What Are The Size Dimensions for Shopify Slideshow?

Slideshow creation can be a fun and creative way to add some pizzazz to your website. But what are the size dimensions for Shopify slideshow? In this blog post, we will answer this question and more, including how to create a slideshow on Shopify that looks great on all devices. We’ll also include some tips for making your slideshow even more interactive and dynamic.

The Size Dimensions for Shopify Slideshow

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows for users to create custom web stores. One of the features of Shopify is its slideshow feature, which allows users to create displays of images and video.

The size dimensions for Shopify slideshow are as follows:
-Width: 900px
-Height: 1200px
-Portrait Mode: Yes

When creating a slideshow with Shopify, it’s important to keep in mind the size dimensions. If your slideshow exceeds these dimensions, it may not display properly on your store’s page or in search results. Additionally, if your slideshow doesn’t meet these dimensions, you may experience performance issues when loading the slideshow on your website.

How to create a slideshow in Shopify?

If you are looking to create a Shopify slideshow, then you will first need to determine the dimensions of your slides. The dimensions of a Shopify slideshow should be no wider than 640 pixels and no taller than 960 pixels. The images should also be saved at a resolution of at least 3000 pixels wide by 2000 pixels high. Once you have determined the dimensions of your slides, you can begin to create your slideshow.

To start, you will first need to create a new slide. To do this, click on the Create New Slide button located near the top left corner of your Shopify admin panel. Next, enter the title of your slide into the Title field and select the category from which you would like to create your slideshow from the drop-down menu located in the Top Level Category field. Finally, select whether or not you would like to save your slide as a draft or publish it for all users to see. Click on the Save button once you have finished setting up your slide details.

Now that you have created your slide, it is time to begin uploading your images. To do this, click on the Upload Files button located in the bottom left corner of your slide screen and browse to the folder in which you want to store your images. You can then select each image that you would like to include in your slideshow and click on the Add Selected Image button. 


In this article, we will walk you through the steps necessary to create a Shopify slideshow that will be perfect for promoting your online store. By following these simple instructions, you can create an eye-catching presentation that will help draw in more customers. It is important to remember that the size dimensions of a Shopify slideshow are specific to each store and must be customized accordingly. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about creating a slideshow for your business!