What are Shopify Global Variables and How to Use Them?

If you’re like most small business owners, you’re probably using Shopify to run your online store. But what are Shopify Global Variables? In this article, we’ll explain what they are and how you can use them to save time and make your online store even more efficient.

What are Shopify Global Variables?

Shopify is an eCommerce platform that allows business owners to create custom websites and online stores. One of the features that sets Shopify apart from other platforms is its global variables feature. Global variables are variables that can be used in any page or template on your Shopify site, regardless of where you are located. This makes them a powerful tool for building cross-platform consistency and branding across your entire business. Here are some tips on how to use global variables to your advantage:

1. Use global variables to store common information across all pages and templates on your site. For example, you can store your website’s title in a global variable so that it remains consistent across all pages.

2. Use global variables to store branding and design elements. For example, you could create a global variable called “branding” that stores your company’s logo and colors. Whenever you want to use these elements on any page or template on your site, you can simply include the relevant code snippets.

3. Use global variables to keep track of user data. For example, you could use a global variable to track which users have made which purchases on your website. This way, you can keep track of customer data across different pages and templates on your site.

4. Use global variables to store common calculations and formulas. For example, you could use a global variable to store the total amount of money that has been raised on your website. This way, you can easily calculate totals across all pages on your site.

5. Use global variables to store user input data. For example, you could use a global variable to track the user’s name and email address. This way, you can keep track of customer data across different forms on your site.

In short, global variables are a powerful way to create consistency and branding across your entire website. By using them correctly, you can save time and make your online shop more efficient.

What are the benefits of using Shopify Global Variables?

Shopify Global Variables are a great way to optimize your Shopify store for performance. They allow you to store global data in your Shopify database, which can speed up your site by reducing the number of requests that need to be made. Here are some of the benefits of using Shopify Global Variables:

1. Reduced load time

Since shop data is stored globally, instead of on each individual page, it will load more quickly. This can save you time and energy when browsing your store.

2. Improved site performance

If you have a lot of customizations or integrations that require access to certain shop data, using Shopify Global Variables can make this process much faster. This means you can focus on creating an amazing online store, and not worry about the technical details.

3. Increased security

Since all shop data is stored centrally, it’s less likely to be compromised. This means your customers’ information is safe and secure, no matter where it’s located on your website.

4. Increased flexibility

Since you no longer have to configure multiple stores for different purposes (such as product catalogs and customer accounts), you can stream line your site and simplify your workflow.

5. No need for coding

Although you can create your own Shopify Global Variables if you want, most users find it easier to use pre-made options. This means you can focus on building your store, and not worrying about the technical details.

How to use a Shopify Global Variable in your Shopify shop

If you’re like most Shopify store owners, you probably have a bunch of custom variables that you use to manage different aspects of your business. For example, you might have a custom variable to keep track of the number of orders that have been placed in the past day, or a variable to determine the price of an item in your shop. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use these same variables in all your stores? Well,you can!

Shopify Global Variables are perfect for this purpose. Essentially, a Global Variable is a special type of Shopify variable that can be used in any store on the platform. This means that you can set up one global variable and use it in all your Shopify stores without having to repeat any code.

How do I set up a Global Variable in my Shopify shop?

To set up a Global Variable in your shop, first head over to the Settings page for your store. Under “Customize Your Store,” click on the “Variables” tab. Here, you’ll find a list of all the global variables that are currently active in your shop. To create a new global variable, click on the “New” button and fill out the required information.

Now that you’ve created your new global variable, you can use it in any of your Shopify stores. To do this, simply add the variable name and value to your Shopify templates and scripts, as you would any other Shopify variable. For example, if you wanted to set up a global variable called “Orders placed in the past day,” you would add the following line to your Shopify template:

{ Orders placed in the past day }

As you can see, setting up Global Variables is easy and hassle-free. Plus, they’re perfect for managing all your store’s custom variables simultaneously. So why not give them a try today?


If you’re looking to take your ecommerce business global, then you’ll need to start using Shopify Global Variables. These variables allow you to store data (such as currency rates, shipping costs, and product prices) in one place so that it’s available across all of your stores. Once you’ve set up the variables, it’s easy to make changes in any of your stores without having to manually update each one.