8 Best and Free Exit Intent Popup Apps For Shopify

When you’re launching a new ecommerce store, you likely have a few ideas of what you’d like it to include. But what about after the store is live? When do you start thinking about marketing and advertising? That’s where exit intent popup apps come in. By installing one of these apps on your website, you can track all of the conversions that occur once someone clicks through your ads or leaves your website. This information will help you optimize your marketing efforts and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your investment. There are many different free exit intent popup apps that you can use to get started, so be sure to explore them all before making a decision.

What is an Exit Intent Popup?

An Exit Intent Popup is a mobile app that helps you quit smoking or drinking. It sends you a notification reminder before your planned quit day, and then provides tips and advice on how to help succeed. The app also has a quitting forum where you can connect with other users and get support.

How to create an Exit Intent Popup

If you’re looking for an easy way to create an Exit Intent Popup for your Shopify store, there are a few apps that can help you out.

We’ll be taking a look at two of the most popular apps – Exitintent and Eepurl. Both of these apps allow you to create simple popups that will prompt customers to leave your store if they decide they no longer want to shop there.

Both apps offer a wide range of customization options, so you can make sure that your Exit Intent Popup looks exactly the way you want it to. Plus, both apps have support for both Android and iOS devices, so you can be sure that your popups will reach a wide audience.

How to set up an Exit Intent Popup

Setting up an Exit Intent Popup is easy on Shopify. Simply add the following snippet to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action( ‘exitintentpopup’, ‘my_exitintentpopup’ ); /** * MyExitIntentPopup */ function my_exitintentpopup() { // Add your popup settings here }

That’s all you need! Your popup will appear when a user clicks the “X” in the top right corner of the Shopify checkout page. To customize the content of your popup, you can use the following variables:

TITLE – The title of your popup

– The title of your popup SUBTITLE – A shorter, more descriptive title for your popup

– A shorter, more descriptive title for your popup TEXT – The text of your popup

What are the benefits of using an Exit Intent Popup?

If you’re looking for an easy way to increase your conversion rate, consider using an Exit Intent Popup. These popups let customers know right before they leave your website that they can complete a desired action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or leaving your site altogether.

According to research from PushButtonOptimize and eMarketer, Exit Intent Popups can boost conversion rates by as much as 49%. In addition, these popups are proven to be more effective than other forms of persuasion (like ads and email campaigns) when it comes to getting customers to take action.

There are a number of free exit intent popup apps available on the market, so it’s easy to find one that meets your needs. Some popular options include HighConversionExitintent and QuickPopUp.

Free Exit Intent Popup Apps For Shopify

There are a number of excellent exit intent popup apps for Shopify that can help you gather user data and drive conversions.

One of the most popular apps is Exitintent.com, which has over 1 million downloads and provides users with custom exit intent popup designs and conversion tracking.

Other popular apps include AppSumo’s Exit Intent Popup and GetApp’s Exit Intent Popup. Both offer a variety of design options, conversion tracking, and user data gathering features.


Privy is a Shopify APP that allows you to createExit Intent Popup Apps for your shop. Exit intent popup apps are perfect for marketing campaigns, driving traffic to your website, or even just getting people’s attention. Privy makes it easy to create and customize your popup app, so you can get results quickly.

Upsell Popup

Are you looking for a way to increase your Shopify shop’s revenue? If so, then you might be interested in using an exit intent popup app. These apps help you capture customers’ contact information after they have purchased something from your store. This information can then be used to contact them in the future about other products or services that they may be interested in.

There are a number of free exit intent popup apps available on the internet. However, it is important to choose the right app for your business. You want to make sure that the app is user-friendly and easy to use. It is also important to find an app that has a high conversion rate. This means that it is able to convert a large number of contact forms into leads and sales transactions.


Picreel is a Shopify APP that helps you create exit intent popup apps for your shopify store. With Picreel, you can create custom exit intent popup ads that will help you drive traffic to your online store.

Picreel offers a variety of templates and customization options to make creating your exit intent popup ads easy. You can also choose from a variety of pop up ad designs, colors, and fonts to create the perfect popup for your business.

Once you have created your Picreel popup ad, you can easily set up automated campaigns to run them on a regular basis. This will help you increase traffic to your online store and convert more customers into customers who spend more money.

If you are looking for an easy way to create custom exit intent popup ads for your shopify store, then Picreel is the perfect app for you!

Abandonment Protector

Are you tired of your customers abandoning their carts? Do you want to be able to prevent them from leaving your store altogether? Then you need to get an Abandonment Protector app for Shopify. These apps are designed to help you keep your customers around and make sure they don’t abandon their carts.

There are a few different Abandonment Protector apps available on the Shopify market, so it’s important that you choose the right one for your needs. Some apps require you to input certain information about your customers before they can be protected, while others just require you to add a button to your checkout page.

Regardless of which Abandonment Protector app you choose, be sure to test it out in advance. You don’t want to surprise your customers with a sudden abandonment protection policy after they’ve already left your store!


OptiMonk is a Shopify APP that allows you to create exit intent popup ads. Exit intent popup ads are ads that are designed to persuade someone to leave your website or app. They usually have a prompt like “Stop wasting time and get started with your business today!” or “Learn how I make $1000 per month from home!”


Are you looking for a free exit intent popup app for Shopify? BuzzSubs is just what you need! This app allows you to create custom exit intent popups that will help you increase your conversion rates.

First, you’ll need to create an account on BuzzSubs. After doing this, you’ll be able to create your first popup. To do this, click on the “Create A New Popup” button on the home page of BuzzSubs.

Next, you’ll need to enter some information about your popup. This includes its name, description, and price. After doing this, you’ll be able to select the type of popup that you want to create.

The next step is to choose your conversion goals. You can choose to target different types of users depending on your business goals. For example, if you want to increase website traffic, then you might target users who are browsing the internet in general rather than individual shoppers.

After choosing your goals, you’ll be able to set up your conversion funnel. This includes setting up your opt-ins and how long users have before they’re forced to leave the popup.

Finally, you’ll need to add some images and videos to support your popups content. These will help convert visitors into customers!

If everything looks good so far, it’s time to start creating your content! The first thing that you’ll need to do is write a compelling headline for your

Easy exit popup

There are a few easy exit intent popup apps for Shopify. One is called Easy Exit Popup, and it has a simple interface that makes creating an exit popup easy. You simply enter the details of your popup, including its title, description, and when it will expire. Another app, Exit Intent Popup Maker, offers more features than Easy Exit Popup but is also easier to use. Both apps allow you to create multiple exit popups and set expiration dates for each one.

Exit intent Pop ups

Exit intent pop ups is an app that helps you increase your conversion rates. It provides you with exit intent popups that are designed to capture visitor’s attention and get them to make a purchase. The app has a wide variety of templates to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your business. It also includes features such as customisable buttons, custom landing pages, and tracking data. In addition, it offers lifetime free updates and support.

If you want to increase your conversion rates, then Exit intent pop ups is the perfect app for you. It offers a wide variety of templates that you can use to create custom exit intent popups that capture visitor’s attention and get them to make a purchase. Additionally, the app includes features such as customisable buttons, custom landing pages, and tracking data so you can see how effective your exit intent popup campaigns are. Finally, it offers lifetime free updates and support so you can keep your campaigns up to date and successful.