ReCharge Subscriptions Shopify App Pricing and Review

It can be difficult to manage customer subscriptions for an eCommerce store owner. These are recurring payments that require close monitoring. Subscriptions are recurring payments that customers pay monthly.
The ReCharge Subscriptions app allows you to monitor customer lifetime value and maintain your buyer’s relationship. Shopify does not offer a way to handle recurring payments. This is why the ReCharge App was created.

We have reviewed the ReCharge Subscriptions App and evaluated its efficiency.

Full Tutorial and Review

eCommerce businesses can use the ReCharge Subscriptions app to manage their customers’ subscriptions. To maintain buyer relationships and ensure that customers are valued, it is important to make the subscription process seamless.

Your business will see significant growth in revenue and customer engagement if recurring payments are made easier. This is the goal of the ReCharge Subscriptions App.

ReCharge subscriptions App works with major payment processors and methods such as Stripe, or Braintree by Paypal. Active Merchant is also supported for payment processing. Payment methods include Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal.

Your customers can manage their subscriptions using ReCharge Subscriptions. Your customers can manage their subscriptions online via ReChargeSMS or Customer Portal.


ReCharge Subscriptions has been rated 4.7 stars and received 256 reviews. Reviewers praise the app for its efficiency in managing customers’ subscriptions, and the prompt customer support provided by its developers.

Subscriptions for Recharging App Tutorial

  • You can find the ReCharge Subscriptions App in the Shopify app shop. It is easy to install like any other app. After integrating the app with Shopify Plus or Shopify, you will be redirected immediately to the start guide.
  • After the start guide loads you will need to enter your store details. Then you can proceed to the “Add your first Subscription Product” page.
  • First, choose a product to start with. Next, select the method you want to offer your subscription. A:
  1. Subscription or one-time
  2. Subscribe
  • After you have chosen a subscription model, it is time to offer discounts and determine the frequency of payments.
  • Finally, publish your subscription and you’re good to go.

Additional Information

ReCharge Subscriptions App offers top navigation

  • Orders
  • Customers
  • Products
  • Integration
  • Analytics

Click on the navigation panel to customize your subscription widget. You can edit the text, language, default option, order of purchase, colors, and popup with subscription details.

With just a few clicks, the ReCharge subscriptions app allows you to customize your store so that you can offer subscription products. You can sell subscriptions in minutes.

  • You can either choose from one of the pre-made templates or make your own Customer Portal. Subscribers have the option to reply to text messages to make changes to their orders, such as to add a new product or to swap products. They can also change their shipping address and other details using ReChargeSMS.
  • ReCharge offers easy and quick ways to increase your Average Order Value. Subscribers can combine subscription and one-time items in the same shopping basket.


ReCharge Subscriptions loading speed is a major concern. Our tests showed that Shopify loads quickly with very little difference.


The ReCharge App allows you to increase your average order value and customer loyalty. Your customers can sign up to receive recurring payments that will be charged over time. It’s also a great way to sell products before your customers leave.

Multi-product shops looking to promote less popular products will find the ReCharge App a great idea. This app is ideal for businesses that offer subscription boxes or billing payments. It is however a more expensive option than its competitors. You might want to consider carefully before you make your final purchase.

ReCharge Subscriptions Shopify App Pricing

Your monthly charges will vary depending on which plan you choose. To compare your options, please review the pricing plans.

We offer the Standard plan without any fixed fees and on a monthly basis. You can take your time installing and configuring Recharge and you won’t have to pay anything until you sign up for your first paying customer.

The Recharge billing period runs monthly and the amount will be charged at the end of each billing period.

The usage fees vary by plan. They only apply to transactions processed by Recharge each month. Pricing includes a transaction fee and 1% of the total amount processed in Recharge during the most recent billing period.

Recharge pricing is inclusive of any other services or solutions that your store may use, such as your ecommerce platform and payment processor

Standard and Pro plans can be purchased on month-tomonth contracts. Enterprise plans offer longer term contracts.

Shopify Recharge Integration allows you to redefine subscriptions

Your subscription model should be intuitive, scalable and growth-driven to ensure predictable recurring revenue. HulkApps offers unrivaled Recharge Shopify partner strategic assistance.

  • Enhance UX through customization extensibility
  • Analytics at the granular level drive growth
  • There are many ways to manage recurring order management
  • Our Recharge Shopify expertise allows for rapid onboarding

Recharge Shopify Integration benefits

Create a great subscriber experience

Shopify’s expertise can be leveraged by brands with Recharge and HulkApps to increase subscriptions. Flexible dashboards are available, upsells for products not in the subscription plan, advanced tracking via custom funnel design, and much more.

  • Simple and customer-first

Engaging interactions are possible through top-level user-centricity

  • Excellent interface behavior

Rich interface with elegant designs, navigation flexibility and rich interface

  • LTV and conversions

Influence a once-in-a-lifetime buyer to become a long-term buyer

  • Everywhere, anytime

Mobile-optimized design for enhanced engagement and recurring revenues

Why recharge?

