How to do Drop Surfing in a Shopify Store?

As a Shopify store owner, you know that dropshipping is one of the most popular ecommerce strategies out there. But what are the steps you need to take in order to drop ship successfully? In this article, we will take a look at the different aspects of dropshipping and walk you through the process of setting it up on your Shopify store.

What is Drop Surfing?

Drop surfing is a technique used to increase your website’s traffic by allowing people to view your products without actually making a purchase. When someone clicks on a product link in your shop, you will automatically be redirected to the product page on During the checkout process, you will be able to complete the purchase on This process is called drop shipping.

Why Use Drop Surfing?

There are many reasons why you might want to use drop surfing in your shop. One reason is that it can help you increase your website’s traffic. When people view your products without making a purchase, they are likely to click on other links in your shop as well. This increased traffic can lead to more sales for you and for your competitors.

Another reason to use drop surfing is that it can help you reduce costs. You don’t have to pay Amazon anything for the traffic that you generate through drop surfing. In fact, Amazon charges merchants only when someone actually makes a purchase through their site. This means that you can save money by using drop surfing instead of paying for advertising or marketing campaigns.

Pros and Cons of using Drop Surfing

Drop surfing is a popular way to browse products on Shopify stores. It’s simple to use and can be a great way to find new products and brands. However, there are some pros and cons to using drop surfing. Here are the key points to consider:

Pros of using drop surfing:

-It’s quick and easy to use.
-It can be a great way to find new products and brands.
-It’s a great way to explore a store’s inventory.
-It can be a fun way to spend time.

Cons of using drop surfing:

-Some products may not be available in all languages.
-Some products may only be available in limited quantities.
-Some products may not be compatible with certain browsers or devices.

Understand the Drop Surfing Process

Drop surfing is a great way to increase your traffic to your Shopify store. Here are four steps to get started:

1. Create a drop zone in your Shopify store. This is where customers can add products they want to buy to their shopping cart, but haven’t added to their cart yet.

2. Set up the drop zone’s settings. In this setting, you will determine how long the product stays in the drop zone after a customer adds it to their shopping cart. You can choose between a fixed time or an auto-update timer. The auto-update timer will keep the product in the drop zone until it’s sold or the timer expires (whichever comes first).

3. Add products to the drop zone using the add product button on your shop page. You can also use the add product button on individual product pages.

4. Profit! 🙂Now that you understand how to add products to your drop zone and profit from their sale, be sure to check out our tutorials on how to set up a dropshipping store and how to create an ecommerce website.

Create a Shopify Store accordingly

There are a few simple steps to drop surfing through your Shopify store:

1. Create a new store on (or use an existing store).
2. Add the necessary Shopify themes, apps, and templates to your new store.
3. Configure your store as you desire, adding any products or services that you would like to offer.
4. Launch your store and start attracting visitors!

Configure your Shopify Store for Drop Surfing

If you’re looking to start drop surfing through your Shopify store, there are a few things you’ll need to configure. The first is your Shopify Store’s drop zone configuration. You can find this under Sales > Settings > Dropshipping:

The next step is to add a new order type to your store. This order type will be used for drop surfing. To do this, go to Sales > Orders and click on the Add Order Type button:

In the Order Type Details window, enter Drop Surf as the name and select the SKU of the product you want to use for drop surfing. Click on the Create button:

Now that we’ve configured our store for drop surfing, we need to add some code to our theme’s functions.php file.

Start Selling your Products!

If you’re thinking about starting a Shopify store, drop surfing is a great way to get started. Drop surfing is when you browse through Shopify stores and look at the products that catch your eye. Then, you can add those products to your shopping cart and check out.

You can drop surf by entering the following address into your browser:{store_name}/. Once you’re on the store’s homepage, click the “Products” link in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

To drop surf through a specific category, click on that category’s name in the navigation bar above the products. Once you’ve selected a category, scroll down until you see the products that interest you. Click on one of those products to view its details. If you want to add that product to your shopping cart, click on the “Add to Cart” button below it.

Drop surfing is a great way to find new products to sell on your Shopify store. It’s also a great way to find products that are popular among other Shopify store owners. If you find a product that you want to buy, it’s always a good idea to check out


There are a few steps you can take to drop surfing through your Shopify store. The first is to create a filter for the products that interest you. For example, if you are interested in watches but don’t want to see any other type of product, set up a filter that includes “watch” in the criteria. This will help you focus on the items that are most relevant to your interests and save time scrolling through irrelevant items.

The second step is to make sure your pages load as quickly as possible. You can do this by using optimized images and loading stylesheets only when they are needed, which will decrease the number of requests made from your server. Finally, consider creating customer reviews for each product so customers have an additional source of information before making a purchase.