Ultimate Tutorial to Transfer Squarespace Blog To WordPress

As your first step, export all of the content from Squarespace. To do this, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Import/Export and choose WordPress as your target platform from the drop-down menu before clicking Export.

Once the export process is completed, download and save the file somewhere safe on your computer – this will come in handy later when importing content into WordPress.


One of the first steps of migrating your Squarespace blog to WordPress is exporting your content. To do this, log into your Squarespace website and navigate to Settings – Advanced – Import/Export, where you’ll click “Export” and save XML file onto your computer. When completed, move onto WordPress!

Though Squarespace makes the transition easy, you should keep certain factors in mind. For example, any products or events created on your site cannot be transferred over to WordPress; also audio/video files cannot be imported; furthermore some features from your original website could become inaccessible – for instance summary blocks and third party sign up forms could vanish entirely.

Considerations should also be given when migrating from other platforms to WordPress of how the permalinks of your posts may change. If the URL structure on the new platform varies from your old links, visitors could receive 404 error pages instead and could cause your search engine optimization efforts to suffer and potentially lead to decreased traffic. In order to prevent this scenario from occurring, altering nameservers for your domain might help alleviate this situation.

Squarespace makes content migration from Squarespace to WordPress straightforward with their export tool, including your introduction pages, blog content, galleries and many images. Unfortunately, however, some items such as post slugs will not be exported – these slugs typically include slashes such as “/blog/manual-import/post-slug”.

Start by installing a plugin to automatically upload Squarespace images to WordPress. This plugin will search your articles for images that link back to existing image URLs from Squarespace and replace them with their new image URLs in WordPress. Once the plugin is in place, use Bulk Actions menu to update all posts containing images using it.

Once your Squarespace content is imported into WordPress, the results can be reviewed in Posts – All Posts. If all went smoothly, a success message will display; otherwise, manually check and correct any issues encountered during importation.


While switching from Squarespace to WordPress may be possible, there are a few key things you should keep in mind before taking this step. First off, create a WordPress account. Once this has been accomplished, register your domain name with Bluehost, who offer various plans including free ones!

Next, it will be necessary to import your content from Squarespace to WordPress. To do so, log into your Squarespace account and navigate to its Settings menu before clicking Advanced tab and choosing XML file option as the export method for site content. Although this may take time and patience to complete, it will ultimately save a great deal of work later on by saving yourself the hassle of copy-pasting from old website to new one.

As part of your import, ensure that WordPress uses a similar permalink structure as Squarespace; this will ensure any links from your old website will redirect to your new one without breaking them and losing visitors. If necessary, install an additional plugin for managing permalinks; otherwise use WordPress’ built-in system of managing them instead.

Once you have your XML file, uploading it to WordPress is a straightforward process. Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Tools > Import; when the popup with the WordPress logo appears, select “Run importer”. When complete, assign all Squarespace articles to one or multiple users or create one specifically for this task – as well as install additional contact form plugins for more functionality.

After you’ve imported your content, it is advisable to test your site by going into Posts -> All Posts and verifying whether all images were uploaded correctly. If any are missing due to not yet having been added to WordPress media library, use an easy plugin like WP Missing Images Fixer which will stop any broken pages on your site caused by missing images.

Changing URLs

Transitioning URLs is an integral component of migration. If the two platforms use different permalink structures, this could result in broken links and affect traffic flow. To prevent this from occurring, make sure all pages and posts on your old site are redirected to their WordPress counterparts using an automated redirect plugin – something which should make this transition smoother than expected!

If you are transitioning from Squarespace to WordPress, the first step should be exporting your content. To do this, log into your Squarespace website and navigate to Settings > Advanced > Import/Export; once selected “Export,” a window with the WordPress logo should open; simply click “Install now.”

Once installed, this plugin enables you to select an XML file from Squarespace and import it directly into WordPress. The XML will contain all of your Squarespace blog’s posts, pages and images; please be patient while this process completes itself; once done you may assign articles directly to existing users or create one specifically for this task.

While Squarespace provides some wonderful tools, it isn’t possible to transfer all aspects from its platform onto WordPress without some modification. Squarespace doesn’t support importing product and album pages into WordPress nor transferring its design – although there are ways around this issue.

Cart2Cart can help make the switch from Squarespace to WordPress easier than ever, saving both time and effort in the process. Setup is straightforward and it supports most shopping carts.

Another option for moving your Squarespace blog to WordPress manually is manually. To do this, log into your website and create a list of all old URLs for pages and posts before copying and pasting each one into a document – this will enable you to match up those on the new site with their original counterparts more efficiently. You may also wish to remove links to third-party services like affiliate widgets or sign up forms as they will require maintenance costs that might otherwise go unused.

Changing themes

Switching themes is an essential step when migrating your Squarespace blog to WordPress. Your theme determines the look and feel of your website, with thousands of free and paid themes available in WordPress’s theme store – not to mention plugins to help migrate your content over. However, after migrating all content should be reviewed to ensure everything was imported successfully.

To change your theme, login to Squarespace and navigate to Settings > Advanced > Import/Export. When export is selected, clicking the WordPress logo on the left will download an XML file that can then be used to import Squarespace content into WordPress – however some information such as Product, Album and Portfolio Pages as well as Audio and Video Blocks won’t transfer over.

Once your import process has completed, it’s important to inspect your WordPress website for errors and make any necessary fixes. Also make sure that all images have been uploaded successfully – if your image count is large enough you could even use an automatic plugin instead of moving each image individually manually.

If you’re just getting started, it may be beneficial to hire a professional who can take over this task for you – this will save time and energy while guaranteeing a full process without errors or oversights.

Before migrating from Squarespace to WordPress, check that your hosting provider supports the platform. If it doesn’t, make sure your host has excellent customer service and trustworthiness.

WordPress is an approachable CMS with endless customization possibilities and easy management compared to other platforms like Squarespace. If you are new to web development, WordPress may seem intimidating; learning its ropes takes time and can be frustrating at first; however if you dedicate yourself to learning it it will certainly be worthwhile!

WordPress is an attractive choice for bloggers due to its SEO features, enabling you to create clean permalinks and optimize images for search engines while easily adding meta tags and titles for posts. WordPress’ SEO features allow you to build clean permalinks and optimize images, making for better rankings on Google and easier post publishing – an indispensable asset when building professional websites without effort! It makes WordPress the go-to choice when building professional sites quickly.