Transfer from Magento to WooCommerce Without Plugin

WooCommerce is the most widely used content management system (CMS) in the retail industry. Magento offers a much more complete solution than WooCommerce. However, Magento is more complex to set up and manage. You will most likely need the help of a professional Magento developer. WooCommerce is a highly customizable eCommerce platform. It is easy to use and configure. BuiltWith data shows that WooCommerce is responsible for 30% of top-ranked eCommerce sites. Magento only accounts for 9%. Moving from Magento to WooCommerce will be a worthwhile endeavor.

Today’s tutorial will help you migrate from Magento to WooCommerce. You could be a Magento client for many years or a new shop owner. With the Magento migration approaching, it’s a good time to look into WooCommerce. It is not easy to transfer an entire eCommerce shop. It is best to ensure that all data is transferred without any loss. You’ll be able to migrate more data, which will reduce the amount of work you have to rebuild.

Why should you migrate Magento to WooCommerce

Use it quickly

It is important to understand the reasons why you want to migrate from Magento to WooCommerce before we start migrating. Magento is an excellent eCommerce platform. It has been trusted by thousands of owners of multi-million-dollar online shops. But, managing a Magento website can be overwhelming. If you’re not a web developer, it will be hard to customize your Magento store.

WooCommerce was first introduced to the eCommerce market in 2011. It has enjoyed a steady rise in popularity due to its simplicity in setting up, configuring, administering, and customizing. WooCommerce has grown to be the most popular eCommerce platform within just nine years. It now powers 30% the top 1,000,000 online shops.


Although Magento is free at the beginning, it will cost you a lot more in the long-term. Although it anticipates many of the costs associated with hosting, themes and extensions, Magento may be more affordable for medium and large-sized businesses. A standard Magento website costs between $22,000 to $50,000. It can cost you much more or less depending on the customizations, platform version and theme.

WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that’s free. The WordPress CMS software is also available for free. Hosting costs $5 to $25, and domain names cost $12 to $12. Additional costs such as themes and plugins can cost anywhere from $25 to $150. WooCommerce pricing is obviously lower.

Migration from Magento to WooCommerce: preparation

To make the migration process easier, more accurate, and to help you make the right choice, here are some things you can do before you start.

Export and backup your Magento data

It is important to backup data in order to ensure that your data is safe and secure. Follow these steps to backup your Adobe Commerce store data:

Log in to Adobe Commerce admin Dashboard and navigate to Systems Section on the left sidebar.

Select Backups from the Tools menu. This will take you to the Backups Page, where you can view backup records.

Depending on what type of data you want to backup, there are three options. Click on one of the buttons.

  • System Backup: Creates a backup for the database and file system. As you need, you can add or remove media files from the backup.
  • Database and Media Backup: Creates a backup of only the database and media folders.
  • Database Backup: This function creates backups of the database only.

Ensure that your store is set up in maintenance mode before backing it up. To enable maintenance mode, click the box when the backup starts. All clients will receive a short error message during the backup, informing them that they are unable to place an order. The maintenance mode is automatically turned off after the backup has been completed.

You can identify your backup by giving it a backup name. This will help you organize and retrieve your backups. If you have many backups or data, this is a good idea. We recommend that you add a date to the name, in whatever format you prefer. This will make it easier to find backups when you are looking for them. You can exclude the media folder by using the Exclude option. Once you have made your decision, click OK in the upper right corner to continue.

The table will display the backup list after you have received updates that the archive has been completed. You can access backups via the Backups page. This page lists all previous backups. Be aware that the archive file will be deleted if an item is removed from the list.

Install WooCommerce and configure it

Before you can migrate from Magento to WooCommerce, you must first create your WooCommerce shop. It is easy to install WooCommerce on WordPress. Choose Plugins from the left column in the WordPress admin panel. Select the Add New button.

In the Search box at top right, start a search for “WooCommerce”.

You should find the plugin on the plugins marketplace. Click the Install Now button and the WooCommerce plugin will be downloaded.

It will take some time for the plugin to be installed. Once the installation is complete, click on Activate to activate your plugin.

This will take you to a second setup page, where you can customize the settings of your store. Follow these steps to set up your store correctly. You can then transfer your Magento data into your WooCommerce store to resume selling on your new website.

How to migrate Magento to WooCommerce

After we have created accounts in both systems and back up our Adobe Commerce store data we can now decide how to import the store data. You have several options for how to transfer data from Magento into WooCommerce.

  • Manually migrate store data
  • Get data migration extensions.

Method 1: Use the default WooCommerce method

Step 1: Export Magento data

Magento provides a User Guide for data migrating. The following instructions will help you get started and continue with the data migration. Navigate to Adobe Commerce admin dashboard. Select System from sidebar. Click Export under Data Transfer.

You’ll then be sent to Export Settings. Select one of the drop-down options to set the entity type.

  • “Products”
  • “Customers Mainfile”
  • “Customer Addresses”

Select the default Export Format for the CSV files. Click the Fields Enclosure checkbox to encapsulate any special characters in the data.

You can change the display of entity attributes by using the Entity Attributes settings panel. Although the default order of entity characteristics is alphabetical, they can also be rearranged. The list can be sorted using the normal grid controls or manually searched for a property. Important to remember that the Search and Reset filters choices do not affect the way the list looks but the properties in the file.

You can filter data exported using attributes values. By entering the value in the Filter Column, you can export records that have particular attribute values. You can then export data matching that attribute value.

Select the Exclude option at top of row to delete variables. The checkbox is not enough to remove the property. However, the columns will continue filling even though it’s removed. However, the columns will still be filled with attribute values.

Once you have made your exclusion and filtration selections, scroll down to the bottom and click Continue.

