Understanding of Shopify Navigation Menu Coding

Navigation menus are one of the most important elements of any ecommerce website. They provide an easy way for customers to find what they’re looking for and help them navigate your site quickly and easily. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of shopify navigation menu coding. We will discuss the different types of menu items, how to create them, and how to format them correctly. We will also highlight some best practices for creating navigation menus that work well on your website. So if you want to create a top-notch navigation menu for your website, read on!

What is Shopify Navigation Menu Coding?

Shopify Navigation Menu Coding is a process of setting up a navigation menu on your Shopify store that helps customers navigate your store more easily. Navigation menus are an important part of any online store and can help boost sales.

There are a few things to keep in mind when coding your Shopify Navigation Menu:
1. The order of the items in the menu should reflect the order in which they appear on your website.
2. Use bold, italic, and underlined text to help highlight menu items.
3. Use images or icons to represent menu items.
4. Make sure all the menu items are properly labeled so customers know what they’re clicking on.
5. Use active links within the menu so customers can click directly from one item to another without having to leave the page they’re on.

What are the Different Types of Navigation Menus?

Shopify offers a wide range of navigation menus that can be used to organize your website’s content. These menus are coded in a specific way and must be used in order for Shopify to properly display them.

There are five different types of Shopify navigation menus: product, blog, blog category, post type and taxonomy.

Product Menu: This menu is used to organize products within a store. The menu contains a list of all products in the store, with options to add or remove products from the list.

Blog Menu: This menu is used to organize blog posts within a store. Posts are listed in reverse chronological order and the menu has options to add or remove posts from the list.

Blog Category Menu: This menu is used to group blog posts together based on their topic. Posts can be added or removed from this menu at any time.

How to Add a Navigation Menu to Your Shopify Site

Adding a navigation menu to your Shopify site is simple, but there are a few things to consider.

The first thing you need to decide is what type of menu you want to create. There are two main types of menus – the traditional horizontal menu and the vertical menu.

Traditional Horizontal Menu: This type of menu is usually found on websites that are designed for desktop usage. It’s a simple list of links that runs across the top of your page and can be accessed by clicking on any link in the list.

To create a traditional horizontal menu, go to your Shopify admin panel and select “Site > Menus.” In the Menus section, click on “Add New Menu Item.” In the “Menu Item Type” dropdown box, choose “Horizontal Menu.” In the “Menu Item Name” field, enter “Navigation.” Click on “Create Menu Item.”

Now click on “Add New Menu Item” in the Navigation section and enter “Vertical Menu.” In the “Menu Item Type” dropdown box, choose “Vertical Menu.” In the “Menu Item Name” field, enter “Shop.” Click on “Create Menu Item.”

How to Use Custom CSS for Your Navigation Menu

Custom CSS for your Shopify navigation menu can make your site look more modern and unique. It’s easy to do, and you don’t have to be a coder to do it. Here are four tips on how to use custom CSS for your navigation menu:

1) Choose a Theme With Navigation Menu Options

If you’re not familiar with coding, start with a theme that has already been coded with custom CSS for navigation menus. This makes the process much easier because you can follow the example guides provided by the theme company. Once you understand the basics of CSS, you can start experimenting with different styles and themes to find what works best for your site.

2) Create a Custom Style Sheet for Your Menu

Instead of editing the built-in Shopify navigation menu style sheet, create your own style sheet specifically for your menu items. This will give you more control over how each element looks on your website. You can also customize the font size, color, and positioning of each menu item. To create a custom style sheet, open the Shopify admin panel and navigate to “Site > Menus.” Select any of the existing menus in the left column and click on “Customize.”

In the “Style” section of this window, click on “Create Custom Style Sheet.” Name this file whatever you want (e.g., “nav_menu_custom.css”), and save it to your server. Next, open this new file in any text editor and start customizing the styles to match your individual site.

3) Use CSS Classes for specific Menu Items

Instead of using individual styles for each menu item, you can use CSS classes to simplify the process. For example, you could use the “navigation-item” class to style all of the menu items on your site. This approach makes it easy to update all of the menu item styles at once without having to go through each individual file.

To create a custom style sheet using CSS classes, open the Shopify admin panel and navigate to “Site > Menus.” Select any of the existing menus in the left column and click on “Customize.” In the “Style” section of this window, click on “Create Custom Style Sheet.” Name this file whatever you want (e.g., “nav_menu_custom.css”), and save it to your server. 

How to Enable and Disable the Navigation Menu

Shopify Navigation Menu: How to Enable and Disable the Navigation Menu
If you are looking for an easy way to toggle the Shopify navigation menu on and off, there is a specific code you can use.Navigation menus are located in the Appearance > Customize > Navigation menu. To enable or disable this menu, follow these steps: To view the shopify navigation menu, go to Appearance > Customize > Navigation. In the “Menu Name” section, type in nav-menu. This will create a new item in your navigation bar. Select this item and click the “Enable” button. You will now see a blue arrow next to it that says “Enabled”. Clicking this arrow will toggle the menu on or off. To disable the shopify navigation menu, go to Appearance > Customize > Navigation and remove the nav-menu item from your navigation bar.


When creating a shopify website, it is important to understand the navigation menu coding. This will help you make sure your site looks organized and easy to use. The following article covers some of the basics of navigation menu coding so that you can easily create custom menus for your site.