How To Have Multiple Shopify Stores? Short Guide

Creating and managing multiple Shopify stores can be a daunting task, but with the help of the right software, it can be a lot easier. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best standalone Shopify store creators out there, and show you how to set them up so that you can manage multiple stores with ease.

How to Add a Shopify Store to Your Website

Adding a Shopify store to your website is easy. You can add it in just a few minutes using the Shopify app or the Shopify website. Once you have added a store, you can start selling products and hosting your own online shop.

To add a store to your website, follow these steps:

1. Open the Shopify app or the Shopify website.

2. Click the Stores button on the top left corner of the screen.

3. Click Add Store on the top right corner of the screen.

4. Enter your store’s name and URL in the fields below, and click Create Store.

5. Click Activate Store on the top right corner of the screen to activate your store.

How To Have Multiple Shopify Stores?

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably have one (or two) stores that are your main focus. But what if you want to start selling on Shopify in addition to your existing stores? Here’s how to do it!

First, create a new Shopify store. This will be your secondary store, and all your sales will go towards this store. Next, connect your existing stores to this new store. Once everything is connected, start selling products from your main store and also from the secondary store. It’s that easy!

How to Use Shopify’s Shopping Cart

If you own a business that sells products, then you’re likely familiar with Shopify’s shopping cart. Shopify’s shopping cart is an essential tool for managing your inventory and keeping your business organized. In this article, we’ll show you how to use Shopify’s shopping cart to manage multiple stores.

First, create a new store on Shopify. Next, add all of the products that you’ll be selling to your store. You can add products from any source – including Amazon, eBay, and your own inventory.

Now, create a shopping cart for your new store. To do this, go to Shopify’s Settings page and click on the Shopping Cart tab.

Next, fill in the details of your shopping cart. You’ll need to specify the name of your store, the URL of your store (this will be displayed in the navigation bar), and the name of the shopping cart (this will be used to identify the shopping cart in the navigation bar).

Finally, set up shipping options for your products. To do this, go to Merchant Settings and click on Shipping Options. You’ll need to specify the shipping address for each product, as well as the shipping rate (if applicable).

How to Sell on Shopify

If you’re like most ecommerce entrepreneurs, you have at least one store on Shopify. But what if you want to sell products in other stores as well? Here’s how to do it!

1. Add a new store to your Shopify account. This can be done by going to your Shopify admin panel and clicking on Stores > New Store. Name the store whatever you like and set up the basic settings: URL, category, and product types. You can also choose a theme and customize the storefront design.

2. Once the store is set up, add products from your main shop to the new store. Go to Products > Add Product and paste in the product ID for the product you want to add to the new store. You’ll also need to set up a product category for this product in the new store; for example, Home & Kitchen Supplies. If you don’t already have a category for this product type, you can create one now by clicking on Categories in the left-hand menu and selecting New Category from the menu that appears.

3. Now that your products are in the new store, go back to your main shop and select Products >Manage Products. You’ll see a list of all the products you’ve added to the new store, along with their product categories and ids. To sell these products in your main shop, simply select the product from the list and click on Sell on Shopify.

That’s it! Now you can sell products in your other stores without having to leave Shopify.

How to Monitor Multiple Shopify Store

There are a few ways to monitor multiple Shopify stores from one spot.

One way is to use a Shopify store monitor like Shopify Monitor. This app will allow you to view all of your shops in one place, and make sure they’re all running smoothly.

Another way is to use a third-party shop monitoring tool like Scout. This service will allow you to watch over multiple stores simultaneously, and get notified if anything goes wrong.


If you’re like most small business owners, you’re probably juggling multiple shopify stores – each with its own inventory, customers, and admin panel. While it can be tempting to keep everything separate, keeping your shops connected makes life a lot easier. In this article, I’ll outline the basic steps needed to set up Shopify so that your products and orders from one store automatically flow into another. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced merchant, taking these few steps will help make managing your shop much smoother.