Squarespace Secrets to Remove Underline from Links

Remove the underline from links on your Squarespace website for an eye-catching effect! Add subtle lowlighting that changes colors upon hover.

This code will affect all links on your site including those in the header & footer. To customize for specific pages or collections of pages, just substitute “Sitewide” with “Header” or “Footer” in the code snippet below.


Squarespace is a website builder with templates and back end tools designed to make building your site online simple and visually pleasing. Squarespace focuses on SEO with regular updates rolled out to increase its compatibility with search engine algorithms.

Site features include several SEO features that can help optimize your website for visibility and growth, such as clean URLs, title tags for images and descriptions and other details that make your site stand out to Google. While these tools may not be as embedded into the platform as some competitors’ versions do, they’re available to users wishing to incorporate them into their sites.

One of the key elements of SEO is making sure your links are clearly identified as hyperlinks, helping those using screen readers navigate your site more efficiently and understand what they’re clicking on. An unclear link could cause confusion or lead to error messages; on Squarespace this can easily be solved using some CSS code.

Sitewide links, also known as crosslinks, appear on every page of a website and can include both internal and external links that span everything from your homepage to blog posts. When used incorrectly, however, sitewide links can damage SEO efforts and negatively affect Google rankings – it is therefore essential that these types of links be used sparingly and carefully in order to avoid this outcome.

Sitewide links can be an efficient and timesaving way to quickly build links, but their use could violate Google’s spam policies if used unnaturally and violate them. To minimize their negative effect on Google Search Console’s Index Quality tool and protect yourself against penalties for violation, use sitewide links only on sites related to your niche with high authority. Furthermore, nofollow your links so they do not appear duplicate anchor text and make sure all are nofollow. Finally if there are concerns over their quality you can use Disavow Links tool in Google Search Console which removes them automatically if they ever appear again.


This video will teach you how to remove the default underline from links in your Squarespace header navigation, providing visitors with an easier and quicker way of knowing which links are active.

Squarespace header navigation is an integral element of your website; it appears on every page and should look its best. In version 7.1 of Squarespace, you have many different header layout styles available to you for customizing this area – they will allow you to place site title/logo, links, social icon buttons etc in different places on each header layout style.

With the appropriate styling, your Squarespace header can become an effective lead capturing tool that drives traffic and sales for your business. Unfortunately, however, its current design doesn’t clearly highlight which links can be clicked upon.

Color blindness or other visual impairments make it hard for users to distinguish which links are clickable from those that aren’t, making it hard for people with visual impairments to navigate a site effectively. One way of helping these users distinguish the clickable links from non-clickable ones would be adding some form of contrast – be it a change in font weight or underlining; anything that helps users see those underlines understand which are clickable will help.

There’s a simple CSS code snippet you can use to address this problem. To use it, open your Squarespace website editor and locate the Page-ID where this code should be applied; copy and paste into Custom CSS window (under Design), save, and close.

If you’re using the same Page-ID across multiple pages, this process can quickly eliminate underlines from all of your page links at once. Alternatively, this snippet can remove underlines from Heading 1 and Monospace paragraph text on your site as well (though this could potentially hinder readability). If you need assistance creating an engaging header for your Squarespace website feel free to reach out – LoftyDevs would love to work with you on creating an exceptional online experience that stands out from competitors!


Footers can be an effective way to add extra value for viewers. While most websites include their contact info and link back to the homepage in their footers, you have more creative freedom in what content to include here.

If you want to make it more clear that the content in your footer is linked, try including “click here for our free blogging guide!”. This makes the link stand out visually from its surroundings and will ensure screen reader users notice it more readily (instead of simply using an underline).

An additional way to add some fun functionality to your footer is through offering an email opt-in form. This is a great way of quickly and effortlessly attracting new subscribers without requiring them to click anything else on your site – keep in mind that viewers typically visit the footer to locate what they need so make sure your opt-in button can easily be found here!

Finally, adding your legal pages to the footer can be an effective way of informing visitors about what you do and their rights as customers. Most websites will have disclaimers, terms & conditions pages and privacy policy policies available so users feel secure with your brand.

If your legal pages are missing from your site, I advise creating them and adding them as footer content to ensure users can easily access key pieces of information about your brand. This will give them access to crucial details regarding what the business stands for.

To eliminate underlined links on every page of your website, this straightforward code snippet may help. All it requires to create it is knowing your collection ID (which can be done using tools such as Squarespace ID Finder). Once added to your snippet, your links won’t have underlines anymore and will appear as usual across every page.

One Page

Squarespace as a website builder boasts numerous advantages over other solutions. Its official integrations number in the dozens, while users can use third-party plugins to add even more functionality to their websites. While Squarespace’s minimalist templates might lack features such as analytics or SEO features, their clean designs allow visitors to focus more closely on content delivery.

Squarespace makes an effective use of anchor links (page jumps) by providing users with the capability of creating anchor links within pages and blog posts. Anchor links enable visitors to quickly navigate directly to specific sections on long pages, making user experience better in general.

Squarespace’s site architecture is optimized to be search engine-friendly, including clean URLs and alt text for images – these practices help increase the odds that search engines will index your page more quickly. Furthermore, this approach to structuring can also make one-page websites much simpler as it allows only the essential information to be presented in an easily consumable form.

Kseniia Design Studio’s one-page Squarespace website is an outstanding example of clean and well-structured one-page websites. It boasts stunning visuals which complement its copy, which promotes core values and offering of Kseniia. Another impressive one-page Squarespace site example is Healing Hand Massage Studio which also has stunning visuals as well as clear and concise copy.

Squarespace not only offers many features, but it also allows you to quickly and easily customize the color palette of your site with just a few steps. Choose a base theme color theme before customizing individual elements of your website to make a truly individual website experience.

By using the site style panel, you can also set fonts for your entire site. From headings, paragraphs and other text areas on your page to altering default fonts that come with your template; all are customizable fonts available here.