Guide to Add Background Music to Shopify Store

Are you looking for ways to make your Shopify store stand out from the competition? Adding background music might just be the solution! Not only does it create a unique and memorable shopping experience, but it can also set the tone for your brand. However, adding background music isn’t always straightforward on Shopify.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you navigate through the process and add some musical flair to your online store. So turn up the volume and let’s get started!

How to add background music to your Shopify store

Adding background music to your Shopify store can create a unique and memorable shopping experience for your customers. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Choose the right audio file

When selecting an audio file, make sure that it aligns with your brand image and complements the overall aesthetic of your website. You should also consider the length of the track, as longer tracks may become repetitive or annoying.

Step 2: Upload the audio file to a hosting platform

To add background music to your Shopify store, you’ll need to upload the audio file to a hosting platform like SoundCloud or Spotify. Once uploaded, copy the embed code provided by these platforms.

Step 3: Add the embed code to your Shopify store

In Shopify, navigate to “Online Store” and select “Themes”. From there, click on “Actions” followed by “Edit Code”. Scroll down until you find a section where you want to add music (such as homepage) then paste in the embed code from Step 2.

Step 4: Test and adjust volume settings

 Preview how it sounds before publishing live! Make sure that it is not too loud or distracting from other elements on your site. Adjust volume settings accordingly.

By following these steps precisely adding background music will be easy for any Shopify store owner!

Why add background music to your Shopify store

Adding background music to your Shopify store is an excellent way to enhance the overall customer experience. Music has been shown to affect a person’s mood and emotions, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Firstly, background music can set the tone for your brand and products. The right choice of music can create a unique atmosphere that resonates with your target audience, making them feel more connected to your brand. This emotional connection increases the likelihood of customers returning for future purchases.

Secondly, background music can also improve the perception of wait times on your site by keeping customers engaged while they browse through products or wait in line. A study conducted by Millward Brown found that adding appropriate in-store music led to shoppers spending 17% more time in stores and purchasing up to 6% more items.

Incorporating relevant mood-setting soundtracks into specific product pages like “Romantic” or “Party” adds an extra layer of personalization that showcases how much you care about offering a great shopping experience for each individual client.

Ultimately, adding background music provides an opportunity not only to entertain but also engage visitors on a deeper level as they shop around – creating a memorable online shopping experience that could turn first-time buyers into repeat customers!

Best Practices

When it comes to adding background music to your Shopify store, there are some best practices that you should keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure that the music is appropriate for your brand and target audience. The last thing you want is to turn off potential customers with a song that doesn’t resonate with them.

Another important factor is the volume of the music. You don’t want it to be too loud or too quiet, as both can be equally unappealing. Test out different volumes until you find the sweet spot where it adds ambiance without overpowering everything else on your website.

Consider setting up an auto-play feature so that the music starts playing as soon as someone visits your site. However, provide a clear and easy-to-find option for visitors to pause or mute the audio if they prefer not to listen.

Make sure that any licensing requirements are met before using any copyrighted songs on your website. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and avoid any legal issues down the line.

Following these best practices will ensure that your background music enhances rather than detracts from your Shopify store’s overall user experience.


Adding background music to your Shopify store may seem like a small addition, but it can make a big impact on the overall shopping experience for your customers. With the right approach and some careful consideration of best practices, you can incorporate music in a way that enhances your brand and creates an enjoyable atmosphere for shoppers.

Remember to choose appropriate music that reflects your brand’s personality and values, keep the volume at a reasonable level, and provide easy controls so that visitors can adjust or turn off the sound if needed. By following these guidelines and experimenting with different options over time, you can find the perfect balance between audio content and visual design for your online store.

With this guide as your starting point, you’ll be well-equipped to add background music to your Shopify store successfully. Take advantage of this powerful tool to create an immersive shopping experience that engages visitors from start to finish!