How to Merge Two Stores On Shopify?

Are you running multiple Shopify stores and looking to merge them into one? Perhaps you’ve acquired a new brand or want to simplify your operations. Whatever the reason, merging two stores on Shopify can seem like an overwhelming task.

But fear not! In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step and provide tips on how to streamline it for maximum efficiency. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started on combining your online shops into one unified storefront!

Why Would You Merge Two Stores?

Merging two Shopify stores is a big decision that requires careful consideration. There are various reasons why you may want to merge your stores, and the most common one is to streamline operations and reduce costs. By merging stores, you can manage all aspects of your business from a single location, such as inventory management, order fulfillment, customer support, and marketing campaigns.

Another reason for merging two stores is to consolidate product offerings. If both of your stores sell similar products or services but have different target audiences or branding strategies, combining them will allow you to leverage the strengths of each brand while eliminating any overlap in products.

Merging also helps eliminate confusion among customers who may be confused about which store they should purchase from. With one consolidated store setup with clear navigation tools for easy shopping experience would surely help attract more customers.

Merging two Shopify stores can increase sales by allowing you to cross-sell products between the merged sites’ customer base for increased profitability.

In summary; when it comes down to why merge shops on Shopify there are numerous benefits including cost-saving measures through centralized processing systems but also consolidation of product lines into one cohesive collection without confusing customers too much – ultimately leading towards higher sales figures due in part because we remove redundancies within our businesses!

How to go about Merging Two Stores?

Merging two Shopify stores can seem like a daunting task, but with proper planning and execution, it can be done smoothly. First things first, decide which store will serve as the primary one and which one will be merged into it. This decision should be based on factors such as sales volume, customer base, and product offerings.

Next, make sure to back up all data from both stores before proceeding with the merge. This includes orders, products, customer information, analytics data and any third-party integrations you might have in place.

Once your backup is complete, you’ll need to map out how you want to transfer your products from one store to another. Consider using apps that allow for bulk transfer of products between stores or exporting/importing CSV files.

Along with transferring product data over to the primary store ensure that all redirects are set up so customers don’t experience broken links while browsing through the site. Once everything is moved over successfully double-check that all payment gateways are connected properly along with email notifications being sent out correctly.

Lastly test thoroughly after merging two Shopify stores to ensure everything has been migrated successfully including images links etc..

What’s the Difference Between Duplicating and Merging Products?

When it comes to merging two Shopify stores, one of the most critical aspects is managing products. Depending on how different or similar the two stores are, you may have duplicate products that need consolidation.

To do this efficiently, it’s important to understand the difference between duplicating and merging products. Duplicating a product creates an entirely new item in your store with its own unique ID. This option can be helpful when you want to create a variation of a product without affecting the original version.

Merging products, on the other hand, combines multiple items into one unified product record. This action helps eliminate duplicate entries and improves overall data consistency across both stores.

When deciding whether to merge or duplicate a product from one store to another, consider how much work will go into maintaining separate records for each item and if there is any potential overlap between them.

Understanding these differences will help ensure that your merged store has accurate and organized product listings for customers to browse through easily.

How to Merge Products from One Shopify Store to Another

Merging products from one Shopify store to another can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple. Here are some steps you can take to ensure a smooth product merge:

Firstly, identify the products that need to be merged and check if they have any duplicate SKUs or barcodes. If there are duplicates, make sure to update them before proceeding.

Next, export the product data from each store in CSV format. This will allow you to compare the two sets of data side by side.

Once you’ve identified which products need merging, copy and paste the relevant information into one master CSV file.

Before importing this new file into your main Shopify store, double-check that all of the necessary fields have been filled out correctly.

Import the merged product data into your main store and delete any duplicates as needed. Don’t forget to also update your collections and ensure that everything is displaying correctly on your storefront.

By following these steps carefully and methodically, you should be able to successfully merge products from multiple stores without encountering too many issues along the way!


Merging two Shopify stores can be a bit of a challenge, but it is definitely manageable. Whether you’re looking to consolidate your product offerings or merge multiple brands into one store, following the steps mentioned above will help ensure that the process goes smoothly.

Remember, before merging two stores together, always create a backup of both sites and plan ahead so that no data is lost during the migration. Additionally, consider consulting with an expert if you are unsure about any aspect of this process.

By keeping all these factors in mind and following our guide on how to merge two Shopify stores successfully, you’ll be able to streamline your operations and take advantage of new opportunities for growth in no time!