15 Major Trends of Modern Education

Modern society needs not only qualified, initiative, and educated professionals but also developed individuals with formed morality, ready to take responsibility for their actions, to make a conscious choice. Since scientific and technological progress does not stand still, and access to information is becoming easier, the educational system should be continuously modernized.

According to case study writing service here are the main trends in the development of the education system today are:

  1. Continuity: a person has to constantly engage in self-education, to keep up with life and its dynamically changing requirements. The education system should provide the opportunity to learn throughout life, to deepen and update their knowledge.
  2. Universality: the educational process should form such a broad list of competencies, skills, and soft skills, which allows students to quickly learn new activities and get re-trained if necessary
  3. Cross-disciplinary: students should be aware of the links between different fields of knowledge, and education should be based on solving specific tasks using the tools of several disciplines.
  4. Individualized approach: the personal characteristics of each student must be taken into account, whatever form the interaction in education and upbringing may take.
  5. Pragmatic orientation: the key direction of the educational system development is its orientation on the actual spheres of activity and current tasks. Everything is determined by the situation in the labor market, competition, the demand for certain professions.
  6. Openness: the goals of education are established not only by the state order but also by the learning needs of students and their parents, teachers – in general, all those involved in the educational process.
  7. Multistage: the educational process consists of several stages, and at each stage, the student must reach the level of development and training that he or she can and aspires to. All these stages have their features, timeframes, and goals.
  8. Standardization: the development of the Russian education system should go in the direction of compliance with the unified state standard (for all forms of education). Evaluation of the output learning outcomes (outcome education) is also unified and subordinate to the standard.
  9. Separation: takes various forms in practice. It can be the unification of students into groups based on academic performance, classification of educational institutions (mass, elite, for persons with special needs and developmental delays), academic subjects (into compulsory and elective), creation of individual curricula for some or all students (to satisfy their interests and professional orientation as much as possible).
  10. Innovativeness: development of the education system in the direction of more creativity and non-standard approaches, refusal of rigid regulations, focus on students’ independent work, inculcation of decision-making skills, scientific approach to the tasks.
  11. Activity-based approach: theory makes sense only when it makes the practical activity more effective. This motivates students to be more active in learning, creativity, cognition, work.
  12. Nationalization: education is one of the ways to preserve and develop national values, be they folk traditions, cultural heritage, national history.
  13. Globalization: national education systems must interact and cooperate closely to enrich each other’s knowledge, find common ground, develop based on universal principles.
  14. Humanitarization: The content of educational programs must be successfully mastered by students, whichever type and level of education are concerned. Also included in this area of educational development is the study of a foreign language and excellent mastery of the native language so that people of all nationalities and professions can communicate and understand each other freely; literacy in economics and law; and familiarity with the history and culture of their country and the world.
  15. Ethics: The educational system must develop mutual respect between teachers and students, promoting values such as the preservation and promotion of health, human rights and dignity, and the discovery of human potential and talents.