Easy Steps to Setting Variables in Shopify Liquid

Are you looking to enhance your Shopify store’s functionality? If yes, then understanding Shopify Liquid is essential. Shopify Liquid is a templating language that allows developers and merchants to create stunning and customizable ecommerce websites.

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the ins and outs of setting variables in Shopify Liquid with easy-to-follow steps. So sit back, relax, and learn how you can use variables to improve your online store’s user experience!

What is Shopify Liquid?

Shopify Liquid is a templating language that allows developers to create customized ecommerce websites. It’s an essential part of Shopify, as it helps merchants and developers build the layout and functionality of their online stores.

One significant advantage of using Shopify Liquid is its flexibility in customizing your store’s design elements. Whether you want to change the product page layout or add dynamic content on your homepage, Shopify Liquid makes it possible.

Moreover, it uses variables, tags, objects and filters as its building blocks to allow users to input data into templates quickly. This feature enables you to modify almost every aspect of your site without any coding experience.

Understanding how Shopify Liquid works can help you maximize the potential of your store by creating unique designs that reflect your brand identity while providing customers with an exceptional shopping experience.

What are variables?

Variables are an essential concept in any programming language, including Shopify Liquid. In simple terms, a variable is a container that stores information or values for later use. Variables make it easier to manipulate and work with data within your code.

In Shopify Liquid, variables can be used to store different types of data such as strings, integers, arrays and objects. Once you define a variable name and assign it a value using the “assign” tag in Liquid syntax (i.e., {% assign my_variable = ‘Hello World!’ %}), you can then reference its value anywhere else in your code by simply calling its name.

One important thing to keep in mind when working with variables is their scope – which refers to where they can be accessed from within your code. Global variables are accessible from anywhere within the entire program while local variables have limited access only within specific functions or blocks.

Using variables correctly not only makes your code more readable but also helps reduce errors by allowing you to update values consistently throughout your program without having to manually change them every time they occur.

How to set variables in Shopify Liquid

Setting variables in Shopify Liquid is a crucial step for any developer who wants to create dynamic and personalized online stores. It allows you to store data, such as customer information or product details, and use it throughout your theme code.

To set a variable in Shopify Liquid, you need to start by defining the variable name using {% assign %}. For example, if you want to store the price of a product in a variable called “product_price”, you can write:

{% assign product_price = product.price %}

This will set the value of “product_price” equal to the current price of the product being displayed on the page. You can then use this variable anywhere else in your code by referencing its name within double curly braces {{ }}.

Variables are also useful for storing more complex data structures like arrays or hashes. To define an array, simply separate each value with a comma inside square brackets []. For example:

{% assign fruit = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘orange’] %}

This creates an array called “fruit” that contains three strings: “apple”, “banana”, and “orange”. You can access individual items within an array using their index number starting from 0 (e.g., {{ fruit[0] }} would output “apple”).

Setting variables in Shopify Liquid is easy once you understand how they work. With just a few lines of code, you can make your themes more flexible and customizable for both yourself and your clients.

Why use variables?

Variables are an essential part of coding in Shopify Liquid. They allow you to store information and reuse it throughout your code, saving time and effort. Instead of typing out the same piece of information multiple times, you can simply declare a variable and reference it whenever needed.

One significant advantage of using variables is that they make your code more readable and easier to maintain. By assigning meaningful names to your variables, you can quickly identify what each one represents without having to read through lines of code. This also makes debugging errors much simpler since you only need to check the value assigned to a particular variable instead of scouring all over your code for where the error occurred.

Another benefit is that variables help streamline the design process by allowing for quick changes across different parts of the site or page layout. For example, if you need to change a color scheme on multiple pages or sections, having defined color variables means changing them once will update every instance that references those colors.

By utilizing variables in Shopify Liquid, developers can create more efficient processes while significantly reducing development time spent on repetitive tasks or typos when manually entering data into their webpages/code snippets- thus creating better experiences for both themselves and their customers!


Setting variables in Shopify Liquid can seem intimidating at first, but it’s actually quite simple. Understanding how to set them will allow you to create more dynamic and personalized storefronts for your customers. By using variables, you’ll be able to display customized content that speaks directly to your audience and their unique needs.

Remember that as a content writer or SEO expert, you should always strive to use the right keywords when optimizing your Shopify store. This includes incorporating relevant product names into variable tags whenever possible.

With this guide on easy steps to setting variables in Shopify Liquid under your belt, you’re well on your way towards creating powerful and effective e-commerce experiences for customers. So go ahead and get creative – have fun experimenting with different types of variables until you find what works best for your business!