!

How to change the font size for your Shopify variants

Changing the font size for your Shopify variants is a simple process that can have a big impact on the look and feel of your store. To get started, go to your Product page in the Shopify admin panel and click on “Edit” for the product you want to change. Next, scroll down to the “Variants” section and select the variant whose font size you want to change.

Once you’ve selected a variant, locate its “Options” field where you’ll find an option labeled “Font Size”. Click on this option to reveal a drop-down menu with several different sizes available, ranging from extra small to extra large. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

If none of these pre-set sizes meet your requirements, don’t worry! You can also enter a custom font size by selecting “Custom” from the same drop-down menu mentioned earlier. Here, you’ll be able to input any numerical value between 1px and 100px.

After making sure everything looks great in preview mode, simply save your changes and voila! Your new font size should now be live on all relevant product pages throughout your store.

What are the different font sizes available?

When it comes to font sizes for your Shopify variants, there are a variety of options available. The size you choose will depend on the look and feel that you want to achieve for your store.

The smallest font size is typically around 8-10 pixels. This is ideal for small snippets of text, like product descriptions or prices. It’s important to note that any smaller than this can be difficult to read on mobile devices.

The next step up is around 12-14 pixels, which is a standard body text size. This works well for longer product descriptions or other areas where you need more space to convey information.

For headings and titles, you may want to go larger with a font size of 16-24 pixels. This draws attention and gives importance to certain elements on your page.

Of course, these are just general guidelines and it ultimately depends on the overall design aesthetic you’re going for. Experimenting with different font sizes can help you find what works best for your specific needs.

How to decide which font size is best for you

When it comes to deciding which font size is best for your Shopify variants, there are a few factors you should consider.

Firstly, think about the purpose of your website and what message you want to convey. If you’re selling products that require a lot of detail or technical specifications, then using a smaller font size may be necessary. However, if your products are more visual and require larger images, then using a larger font size can help balance out the page.

Another factor to consider is who your target audience is. Are they younger or older? Do they have any vision impairments? These factors can play into what font size would be most readable for them.

It’s also important to keep in mind the overall design aesthetic of your website. You want the font size to complement the rest of your design rather than detract from it.

Don’t forget to test out different options before settling on one specific font size. Get feedback from others and see how it looks on various devices such as desktops, tablets and mobile phones.

By taking these factors into consideration when deciding on a font size for your Shopify variants, you’ll be able to choose one that not only looks good but also enhances user experience.

Tips on using font size to improve your shopify variants

Using the right font size plays an essential role in improving your Shopify variants. Here are some tips on how to use font size to enhance your online store.

Firstly, consider using a larger font size for important information such as product titles, prices and descriptions. This will make these details stand out and be more readable for customers.

Secondly, ensure that there is consistency with the font sizes used throughout your website. Using different fonts can lead to confusion and make it difficult for customers to navigate through your store.

Thirdly, don’t be afraid of white space! Leaving ample space between lines of text can improve readability and allow customers’ eyes to rest between blocks of information.

Fourthly, experiment with different font styles that complement each other well. For example, pairing a bold font with a lighter weight one can create contrast that captures attention while still being easy on the eyes.

Keep in mind mobile responsiveness when choosing fonts. Ensure they are legible on smaller screens without sacrificing design aesthetics or readability.

By following these tips, you can use font size effectively to enhance customer experience and ultimately increase sales on your Shopify store!


Changing the font sizes for your Shopify variants is an easy and effective way to improve your online store’s user experience. By using the right font size, you can make it easier for customers to read important information about your products, which will ultimately lead to more sales.

Remember to choose a font size that is appropriate for your product descriptions and overall design aesthetic. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different sizes until you find the perfect balance between readability and visual appeal.

Implementing these tips on changing font sizes can help take your Shopify store’s user experience to the next level. With just a few small tweaks, you can ensure that customers have a seamless shopping experience every time they visit your site.