Shopify Change Image Based On Selected Variant

Have you ever wanted to change the image on your Shopify store based on a selected variant? If so, then this article is for you. In this article, we will walk you through the steps needed to change an image on your Shopify store based on a selected variant.

What is a Variant in Shopify?

A variant is a type of product in Shopify. When you create a new product, you can choose to create a variant. A variant is a version of your product with different features and specifications. You can use a variant to differentiate your product from others on the market.

You can use variants to create different versions of your products to meet the needs of different customers. For example, you could create a variant for men that has different colors than the standard version of your product. You could also create a variant for seniors that is specially designed for their needs.

When you create a variant, you need to provide information about the variant, including the name and description. You also need to specify whether the variant is exclusive or not. If the variant is exclusive, only buyers who purchase the variant will be able to access the specific features of the product. If the variant is not exclusive, all buyers will be able to access the features of the product.

You can use variants to increase sales and attract more customers to your store. By creating different versions of your products, you can meet the needs of different customer segments and increase profits overall.

How to Change Image on Shopify?

There are a few ways to change the image on Shopify based on the selected variant.

The first way is to use the Shopify Customizer. To access the customizer, go to Shopify Admin > Settings > Customization. In the Customization area, select Images. Under Image Variants, select the variant you want to change the image for and click Change Image. You will then see the Change Image page, where you can choose from a variety of images to use as your shop’s default image.

The second way is to use Shopify’s built-in API. To do this, you will need to create an app and get an API key. Once you have your app and key, go to Shopify Admin > Settings > API and select your app in the App list.

How to Change Image on Shopify Based On Selected Variant?

If you have a Shopify shop that sells products in different variants, you may want to change the image on each variant. This can be helpful if you want to create a consistent look for all of your products. To change the image on a variant, follow these steps:

1) Navigate to the Products tab on your Shopify admin panel and select the product you want to modify.

2) Under the Variants heading, click on the name of the variant you want to edit.

3) On the Variant Details page, under Image, click on the Change Image link next to the Product Image field.

4) Select which image file you would like to use and enter its location on your server. You can also set a custom filename if you want.

5) Click Save Changes to apply your changes and return to the product details page.

How to change Shopify variant image?

If you want to change the Shopify variant image on your store, then follow these simple steps:

1. Login to your Shopify admin panel and head to Settings > Images.

2. Select the variant you want to change from the list of options and click on the Change Image button.

3. Select the new image file from your computer and click on the Upload button.

4. Return to the Images settings page and click on the Save Changes button to apply your changes.


One of the things Shopify users love most about it is its versatility. This means that you can set up your online store in a way that is specific to your needs and interests, which is why we wanted to share with you a quick and easy way to change the image on your shop based on selected variant. If you’re looking for an easier way to manage your images, or if you just want to make a simple alteration, this guide will have you covered. Let us know how it goes in the comments below!