10+ Best and Free Amazon Dropshipping Automation Tools

Dropshipping is a great way to start your eCommerce journey. Dropshipping can be a bit easier than fulfillment everything all by yourself. However, it is not always easy.
Dropshipping is a business. Your efficiency is what will make or break your business. Although you may have been able to fulfill orders via AliExpress in the beginning, this is not possible now. You now spend hours at the computer trying to accomplish what was once a simple task.

Automating dropshipping will allow you to spend less time on manual tasks, increase profitability, and make fewer mistakes. Automating your dropshipping business will give you back your life, prevent dropshipping burnout, and promote healthier scaling.

Automate repetitive tasks in your business with technology. Automation tools can make dropshipping more profitable, no matter what app you use or which combination.

Are you unsure how to automate? To help you get started automating quickly, we’ve divided our 11 favourite tools into categories.

Email marketing

Email is your lifeline to customers and you. However, not everyone has the time or inclination to send out individual emails to customers. Transactional emails can be automated with the right tools.


Start small with a tool such as MailChimp if you are new to email automation. You can get it for free for the first 2,000 subscribers. This is a great solution to help you grow your business. MailChimp allows you to create emails for:

  • Begin sequences
  • Tracking information
  • Customer feedback requests
  • Reminders and anniversaries for customers

You can do a lot more. It also comes with pre-built templates, which can save you time. MailChimp is a great tool for beginners, but it has powerful automations that can help you with important dates, product recalling, and much more.

MailChimp was not designed for eCommerce or dropshipping. We recommend Capture Abandoned Carts as an email automation tool.


Recapture was specifically created to stop abandoned carts in Shopify stores. It is extremely easy to use, has an uncluttered UI, and comes with pre-loaded default content that already follows best practices in abandoned carts. It works, and it has helped to recover over 100 million dollars in sales. The templates are designed using best practices, but they aren’t rigid. You can add logos, colors, or any other customizations to the templates.

Recapture is also great because it stops customers from receiving abandoned cart emails after they make a purchase. This prevents you harassing customers by sending them unnecessary touchpoints and preserves the relationship. You could use a general email marketing tool to abandon carts but we prefer Recapture due to its specialized knowledge.

Automated task management

Automation automates only a small portion of your business. What can you do if Shopify doesn’t have the ability to communicate with Gmail?

Integrations and task automation are here to save you bacon. You can use your favorite automation tool without any worries. The best integration tools make it easy for your applications to communicate with each other.

If this, then that (IFTTT).

To connect different applications, you can try a freebie like IFTTT. Although you can only connect one application with IFTTT, it is a great tool for connecting simple applications. You should make sure you check your connections frequently as this tool can sometimes have bugs.


Zapier is a more reliable and advanced option. Although it is a subscription fee, this service offers advanced features that allow you to connect multiple applications at once.

Zapier is able to send you a text whenever a customer places an online order. Zapier can automate tasks such as segmenting email marketing lists and collecting customer feedback, which IFTTT can’t do.

Shopify Flow

Shopify Shopify Flow offers Shopify store owners many structure options and support for managing your various applications as well as your to-do lists. It can create customer support tickets if there is a negative review, organize customers according to LTV, and send win-back emails for customers at risk. Shopify Flow allows you to automate and integrate your dropshipping operations with an intuitive interface.

Customer service

Dropshippers are likely to sell the same products as your competitors. So what is your selling point? What makes you different than the rest if you are selling the same product?

Customer service is crucial. Customers can’t copy your customer service approach. Great customer service builds brand loyalty and encourages repeat orders. Even though customer service tools are expensive, they can easily be recouped in repeat orders, word-of-mouth marketing, and brand loyalty.


ChatBot uses AI to provide the instant answers your customers need. This will increase your response rate and reduce the number support tickets and emails that clog your inbox.


Tidio is another powerful AI chatbot which provides visitors with an automated welcome message as well as a pre-chat survey. Chatbots can answer basic questions such as shipping and tracking information or sales. Your chatbot can refer customers to live representatives if they have a more complex question. Chatbots are not able to answer all questions but they can help you save time by referring simple questions to your team.

Robots can only do so much. A human touch is essential for great customer service. You might need help desk software depending on the product you offer.


Zendeskis a tool that automates customer support tickets and connects them with a live representative. This allows you to leverage the expertise of a professional to enhance customer service and reduce your email inbox. The agent is also charged by the business.

Product management

Dropshippers spend a lot of time managing product management, including order fulfillment, manufacturer relationships, tracking, and ordering. Although you need to keep an eye on product management, there are many automated tools that can help you save time.


