Steps to Export Products From Shopify to Etsy

If you’re an online retailer, there’s a good chance you sell products on Etsy. And if you’re thinking of exporting your products to Etsy from Shopify, there are some steps you need to take first. In this blog post, we will outline the steps you need to take to export products to Etsy from your Shopify store. We’ll also discuss the various factors that will affect the success of your export, and provide some tips to help make the process as smooth as possible. So read on, and get ready to start exporting your products to Etsy!

Import Products to Shopify

If you’re selling products on Shopify, exporting them to Etsy is a great way to gain more exposure and increase your profit margins. Here’s how to export products from Shopify to Etsy:

1. Create a new Etsy shop. On Etsy, create a new shop and enter the information for your new shop, including your product listings and prices.

2. Import your products into your new Etsy shop. On the Products page of your newly created Shopify shop, click the “Import Products” button and select the products you want to sell from your Shopify shop. You can also include images, descriptions, and other details about each product.

3. Configure shipping options for your imported products. On the Shipping & Delivery page of each product in your Shopify shop, click the “Configure Shipping” button and select the shipping options you want to use for each product (for example, flat rate or calculated shipping). You can also choose whether you want to add taxes to your Etsy sales taxes will be added automatically by Etsy when you import products into an Etsy shop If you have existing tax rates set up in Shopify, you can choose which rates apply to this product category on the Tax Rates page of that product’s Details panel (shown below).

Export Products from Shopify to Etsy

If you’re like many shop owners, you’ve probably been contemplating exporting your products to Etsy. There are a few key steps you need to take to make the export process painless.

1. Create a Custom Shopify Seller Profile

The first step is to create a custom seller profile on Etsy. This will allow you to add all of your information in one place, including product listings and prices.

2. Add Products to Your Etsy Shop

Once you have your custom seller profile set up, it’s time to start adding products. Click on “Shop” in the header menu on the left side of the screen, and then select “Products.” You’ll see a list of all of your products from Shopify listed below each listing. To add a product to your Etsy shop, simply click on the “Add Product” button next to the product you want to include and fill out the required information: title, description, price, and images (if applicable).

Be sure to use unique titles and descriptions for each product so that they match better with search results on Etsy. You can also choose whether or not you want your product listing hosted on Shopify’s servers or if you’d prefer Etsy’s own servers. Finally, please note that product images must be uploaded in order for shoppers to view them properly; they cannot be included automatically through eBay storefronts or Shopify templates like most other types of listings.

Set Up a Custom Taxonomy in Etsy

If you have products in Shopify, now is the time to export them to Etsy. By exporting your products, you can take advantage of features like Custom Fields and multiple listing formats.

To export your products from Shopify, first login to Etsy and create a new shop. Once you’ve created your shop, click on the “Import Products” button in the admin panel.

On the next screen, select the “Shopify” tab and select the products that you want to export. You can also select specific pages or categories of products.

Once you’ve selected the products, click on the “Export Products” button. On the next screen, make sure that all of the options are set to your desired preferences and click on the “Export” button.

Once your products have been exported, they will be added to your new Etsy shop. To customize your exports, follow these steps:
1) Navigate to “Settings” in Etsy and under “Product Data,” select “Custom Fields.” 2) Add any fields that you would like to use in your product listings on Etsy. 3) Click on “Save Changes.”

Enable Custom Fields in Etsy

If you’re using Shopify, you can easily export your products to Etsy. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Shopify account.
2. Click the “Shop” tab at the top of the interface and then click the “Products” button.
3. In the “Products” window, click the link next to the product you wish to export.
4. On the “Export Products” page, enter your Etsy username and password in the appropriate fields and then click the “Export Products” button.

Import Orders from Shopify to Etsy

If you have a shop on Shopify, exporting products can be a fantastic way to move them over to Etsy. Here are the steps: 1. Log into your Shopify account and select Products from the menu in the top left corner.
2. On the Products page, select the product you want to export.
3. On the Export Product page, under General Settings, specify where you’d like the exported product to go (e.g., My Etsy Store).
4. Click Export to start exporting your product! If everything goes correctly, you’ll see a message saying that your product has been exported successfully.

Export Orders from Etsy to Shopify

If you run a shop on Shopify, exporting products to Etsy can be a great way to grow your audience and bring in more revenue. Here are four simple steps to exporting products from Shopify to Etsy: 1) Add an Etsy account 2) Set up your product data 3) Export your products 4) Upload your products to Etsy

Adding an Etsy account is the first step. Once you have added an account, you will need to set up your product data. In this step, you will need to provide information about each product, such as the title, description, price, and shipping cost. You will also need to provide information about each product’s dimensions (length, width, height), as well as the images that are included with it. Finally, you will need to specify whether or not the product is exclusive (in which case only buyers who have added items to their cart from your shop can purchase it), and whether or not the product has digital rights (such as DRM).

The next step is to export your products. To do this, go to your Shopify admin area and select “Products” from the menu bar at the top of the page. Next, select “Export Products” from the menu bar at the bottom of the page. On the next page, select which Etsy store you want to export products from (if you have multiple stores on Etsy, choose the store that contains the most products). 


Thank you for reading our article on how to export products from Shopify to Etsy. In this article, we will outline the steps necessary for exporting your products from Shopify to Etsy and provide some tips along the way. By following these simple steps, you can easily transfer your products to a more established online marketplace like Etsy. We hope that this article has provided you with all the information that you need to export your products safely and successfully. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below!