How to Clear Cache in Shopify Store?

We all know that a well-functioning website is crucial for online success. But what many don’t realize is that a website’s speed and performance are also impacted by something called “cache”. In this blog post, we’ll explain what cache is, why it’s important, and how to clear it in your Shopify store.

What is cache?

When you visit a website, your web browser saves certain information from the site on your computer’s hard drive in a cache. This makes it so the next time you visit that website, your browser can load the page faster because it doesn’t have to retrieve all of the information from the website’s servers.

However, over time this cached data can start to take up space on your hard drive, and it can also become outdated. That’s why it’s a good idea to periodically clear your cache. In this article, we’ll show you how to clear the cache in your Shopify store.

Why clear cache in Shopify store?

A cache is a temporary storage location that sits between your web browser and the server where a website is hosted. When you visit a website, your web browser will save some of the data from that site in its cache. This makes loading subsequent pages on the site faster because the data doesn’t have to be downloaded from the server again.

However, over time, this cached data can start to take up space on your hard drive and slow down your web browser. That’s why it’s a good idea to periodically clear the cache in your Shopify store. Clearing the cache will remove any outdated data and help keep your store running smoothly.

To clear the cache in your Shopify store, go to Settings > General and scroll down to the ‘Clear Cache’ button. Click this button and confirm that you want to clear the cache. Once it’s been cleared, you’ll see a message stating that ‘Shopify successfully cleared your caches.’

How to clear cache in Shopify store?

When you make changes to your Shopify store, you might notice that those changes don’t seem to be taking effect right away. This is because the web browser you’re using is loading a cached version of your store, which is a saved version of the last time you loaded the page.

To clear your cache and see your changes right away, you’ll need to force your web browser to reload the page from the server. This can be done by pressing CTRL + F5 (Windows) or CMD + R (Mac) on your keyboard while viewing your store.


It years, Shopify has become one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market. Part of the reason for this is because it is so user-friendly and easy to use. However, one thing that can be a bit tricky to figure out is how to clear your cache in Shopify. In this article, we will walk you through the steps you need to take in order to clear your cache and ensure that your store is running smoothly.