How to do Keyword Research for Amazon and its Algorithm?

Amazon has over 12,000,000 products. It can be difficult to ensure your product is available.

It is almost impossible to be found among these 1.6 Million active sellers. On average, 355,000 new sellers join Amazon each year.

You can be ahead of the rest if you do your keyword research and have a plan to improve your keywords.

Amazon’s Search Algorithm

Before we dive into the technicalities behind keyword research, let us first understand how Amazon’s search algorithm works.

Their algorithm’s moniker is A9. Jeff Bezos frequently mentions that he wants Amazon the most customer-focused company on the planet. The Amazon search bar is a tool to help him achieve this.

These are the main four factors that will determine which products appear when a potential customer types a keyword in the box:

  • Cart Products that are added to the cart less often are prioritized
  • Reviews Items with positive ratings are more likely be displayed
  • Conversion rate – Amazon compares how many page views a product has had with how well it converted.
  • Relevance A crawler will examine the title, image and keywords of your page, and then rank your product accordingly

The first three items on this list are not recommended for those who have just started selling. The relevance point is where you can make big gains.

Amazon SEO

This is why SEO is so important. If you optimize your keywords, the rest of the elements will follow.

Take a look at Amazon SEO as this:

  • Keyword Research
  • Optimised Product Listing
  • Increase Rankings
  • Greater Visibility
  • More revenue

Amazon SEO works exactly the same way as Google ranking. You can’t get any sales if you aren’t on page 2 or 3.

It is evident how important SEO can be when you consider that nearly 2/3 of Amazon customers search via the search bar.

What Amazon Product fields are the most important?

Let’s first look at the fields that we will be doing keyword research in and some tips to help you do it right.

Product Title

  • Include important information, including any unique selling points and benefits.
  • Ideal characters are 80 characters Amazon rewards titles that are short and concise
  • If you have a longer text, ensure that the first 70 characters are the most crucial. This is the cutoff for mobile.
  • Be objective. Avoid vague statements like “Popular” and “Best Seller”.

Bullet Points

  • Highlight the top five features, along with any specifications or warranty information.
  • Mobile only displays 3 bullet points, so choose the best.
  • Each bullet needs 200 characters.

Production Description

These should be used in conjunction with the bullet points and will appear in the same spot. Important to remember:

  • Do not duplicate the bullet points
  • Tell a story about the product

How to conduct keyword research for Amazon

Let’s get down to business. What are the best methods to do keyword research on your products? We have listed five simple ways to get your products displayed.


There are many great Amazon keyword tools. We’ll mention one more later. But the Amazon search bar is the best way to get started.

Simply type the seed keyword in the search bar. You will be presented with the most relevant keywords to your seed keyword. These keywords can be saved to a spreadsheet.


Is Amazon your competitor? You can check their seller accounts by entering their name in the search bar.

You can find the following information on their website:

  • Which keywords are they using and why?
  • What products get the most reviews?
  • Are they able to obtain an ASIN?

If the ASIN number is available for the product, you can sell the same product. You can search for the product number in the search bar to see the keywords that others use.


A great way to do keyword research is to look at the titles of product pages:

  • Often bought together
  • This item is also available in related products
  • Compare with similar products

It is a good place to begin. Look at the Amazon suggestions for products and include the keywords in your main product description.


Compare your reviews with those of your competition. Do they have any keywords to refer to the product that you are selling?

This is an example of a Smart TV. One of the most highly rated reviews mentions several devices and apps that can be used with the TV. These are important features to include in your product descriptions.


There are many keyword research tools you can use to help Amazon, as we have already mentioned. Salezone is one we recommend.

Sellzone is powered and managed by Semrush, who has 12 years experience in keyword research. So you know that you are in good hands.

Sellzone is a simple way to:

  • Find the most searched keywords for your product in Amazon
  • Search visibility can be quickly won by finding keywords that are easy to win and those that are not.
  • All keywords should be strategized and collected

All this is possible with Sellzone’s Amazon Keyword Wizard. You first need to enter your seed keyword. Sellzone will then return phrases based upon their volume and competition.

You can choose whether you would like to see a broad phrase, exact or phrase match.

  • Broad This is the most extensive and can take any keywords and place them in any order.
  • Phrase shows exactly what words you have entered in any order
  • Exact Keywords must be entered in the same order as you entered them

Sellzone’s greatest benefit is its ability to identify “low hanging fruits”, as we have mentioned. This means keywords with high volumes and low competition.

You can use the filters to adjust the levels, then export the keyword list for Amazon.

You can also exclude keywords. Let’s say that your coffeemaker was not small.

Once you’ve done that, there are additional features to display the most popular search teams.

Amazon allows you to hide search terms from the product page when you list a product. You will need to remove all filters from your product page and click the “Search Terms” button.

The most frequently used terms will be displayed to you. According to Amazon’s guidelines, Sellzone will automatically limit it to 249 characters. It will also eliminate any instances of numbers, which doesn’t meet Amazon guidelines. All information that Amazon considers superfluous would be deemed to be summarized.

Sellzone makes this a great option, because you not only get the most searched terms for your product but also save so much admin time.

You will need to have a paid plan to access the filters and export the keywords. It starts at $50 per month.

You can get the following free plans:

  • Split testing – Unlimited use of A/B titles, product descriptions, images, and price points
  • Keyword Wizard: 100 keywords total, up to 3 seed keywords daily
  • Traffic Insights Unlimited overview reports on competitor strategies. You will also be able to see which traffic channels are most profitable.
  • Listing Quality Inspection – Fix content errors and incomplete listings To avoid suspension, ensure that all products comply with Amazon’s guidelines.

You can try the paid plan for 7 days free. However, all results are only valid on the US Amazon Marketplace.

How to improve your Amazon keyword rankings

You may feel that you are now able to just relax and watch the sales flow in after you’ve done everything.

Keyword research is not a one-off job. You need to monitor their performance.

Sellzone’s Listing Protection is a great option. To minimize sales losses, you will receive an email or SMS notification if your listing is not in good standing.

Monitoring your products 24/7 will include the effectiveness of keywords and adjustments to search visibility.

Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC is worth looking into if you have additional advertising budget. This can help with keyword research, and boost your SEO.

You can optimize your product pages using SEO and benefit PPC if you follow the above instructions. Your PPC campaigns will rank high because they are based on relevancy.

6 Key Points for Your Keywords

It’s important to note what Amazon does not allow or don’t like when conducting research.

  • Repetition This isn’t the early 2000’s. The old black-hat SEO tactic, repeating your most important keyword isn’t going to work.
  • Capitals: Whether you capitalize letters or not will have no effect on the success rate of your keywords
  • Single or plural. You don’t have to include both, e.g. “TV” and/or “TVs”. Amazon will display your product for both
  • Misspellings– A tactic in Google Ads is to bid for slight misspellings of words. This means that they have a low CPC and high intent. Amazon matches misspellings to the correct spelling, so this tactic fails.
  • Accents/Umlaute — u will match ue so you don’t need to add either
  • Complementary words – If there are spaces between words, you will need to add them with or without. You would add foot ball to football, for example.


Relevance is crucial for product listings if you are just getting started with Amazon. Optimizing your pages is crucial if you don’t want to rely on reviews, add-to-carts, or conversion rates.

There are many free methods to do this, including the search bar or by looking at competitor activity. A third-party tool like Sellzone can help you identify low-hanging fruit and improve your keyword research.