Oberlo is an excellent dropshipping tool for eCommerce sites built on Shopify. You can import product information from AliExpress as well as Oberlo’s own Supply Marketplace.

Oberlo is free to use for beginners, and allows unlimited orders. The monthly payments are also very affordable. Oberlo is not available to Shopify users.


WooDropship is another product management automation tool for WordPress users. You can even control all of your WooCommerce store from the WooDropship dashboard, or through its Chrome extension.

WooDropship can only be used by AliExpress users. This tool populates customer orders and product details automatically on AliExpress. You just need to pay for your order and that’s it.

Being an Amazon dropshipper is a greater investment than any money.

There are no financial barriers to getting started. You don’t need to register for a URL, pay anything for physical inventory, or warehouse, and can only purchase a product after an order has been placed.

The primary expense for an Amazon professional seller’s account is $39.99 per month.

Start your Dropshipping Business by removing financial barriers

Dropshippers see an average 500% increase in revenue per year in their first years, while other startups only make 67% of their initial investment after 18 months. Dropshipping is a promising career option.

Dropshipping is not easy. Dropshipping requires passion, drive, hard work and a lot of effort. You’ll grow if you put in the work and work smart.

Amazon has a huge number of potential customers, 2.5 billion in total. This means that you have a better chance of finding buyers if your hustle is strong. In your first month, you will have 10+ listings and enough revenue to pay your Amazon fees.

You’ll also be comfortable with the various machinations of dropshipping–including your daily tasks and how to purchase and sell items.

After the initial stages are complete, you can spend approximately $400 on automation software and $160 to hire employees. This will help your business grow. You’ll make a lot more than $560 if you pay it.

Automation saves your most precious commodity, time.

While it’s great to invest a lot of time in your business, the hours must not be spent chasing your tail and doing rote tasks.

74% of marketers surveyed claimed that automation technology has the greatest benefit in saving time.

You’ll be able to spend your time efficiently using the automation software below.

OAGenius enables real Amazon automation

OAGenius is intuitive for dropshipping. It offers a wide range of tools to help you manage many aspects of your business. OAGenius makes it easy to manage your product listing, price monitoring, order fulfillment, and inventory management.

OAGenius, at $175/month is a cost-effective investment that pays back in time saved and untapped opportunities.

OAGenius offers a product-sourcing extension for $29/month. It includes the following features:

  • Product browsing enhanced
  • Comparison tools for price comparison
  • Filtering of products
  • Syncs with other inventory management software for faster buying/selling

The software also offers fully automated ordering for Walmart. This feature allows the software to log in to the sourcing site automatically and place any new orders. The best part is that they can place orders immediately if the item is back in stock.

This is an example of automation giving dropshippers a significant advantage over other Amazon sellers.

The feature will only order items if you confirm that they are a match. Automation also offers security benefits. Software never loses its focus, so it doesn’t enter incorrect quantity or recipient information. You don’t have to trust VA with your credit card information, which gives you both peace of mind and saves you time.

Be informed. Get the Buy Box.

Informed.co has proven to be a powerful tool. It reports an average 63% increase in Buy Box ownership for dropshippers within 2 weeks. This software is a must-have tool for arbitragers because it offers automated price changes, actionable analytics and compatibility with OAGenius.

Based on informed.co’s success rates with Buy Boxes, the $150.00 per month you’ll be spending won’t make a significant impact on your financial waters.

Soothe your Password Pain

To automate password management, if you are using multiple programs to scale your company, the LastPass will cost $2 per month.

Passwords are responsible for 81% business breaches. Therefore, you should have strong passwords that can be changed every 3 months for each account.

LastPass’s password generator, first rate storage, and simplified logins can be used to save you the effort of remembering and creating a long list difficult passwords. There are more important things you can do.

Even leadership can be automated

Shipping snafus will become a daily occurrence, especially if you are trying to do everything yourself.

To avoid potential problems, you’ll need to hire employees.

Hubstaff provides useful tools for employee management such as productivity tracking, online times sheets, and time tracking to streamline your leadership tasks.

Pricing is based on the size of your company:

  • One employee = $5/month
  • Three employees at $10/month

Automated Feedback “5 Stars”

Business Insider states that products with only one review are 65% more likely than those with no reviews.

Feedback Genius will allow you to automate e-mails that are sent to buyers using tracking information from FedEx and USPS. It is essential to touch customers via follow-up e-mails for sales professionals. This increases your chances of receiving valuable feedback and reviews.

