Can I Use My Own Domain Name With Shopify?

When you start a business, one of the first things you need to do is find an online presence. But what if you don’t have a domain name? Do you have to use Shopify’s domain name or can you use your own? In this blog post, we will explore this question and answer it for you. We will also outline the pros and cons of using your own domain name versus using Shopify’s. So, whether you want to take control of your online presence or just get started, read on to learn more!

Can I Use My Own Domain Name With Shopify?

Yes, you can use your own domain name with Shopify. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before doing so. First, you’ll need to verify that your domain is available and registered with Shopify. Second, you’ll need to set up DNS records for your domain name and configure your web server to provide the correct location for your store’s index page. Finally, you’ll need to create a custom Shopify theme or add a custom css file to your site’s root folder.

To verify that your domain is available and registered with Shopify, simply open the Shopify account settings and click on the Domain Names section. If everything looks good, then your domain is registered and ready to be used with Shopify.

To set up DNS records for your domain name, open the Settings page for your web server (usually found under CPanel). Under Server Properties / General , scroll down until you find the DNS section and enter the correct information for your domain name. Be sure to include the trailing dot ( .com ) after your domain name if it isn’t already included.

How to Activate Your Domain Name with Shopify

If you’re looking to set up your own shop on Shopify, you can use your own domain name. Before you can activate your domain name with Shopify, you need to create a hosting account and then purchase a domain name from a provider like GoDaddy or NameCheap. Once you have your domain name, follow these steps to activate it with Shopify: Log into your Shopify admin panel and click the “Domains” tab. From here, click the “Add Domain” button and enter into the “Domain Name” field.

Click the “Go!” button to proceed to the next step. In the “Hosting Provider” section of the next screen, select the provider that you purchased your domain from and enter your hosting information into the fields provided. Click the “Next Step” button to continue. On the next screen, you’ll be asked to provide proof of ownership of your domain name (for example, a copy of your registration certificate). Click the “I Have The Proof!”:


Yes, you can use your own domain name with Shopify. You will need to purchase a domain name and then set it up as a subdomain of your Shopify store. For example, if you want to sell mantel clocks online, would be the main website for your shop, while would be the subdomain for selling mantel clocks.