The downloaded file will be saved to your file explorer’s Download folder. Navigate to the file in your file explorer to save it as a spreadsheet. This will let you modify the data to make it suitable for import into your shop. The file will be sent to your Magento account email address depending on your preferences.

Step 2: Import data into WooCommerce

You can access your WooCommerce store by clicking WooCommerce in the left panel. Next, choose the content categories you wish to import. To demonstrate, we will use goods. To import items, click Products. Repeat the above steps for each type you wish to import, such as customers, orders, or goods. Select the entity type that you want to import, and then repeat the process. From the top menu, select Import. You can then use the built-in product CSV exporter to help you perform the import efficiently.

Next, click Choose File in the window that opens. Select the CSV file that you wish to import (in this case, the product CSV) and click Continue.

This will take you to the Column Mapping Page. WooCommerce matches column names that are based on the CSV file exported from Adobe Commerce. Double-checking that these columns have been successfully loaded is a good idea. Also, ensure that data was moved to the right columns. You can manually modify columns by using the drop-down menus to the right.

To begin the import process, click Run the Importer. The import process will start, although it may take some time. Once the import is completed, you can repeat the process for each data type that needs to be migrated into your new store.

Method 2: Use the third-party extension

Manually importing or exporting data can be time-consuming, complex, and sometimes difficult. There are many migration tools available that will simplify and speed up the process. The entire process can be completed in just a few steps that are much easier than manual transfer. We’ll be covering the best Magento to WooCommerce migration tools so that you can compare them and choose the right option.

The most efficient way to move your store from one platform is by using the automatic shopping cart transfer tool. The program will take the data from both stores and then select the items you wish to move. It is so easy to send data via LitExtension. You can migrate almost all your data from Magento to Woocommerce. This includes customers, items, reviews, CMS pages and other languages. LitExtension also offers other migration options such as the transfer of client passwords and SEO URLs. Let us now guide you through the process to migrate with LitExtension.

Create an account on LitExtension to get started. You can also log in quickly using your existing Google or Facebook account.

Click the Create New Migration button at the top right corner of this page. Choose Magento as the Source Cart Type, and then enter the URL for the source shop in the box. Next, choose LitExtension Connector and download the connector. The zip file can be compressed and uploaded to the root folder in Source Store.

The Connector Installation will be verified automatically and displayed on the screen. Continue the process to set up your target shop!

Next, choose which entities you want to move to. You can choose to select all of them at once, or just specific data. For example, only Products, Customers and Orders.

LitExtension also offers Additional Options that will allow you to expand your migration options. Let’s say your Magento shop has multilingual content and you want to transfer it to WooCommerce. LitExtension will handle it all for you.

You have the option to run a demo or perform a complete migration immediately.

  • To Demo: Start your demo migration by registering a certain number of entities. Similar activities will occur as if you were part of a migration.
  • To perform full migration, click the Skip Demo Migration option. This will allow you to immediately complete full migration. Wait for the migration process to finish. Once it is complete, you will receive an email notification from LitExtension.

Things to do following a migration

Again, congratulations! Congratulations! You should first examine the new e-store immediately. Next, go through all goods in the back-end and front-end. This means that you need to examine the appearance and categories of entities in your e-store. To ensure it works correctly, you should also check each link within the pages, in the header, footer and the menus. You should also try to purchase your new platform.

One of the biggest problems e-store owners face is the inability to display their products on their store’s front-end. Due to differences in platform settings and interfaces, it is necessary to reindex and adjust products and themes in the back-end. This will ensure that your online store is easy to use and offers the best possible experience for clients who purchase from your e-shop. These guidelines will help you ensure that your online store runs smoothly.

Check data after migration

After the migration is completed, verify that all data has been properly transferred to your WooCommerce shop. Double-check all data in the WooCommerce front-end and back-end. The results of your automatic storefront migration are displayed in the shopping cart without any additional intervention. Simply enter the URL of the new store or click on the confirmation link in your email to visit the shop website.

The WooCommerce-specific template can be used as the homepage. It will display the imported entities. Log in to WordPress admin dashboard to view your data. Navigate to the WooCommerce tab. You must enable Generate Thumbnail to display images on the front-end.

  • Log in to your WooCommerce online shop.
  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Status > Tools > Regenerate.
  • Select the Product Lookup Tables section > Select Regenerate.

Choose a theme and add-on plugins

It is not possible to move themes from Magento to WooCommerce. You have two options: you can either use a free template or buy a theme from a third-party. WooCommerce works with all WordPress themes. This is great news especially if you already have a design in mind and wish to keep it. You can also visit Themeforest which has 48,308 premium WordPress themes and templates.

Next, you can add extensions that will improve your performance. WordPress is an eCommerce platform that offers over 55,000 plugins, which allow for extensive interaction with WooCommerce. These extensions are easy to install and you have many more integrations and addons for WooCommerce. You can also modify the WordPress core to create new extensions.

Change DNS and switch domains

The next step after a successful Magento-to-WooCommerce transfer is to change DNS and swap domains. Domain Name System (DNS), which converts domain names into IP addresses, allows browsers to access Internet resources. What are the reasons to change your DNS settings? Your DNS settings act as a link between the custom domain name you have created and the IP address of your network. You must make sure that your DNS settings are updated to reflect the new IP address when you create a new domain or change the server’s IP address. If you’re new to eCommerce, some of these concepts and functions may not be familiar to you.


All over the globe, eCommerce is a thriving business sector. eCommerce is the dominant industry in the internet business sector and business owners are reaping its benefits. An eCommerce platform is crucial for establishing a digital presence. Woocommerce, an eCommerce platform with powerful features, offers customizable solutions and easy management.

This tutorial should help you to understand how to move from Magento to WooCommerce. This will be a difficult and time-consuming task. Keep in mind, however, that this transformation will be a new height for your online business.