The best part? Feedback Genius is completely free to use.

Copy and paste your formula for success

Spot N Paste universal copier, paste and other tools are integrated with the best dropshipping software.

You can do all of this with one click:

  • Amazon addresses can be added to eBay
  • Shop Amazon products from eBay
  • Mark orders as placed

You can save hours and only pay $9.99 per month.

Automating Dropshipping: The Bottom Line

Dropshipping is not about the amount of money you invest in automation. It will be the missed opportunities that you did not invest in the right tools.

As an Amazon dropshipper/arbitrager, you’ve got a lot on your plate — especially if you plan on earning between the 6 or 7 figures the industry is known to provide.

There are many options. The world is your oyster when you can sell without having to deal with physical inventory. Dropshipping is a sophisticated business that requires careful management.

This line of work requires you to manage many moving parts. To be successful in this field, you will need the right tools online to manage the many facets of your business.

  • Management of team/productivity
  • Marketing feedback from clients
  • Profitable sourcing
  • Financial management
  • Win with boxes
  • Plus!

Dropshipping can be simplified by using the right combination of these tools. You’ll be able to make a lot of money!

Get the help of a genius

OAGenius is a versatile set of dropshipping tools that will help you scale your business. It allows you to list and sync Amazon inventory, find the most up-to-date pricing and organize order fulfillment.

OAGenius also uses API technology to connect and share information with the PriceCheck software, and Amazon for order and inventory management. These apps were designed to work together, encouraging arbitrage through tool stacking.

OAGenius’s product sourcing extension makes it easy for Amazon dropshippers find the best opportunities. You can compare prices from several top retailers and filter your results to find viable products for your purchase list. All this while you browse within Chrome.

Rule the Buy Box With Informed Automated Pricing

Dropshipping is a competitive business. This is especially true given Amazon’s focus on customers.

This is how it works: 82% of Amazon’s sales are made through the Buy Box. Without it, you’re basically toast. Informed.co has the best price management tools to help you get your share of this lucrative real estate. This repricing tool is ideal if you want to make a smooth setup and get hands-on support with automatic price changes based upon complex analytics and proven strategies.

Informed.co users have 63% more Buy Boxes after they sign up.

Spot N paste allows you to focus on what’s important

Spot n Paste’s order automation technology is state-of the-art. You can use a Universal Copier’ to copy addresses from any computer. You can then paste into any supplier that you choose. After you have pasted once with a supplier, the ‘Universal Paster” remembers your pasting format for future pastes.

This amazing tool was created to save you time.

Get the valuable feedback you need

Your marketing skills are a must for Amazon dropshippers. Your best marketing strategy in this industry is to connect with customers and get feedback.

Feedback Genius is a tool that automates the email process and reaches buyers with the most relevant messages. It will send emails based upon tracking information from UPS and FedEx. Important seller feedback will also be sent to you as soon as they are sent.

Hubstaff makes team management simple with

After your business is growing, and you have a team of people to manage, it’s easy to get distracted by their productivity and stop working on your business.

Below is a list of Hubstaff’s features:

  • Time tracking that is responsive on mobile, desktop and web
  • Online timesheets, so you don’t have to worry too much about spreadsheets
  • Tools that accurately measure productivity
  • Monitoring tools for productivity that track apps, URLs, and activity percentages
  • Online attendance tracking and team scheduling
  • Tracking of hourly and payment rates

Communication Is Key

Communication is essential when managing a team. Your team will succeed if you communicate well upfront and over the life of the business. You will need to build the team to grow your business. This means that you must provide training, onboarding, and other support. How can you maintain open communication?

There are many options, but two names stand out:

Skype and Slack.

Sending a simple video can be easier than talking.

offers a video recording extension that is sure to be of great use.

You can video call the team to explain, onboard, or solve problems via skype, though the screensharing can sometimes slow down. We recommend conferencing.

Maintain a Mint Condition of Your Finances

You now have the basics of your business covered. Now you can concentrate on finances.

Your business could be in serious trouble if you don’t keep track of how much money is coming in and going out. This is especially true if you sell a lot.

provides budget management, bill tracking and custom tips to reduce fees and save money. Dropshipping operations can’t afford not to use such a tool.

Mint is free, but you can get a more professional bookkeeping tool by purchasing a paid online plan using Quickbooks.


When you’re a dropshipper/arbitrager, you’re dealing with many different elements that must be kept in good order. You’ll be able to organize your operation more efficiently and profitably by stacking the right tools. Get a trial for free from OAGenius.