11 Best Practices in Dropshipping Business Model

Dropshipping is a great way to help the environment and add value.

Dropshipping must be transparent to ensure transparency. Businesses can’t rely solely on their profits and ignore the impact they have on the environment. Most people have changed their priorities due to the increasing awareness about the environmental effects of e-commerce and the age of climate change.

The pandemic this year has made a significant shift in consumer spending habits. People who have never used online shopping before now are more likely to shop there. This is where corporate social responsibility can help businesses. Dropshipping is a profitable practice that benefits the planet and adds value, regardless of whether it’s using compostable packing mangoes or cutting down plastic packaging.

Building Relationships with Users:

Building relationships with dropshipping business associates is crucial, not only for technical advances. People are interested to know what the brand is all about, whether it’s scheduling meetings with suppliers to plan and create a supportive environment or publishing blog posts that relate to many of the challenges people face around the globe. It is not possible to connect the two concepts of transactional experiences and product transactions. A business is much more than just making money. It’s about helping the world and making connections with people who believe in your cause. Dropshipping companies that do this will be noticed by people and they will most likely show support. This is what has made Indian electronics resellers and white-label saree companies so successful.

Energy and Positivity for Success –

It is essential that everyone involved in dropshipping companies is happy and healthy. Both small businesses and large corporations can’t strive for innovative practices without encouraging creativity in their employees. Building a positive culture in the company is one way to achieve this. Positive energy and positivity are generally infectious. Even though the world is in a bit of an impasse, e-commerce companies have the potential to continue moving forward by banking on their knowledge of the business world. We can see that Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, Ritesh Aggarwal, and all other founders of Indian unicorns were successful because they had the energy and positivity to pursue their ideas.

Social Media’s Importance:

A company can grow quickly by maintaining a strong social media presence. It is important to authentically portray the company by taking care. Behind the articles and screens, there are often passionate people working to make ecommerce easier and more accessible. Strong branding can be achieved through tasteful memes and supplier shoutouts.

One reason for this success is that well-written posts show the passion of each member of the team. It’s important to consider the personalities of those behind the scenes, and let them shine on social media accounts. This open-minded approach allows each individual to show that they are unique by dividing tasks and responsibilities. While this is an important business strategy that is often overlooked, it has become even more important in the age of AI and automated decision-making.

Drop-shipping can be a great way to reduce your costs and sometimes even improve customer service. Drop-shipping is a business that requires you to be well-informed and have the right tools and knowledge to succeed.

Louisa Rupp (director, strategic marketing) of VendorNet’s Web-based supply chain software provider VendorNet shares her top 12 drop-shipping best practices:

1. Get corporate buy-in by clearly defining roles and responsibilities within your organization. The vendor relationship must be owned by someone, but the entire organization should support drop-ship models and processes. Your Vendor Compliance Guidelines (and Vendor Scorecard) should be signed by all departments. Each should be reviewed annually.

2. Synchronize SKUs with the Model numbers, GTINs and specifications of your vendor. From the beginning of the relationship. Maintain control over cost changes and limit them to once per year. This information should be documented in your Vendor Compliance guidelines.

3. Automate drop-shipping. There is too much at stake. Automation is essential, regardless of whether you build the technology yourself, buy it from a third-party, or use an EDI ASP. If you use an ASP, ensure that the portal is accessible to low-tech vendors and has mapping capabilities so they can interface with non-EDI vendors.

4. Communicate regularly with your vendors sales forecasts – quarterly is a good minimum, but monthly is best. This communicates your vendor’s commitment and strengthens the partnership. It addresses the main reason behind backorders, which is inaccurate or outdated sales forecasts.

5. To review your vendors’ past activities, item forecasts and actuals, as well as their vendor scorecard, including backorders, shipping performance, customer service issues, aging metrics, cancels and returns, hold quarterly meetings. Give positive feedback to improve performance.

6. Assess vendor inventory levels and frequency of communication. Determine whether products should be discontinued or moved in-house.

7. Invite your top dropshippers to discuss how they can work together to improve sales, fulfillment, and profits.

8. To form one business team, cultivate strong relationships with vendors. To foster collaboration and teamwork, hold an annual vendor conference. This will help you develop new products and improve your business processes. Your vendors should feel like an extension of your business.

9. Vendor awards should be given out to recognize top accomplishments such as the lowest cancellation rate, best delivery time, highest sales growth, longest tenure of service, new product introductions and best vendor partner of year. To set an example for other vendors, create award categories based on product size and type.

10. You can place test orders with vendors quarterly just like you would with your warehouse. This will allow you to evaluate turnaround time, delivery, presentation, error and resolution of customer service problems.

11. You can categorize your vendors based on product line, sales and number of SKUs. This will allow you to gauge annual operational performance and profitability. It is too expensive not to drop underperforming vendors.

12. Designate an executive champion for your drop-ship program.


It’s not enough to say that a company won’t experience any bumps in its path, stressful predicaments or losses. It will, chances are. A business may not be willing to admit its mistakes often, but every success story has a lot of adversity. Dropshipping businesses don’t have to be ashamed of a lackluster rate of supplier onboarding and linear growth.

E-commerce is constantly changing and so does the reality for the associated business. Dropshipping companies have the potential to grow stronger and more resilient by coping with these changes. Recognize the problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again. Then, move on. A company can only remain relevant in an ever-changing field if it takes a systematic approach. Dropshipping companies must act as if the entire world is watching. They are in the spotlight because of the rapid growth of this industry.