Steps on Adding Video as Your Product Image on Shopify

Are you looking for a way to make your product stand out on your Shopify store? Adding video as your product image might just be the answer! In today’s digital age, customers expect more than just static images when they shop online.

By incorporating videos into your product pages, you can provide a more immersive experience that captures their attention and helps them better understand what your products have to offer. But how do you go about adding videos to Shopify? In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps so that you can start using videos as your new secret weapon in boosting sales.

Find the video you want to use

Before you can add a video to your product page on Shopify, you need to find the video that you want to use. There are several ways to do this.

Firstly, consider creating your own product video. This is a great way to showcase your product and its features in an engaging and unique way. You can use software like iMovie or Adobe Premiere Pro to create a professional-looking video.

If creating your own video is not an option for you, then search for videos related to your product on YouTube or Vimeo. Look for high-quality videos that showcase the features of the product in detail. Make sure that these videos are available for embedding on external websites.

You could also reach out directly to manufacturers or suppliers and request any promotional videos they may have created for the products you sell.

Remember, when selecting a video, it’s important that it aligns with your brand image and messaging while accurately representing the product being sold.

Adding the video to your product page

Adding the video to your product page is a simple process on Shopify. First, go to the product page you want to add the video to and click “Edit”. Scroll down until you see the “Media” section, then click “Add media”. From there, select “Video” and choose the video file from your computer.

Once you have selected your video file, it will automatically upload and appear in the Media section. You can now adjust the placement of your video by dragging it up or down within this section.

Next, decide whether you want your customers to be able to watch the video directly on the product page or if you prefer for them to be redirected to another site like YouTube. If you prefer that they stay on your website while watching, simply check off “Autoplay” and “Loop” options under Video settings.

Don’t forget about mobile optimization! Make sure that your videos are responsive so that they look great across all devices including smartphones and tablets.

By adding videos as a product image on Shopify pages, businesses have seen an increase in conversions rates as consumers enjoy seeing products in action before making their purchase decisions.

Tips for using videos as your product image

Videos can be a powerful tool to showcase your product and give customers a better understanding of what they are buying. Here are some tips for using videos as your product image on Shopify:

Firstly, keep it short and sweet. Customers have short attention spans, so make sure your video is no longer than 30 seconds. Focus on highlighting the key features of the product and how it can benefit the customer.

Secondly, use good lighting and sound quality. A poorly lit or noisy video will reflect badly on your brand and may deter potential buyers from making a purchase.

Thirdly, ensure that the video is relevant to the product being sold. Don’t add videos just for the sake of having one – it should add value to the customer’s experience.

Fourthly, consider adding captions or subtitles to cater for those who prefer watching videos without sound or have hearing difficulties.

Test different variations of videos for each product page to see which ones perform best in terms of engagement and sales conversion rates.

By following these tips, you can effectively utilize videos as part of your overall marketing strategy on Shopify.


Adding videos as your product image on Shopify can significantly improve the overall shopping experience for your customers. Not only does it help them get a better idea of what they’re buying, but it also gives them a more immersive and engaging way to interact with your products.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now be able to easily add videos to your product pages and make the most out of this powerful marketing tool. Remember to keep things short and sweet, optimize for SEO, and experiment with different types of video content until you find what works best for your store.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards creating a visually stunning online storefront that will attract new customers and keep them coming back time after time. So why not start experimenting today? Your shoppers (and wallet) will thank you!