How to Easily Add Image Captions to Shopify Products?

Are you looking for ways to enhance your Shopify product pages? Adding image captions can be a simple yet effective method to provide more information about your products and increase their visibility. Not only do image captions help with SEO, but they also make your website more accessible to users who rely on screen readers.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the steps of adding image captions to Shopify products so that you can take advantage of this valuable feature and improve your online store’s performance.

What are Image Captions?

Image captions are short descriptions that appear underneath images on a webpage. They provide additional information about the image and its context, giving users more details about what they are seeing.

In e-commerce, image captions can be particularly useful for product pages as they help buyers understand key features of the item at a glance. For example, an image caption could describe the material or size of a product in detail.

Not only do image captions benefit your customers, but they also improve your website’s SEO by providing more text for search engines to crawl and index. This means that adding descriptive and relevant image captions can significantly increase your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, using image captions is important for accessibility purposes since it allows visually-impaired users who rely on screen readers to understand what is being displayed on the page without having to see it themselves.

Incorporating clear and informative image captions is an easy way to enhance user experience while simultaneously improving your website’s performance.

Why Use Image Captions on Shopify?

Using high-quality images on your Shopify store is essential for showcasing your products and catching the attention of potential customers. However, adding image captions to these photos can take your product pages to the next level by providing valuable information and enhancing user experience.

Image captions provide an opportunity to describe the product in more detail, highlight key features or benefits, and even inject some personality into your brand. Captions also make it easier for visually impaired users to understand what’s happening in each photo through assistive technologies like screen readers.

Moreover, search engines use image captions as a ranking factor when determining the relevance of a page. By including relevant keywords in your captions, you increase the chances of appearing in search results for those specific terms.

Using image captions on Shopify will improve both user experience and SEO performance while also giving you a chance to showcase your brand’s voice and personality. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance the visual appeal of your online store and attract more customers.

How to Add Image Captions to Shopify Products

Adding image captions to Shopify products is a simple process that can make your online store look more professional and polished. To get started, go to the product page where you want to add an image caption and click on the “Edit” button. Then, scroll down until you see the “Images” section.

Under each image, there will be a blank field labeled “Alt text.” This is where you can enter your image caption. Be sure to keep it short and descriptive, as this will help with SEO and accessibility for visually impaired customers who use screen readers.

Once you have added your caption, click on the “Save” button at the bottom of the page. Repeat this process for all of the images on that particular product page.

If you want to add captions to multiple products at once, simply go to your Shopify admin dashboard and select “Products.” From there, choose which products you want to edit by checking off their boxes. Then click on the “Actions” dropdown menu and select “Edit selected.”

In the popup window that appears, scroll down until you see the “Images” section again. Follow the same steps as before by entering alt text in each corresponding field.

By taking just a few minutes out of your day to add image captions throughout your store’s products pages, you’ll improve both user experience and SEO rankings!


Adding image captions to your Shopify products is a simple but effective way to enhance your product pages. By providing helpful descriptions and context for your images, you can not only improve the user experience for potential customers but also boost your SEO efforts.

Remember to keep your captions concise, informative, and relevant to the product image. Use keywords strategically and try to incorporate customer pain points or benefits into the caption where possible.

By following these tips and using Shopify’s built-in tools, you can easily add image captions that will help drive traffic and sales on your online store. So why not give it a try today? Your customers (and search engines) will thank you!