Recharge Shopify offers recurring billing that puts you in the lead

Get Discounts on Customization

  • Discount customization via custom codes
  • Each recurring order is subject to the same rules
  • Checkout or renewal: Enablement
  • Incompatible with Bold or PayWhirl

Prepaid subscription flow

  • Multi-order compatibility
  • With active delivery, upfront payments
  • Predictable revenue growth
  • Bold is not available with this app.

Distinct notification capabilities

  • Order management via SMS Notifications
  • Credit card expiry, order skipped owner notifications
  • Owners receive ‘Variant Not Found’ notifications
  • Incompatible with Seal Subscription, Bold, PayWhirl and Seal

Shopify Recharge + Shopify HulkApps can increase customer LTV

Minimizing downtime

HulkApps is a company that focuses on customer retention strategies. They provide the best functionality for order processing, fast checkout, and order processing with zero downtime.

Setting up a custom dashboard

Our experts offer constant support to grow by solving unique problems using a customized dashboard for recurring billing via the Recharge Shopify App.

Manage subscription flexibility

Our deep-level Recharge Shopify integration expertise allows us to reduce merchant requests for cancellations and update functionalities.

Recharge Shopify Subscription Solution

Shopify Recharge subscriptions and direct-to-consumer products are becoming a huge hit with merchants of all types. HulkApps can help you create recurring revenue streams that are both profitable and sustainable.

HulkApps delivers a complete personalized experience

We offer extended subscription control to your customers by using the Recharge API

  • Allow swapping of a product
  • Make custom offers
  • Skip to the next order
  • Update current orders

Shopify Recharge Customizations at an Outstanding Price

Increase revenue

Multiple cross-sell or upsell opportunities can be created. Get lured with exclusive member offers, seasonal boxes, and free shipping to increase your cart value.

Reduce churn

Subscribers will be enticed by the possibility of receiving amazing rewards for recurring orders, and bundles.

What we do

HulkApps Shopify Recharge Support – Get on board

We give you everything you need to launch and scale faster by tapping into Recharge Shopify’s highest potential subscription app.

Implementation of Recharge Shopify

  • Integration with Recharge Shopify
  • Theme Engine, Novum, Recharge Pro customization
  • UX/UI design and development
  • Configuration of backend settings
  • Launch & Usability testing

Shopify Plus – Recharge integration

  • Analytics integration enhanced
  • Avalara Pro integration

Workflow automation in Recharge dashboard

  • Based on the user’s history, customized offerings
  • Free trials are available for curation
  • User engagement is enhanced

Integration support for Recharge Shopify checkout

  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Automation integration
  • Integration of email and SMS marketing
  • Customer support integration
  • Integration of loyalty programs

Quick Action Klaviyo flow

  • Klaviyo Transaction Email Setup
  • Klaviyo Quick Action Setup
  • Management of subscriber activity

Support for recharge migration

  • Shopify Recharge migration
  • Shopify Integration Migration
  • Configuration of the backend

HulkApps: Why?

Manage your Shopify subscriptions with Recharge Shopify

  • Strategy for managing subscription lifecycles
  • Integration of Recharge best-in-class
  • Top-notch Recharge Shopify skills
  • Support for Recharge Shopify A/B testing
  • Subscriber retention support

What’s Included

  • Allotted Hours Per Month
  • Shopify Developers
  • Ruby/PHP Developer
  • Project Managers
  • Consultations on technology stack
  • Web Designer/Graphic Designer
  • Support after launch
  • Monthly Scheduled Performance Analysis
  • Retention Improvement Sessions

How do I use Shopify ReCharge with QuickBooks Commerce?

Shopify’s recurring billing app, ReCharge (also known as a subscription plugin), is designed exclusively for Shopify. This app is designed for shops that sell physical subscription products to facilitate customer checkout.

Connect ReCharge to QuickBooks Commerce

Shopify plugins or apps that facilitate subscription-based order processing have caused problems in QuickBooks Commerce in the past. They tend to duplicate the Shopify subscription order variant.

ReCharge, however, is designed so that QuickBooks Commerce can support subscription-based ordering via Shopify. It automatically tracks first-time payments and recurring transactions.

What does ReCharge look like with QuickBooks Commerce?

  1. During setup, users will need to choose which products (all variants of the selected product are included) that they wish to make available to subscribers.
  2. To create subscription-enabled versions, the products and variants of them are duplicated. Recharge edits every subscription-based product description automatically by inserting a standard text to indicate the product is available for subscription.
  3. QuickBooks Commerce will stop imports of products that contain the standardized text once it has received the description from Recharge. ReCharge will add only the original variants to an order when it generates one.
  4. The order will sync to QuickBooks Commerce when the link between QuickBooks Commerce variants and Shopify variants is established.

Take note of these things

When synchronizing, duplicate auto-renew products must copy the inventory of the main product. We recommend you ignore the inventory for the auto-renew Variant.

The inventory level of auto-renew is the same regardless of whether it is 0 or 1000, or -1000. QuickBooks Commerce will not touch the inventory level of the auto-renew variant. It could as well not exist. It resyncs and the inventory changes as the product gets duplicated. However, auto-renew inventory does not have any impact.

QuickBooks Commerce and Recharge can help you increase your revenue by generating recurring orders.