Tips for Showing Quantity Available On Shopify

Are you an online retailer using Shopify and struggling with managing your inventory? One of the most important aspects of running a successful e-commerce store is displaying accurate information about product availability.

Customers want to know how many items are left in stock before making their purchase decision. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips for showing quantity available on Shopify so that you can provide a seamless shopping experience for your customers while avoiding overselling or underselling products. So let’s get started!

Use Shopify’s built-in inventory management

Shopify’s built-in inventory management system is a great place to start when it comes to showing quantity available on your online store. With this feature, you can easily track and manage your products’ stock levels in real-time.

To use Shopify’s inventory management system, simply go to the Products section of your admin dashboard and click on the product you want to manage. From there, you’ll be able to see the current stock level for that item as well as set up alerts for low stock.

One of the benefits of using Shopify’s inventory management system is its integration with other aspects of your store such as order fulfillment and shipping. This allows for a seamless process from purchase to delivery without having to worry about overselling or running out of stock.

Additionally, Shopify provides detailed reports on sales trends and product performance which can help inform future decisions around inventory levels and restocking timelines.

Utilizing Shopify’s built-in inventory management system can save time while ensuring accurate stock levels are displayed on your site for customers to see.

Use an app to supplement Shopify’s inventory management

One of the great things about Shopify is its robust app store. There are several apps available that can supplement Shopify’s inventory management system and help you keep track of your stock levels.

One popular app is Stocky, which allows you to manage all aspects of your inventory in one place. You can easily create purchase orders, transfer products between locations, and generate reports on sales trends.

Another useful app is TradeGecko, which not only helps with inventory management but also streamlines order fulfillment and provides detailed analytics on customer behavior.

If you’re looking for a more customizable solution, Skubana may be the way to go. This app integrates with multiple marketplaces and shopping carts, allowing you to manage all of your online sales channels in one place.

Using an app to supplement Shopify’s inventory management can save time and provide valuable insights into your business operations. However, it’s important to carefully research different options before committing to one particular tool.

Use a third-party inventory management system

Another option for managing inventory on Shopify is to use a third-party inventory management system. This can be useful if your store has complex inventory needs or if you want more advanced features than what Shopify offers.

There are many third-party inventory management systems available, so it’s important to choose one that integrates well with Shopify and meets your specific needs. Some popular options include TradeGecko, DEAR Inventory, and Stitch Labs.

Using a third-party system allows you to track not only the quantity of products but also other important data such as product location, cost of goods sold, and sales history. This information can help you make informed decisions about restocking products and pricing strategies.

In addition, some third-party systems offer automatic stock updates across multiple channels including online marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. This helps ensure that all your sales channels have accurate information about product availability in real-time.

Using a third-party inventory management system can provide more advanced features for businesses with complex inventory needs. It may require additional costs but can save time and resources in the long run by streamlining processes and providing valuable insights into your business operations.

Set up low stock alerts

Setting up low stock alerts is an important step in managing your inventory effectively. With Shopify, you can easily set up alerts for when the stock of a particular product reaches a certain level. This will help you stay on top of your inventory and ensure that you never run out of stock.

To set up low stock alerts in Shopify, go to the Product page and click on the product that you want to create an alert for. Scroll down to the Variants section and select ‘Edit’ next to the variant that you want to monitor.

Under Inventory Management, enter a number in the ‘Low Stock Threshold’ field. This number represents how many units are left before it triggers an alert. Once this threshold is reached, Shopify will automatically send you an email notification reminding you to restock.

By setting up these alerts, not only will it save time but also make sure products remain available for purchase without frustrating customers with “out of stock” messages.


Showing the quantity available for each product on your Shopify store is important. Customers want to know if an item is in stock before making a purchase, and they don’t want to be disappointed with an out-of-stock notification after they’ve added it to their cart.

Shopify offers built-in inventory management tools that are easy to use and can help you keep track of your stock levels. However, there are also third-party apps and inventory management systems that can help you supplement or replace Shopify’s tools.

By using these tips for showing quantity available on Shopify, you’ll be able to provide customers with accurate information about your products while also ensuring that you never oversell or run out of stock unexpectedly. This will not only improve customer satisfaction but also increase sales and revenue for your business.