Understanding the File Size Limit on Shopify Store

Are you having trouble uploading files to your Shopify store? Are you constantly receiving error messages that your file size is too large? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Understanding the file size limit on Shopify can be confusing and frustrating for many online store owners.

However, it’s a crucial aspect of managing your products and ensuring that they display properly for customers. In this blog post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the file size limit on Shopify and provide tips on how to optimize your product images and videos without compromising quality. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive in!

What is the file size limit on Shopify?

Shopify has a file size limit of 100 MB per file for images, videos, and other media files. This means that each individual file on your Shopify store cannot exceed this amount. However, it’s important to note that there are limits on the total storage space available as well.

The maximum storage capacity depends on your subscription plan with Shopify. For example, the Basic Shopify plan allows up to 2 GB of storage while the Advanced and Plus plans offer unlimited storage.

It’s also worth mentioning that different product types have varying file size restrictions. For instance, digital downloads such as music or ebooks can be a maximum of 5 GB whereas physical products like clothing or accessories have no specific limits.

If you try to upload a file larger than the allowed limit, you’ll receive an error message from Shopify stating that the upload failed due to exceeding the maximum size. In order to successfully add these files onto your store pages without errors, they must be compressed or optimized before uploading them onto your store page.

How does this affect file sizes for different product types?

The file size limit on Shopify can vary depending on the type of product you are selling. For example, if you are selling digital products like e-books or music files, your customers will need to download those files directly from your store. This means that these types of products have a stricter file size limit than physical products.

If you’re selling physical products, the file size limit may not be as strict since customers won’t need to download anything. However, images still play an important role in showcasing your products and attracting potential buyers. High-quality images with large file sizes can slow down page loading times and negatively affect user experience.

In addition to product type, the number of images per product also plays a role in meeting the file size limit. If you have multiple high-resolution images for each product, it’s important to compress them efficiently so they do not exceed the limit.

Understanding how different product types affect the Shopify file size limit is crucial for optimizing your online store’s performance and providing a positive shopping experience for your customers.

Which file types are affected by the limit?

Shopify has a limit on the file size for product images and other media files. This means that any file uploaded to your store must be below the maximum allowed size, or it won’t be accepted.

The file types affected by this limit include image files (such as JPEG, PNG, BMP), video files (such as MP4, AVI) and audio files (such as MP3). It’s important to note that not all of these file types have the same maximum size limit. For example, while JPEG images can be up to 20MB in size, GIFs are limited to just 15MB.

It’s worth noting that some third-party apps may also have their own upload limits for certain file types. Make sure you check with each app before uploading any large media files.

To ensure your media meets the Shopify file size limit requirements, there are several ways you can compress your files without sacrificing quality. These include using online tools like ImageOptim or Kraken.io to reduce image sizes or using editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X for videos.

By understanding which file types are affected by Shopify’s upload limits and how to compress them effectively, you’ll be able to create high-quality content for your store without running into any issues at checkout.

How can I compress my files to meet the limit?

If you’ve exceeded the file size limit on your Shopify store, don’t panic. There are several ways to compress your files and reduce their size so that they can be uploaded successfully.

One option is to use online compression tools such as TinyPNG or JPEG-Optimizer. These tools allow you to upload images and then download compressed versions without sacrificing too much quality.

Another way to reduce file sizes is by resizing them. Images that are too large in dimensions may take up more space than necessary, so resizing them using an image editor like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP can help keep their size in check.

You can also consider converting files into different formats that have smaller file sizes. For example, converting a video from .mp4 to .webm format could significantly decrease its file size without compromising on quality.

It’s crucial to optimize your website’s code for faster loading times. This includes minifying HTML, CSS and JavaScript files which removes unnecessary characters and formatting while still retaining functionality.

There are various methods available for compressing files on your Shopify store within the limit without losing significant quality or content value.


Understanding the file size limit on Shopify is crucial for any online store owner who wants to provide a seamless shopping experience for their customers. By knowing the limits of file sizes and types, you can ensure that your website runs smoothly and efficiently.

We have seen that there are different file size limits depending on the type of product. It’s important to pay attention to these limits when uploading images or videos for each item in your inventory. Additionally, being mindful of the file types allowed by Shopify can help prevent errors during upload.

If you find yourself struggling with meeting these requirements, consider compressing your files using tools like Photoshop or TinyPNG. This will reduce the overall size while maintaining image quality, allowing you to stay within the allowable limit without sacrificing visual appeal.

Understanding and following Shopify’s guidelines regarding file size limitations is an essential part of running a successful online business. By taking care in managing these details, you’ll be able to create a more efficient website that provides a better user experience for your customers – ultimately leading to increased sales and growth for your business!