Why Start Cosmetics Dropshipping in India?

If you’re looking to get started in online selling, cosmetics is a great category to get your feet wet in. There are a lot of potential customers out there who are interested in buying beauty products, and cosmetics dropshipping in India provides the perfect opportunity to sell to them. In this article, we’ll explain why cosmetics dropshipping in India is such a great option, and how you can go about starting up your own business in this field.

India is the fastest growing economy in the world

Almost half of the population is under the age of 25
India has over 1.3 billion consumers
More than 70% of the population lives in urban areas
There are a lot of people looking to start and grow their own businesses

Cosmetics dropshipping in India can be a lucrative business. Almost half of the population is under the age of 25, which means there is a large market for cosmetics. India has over 1.3 billion consumers, which means there is a lot of potential customers. Additionally, more than 70% of the population lives in urban areas, so the number of potential customers is even greater.

The Beauty Industry is Booming

Cosmetic products are not only popular in the Western world, but they are also very popular all over the world, especially in India. According to an estimate by Euromonitor International, the Indian beauty industry is expected to reach $10.4 billion by 2020. This is a growth of 207% from 2016!

There are a few reasons why the Indian beauty market is growing so rapidly. First, Indians are increasingly using cosmetic products for self-care and decoration. They believe that cosmetics can make them look more beautiful and confident. Second, there is a large population of working women in India who want to buy affordable and high-quality cosmetic products to keep their skin looking perfect during their busy workdays. And finally, the Indian government has made it easier for small businesses to operate in the beauty industry. So if you’re looking for an exciting and lucrative business opportunity, be sure to consider starting cosmetics dropshipping in India!

India is a Huge Cosmetics Market

India is a huge cosmetics market, and it’s growing rapidly. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, India offers a huge potential market for cosmetics brands. Additionally, the country is home to an large ethnic population, which means there are a variety of skin tones and colors to choose from.

There are a number of reasons why starting cosmetics dropshipping in India, is a great idea. First, the country has a large population of consumers who are looking for affordable cosmetics products. Second, the Indian market is highly competitive, meaning there are many small businesses competing for customers. Finally, the Indian government has been supportive of the cosmetic industry in recent years, which has helped to grow the market overall.

There are Plenty of Cosmetic Brands to Pick from

Cosmetics are one of the most popular and demanded products in the world. So if you’re thinking of starting a cosmetics dropshipping business, there are plenty of brands to choose from. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best cosmetic brands to start with in India.

1. Lakme Absolute Lashes
If you’re looking for high-quality false eyelashes, then Lakme Absolute Lashes is the brand for you. These lashes are made from natural fibres and are extremely durable. They come in a range of styles and lengths, so you can find the perfect pair for your look. Plus, they come in a variety of colours and styles, so you can create any look that you want.

2. Urban Decay Vice Lipstick
Urban Decay Vice Lipstick is one of the most popular lipstick brands on the market today. Not only is it high-quality, but it also comes in a range of colours and shades that will suit all skin tones. Plus, it has a long lasting formula that will stay put throughout the day.

Cosmetics Dropshipping in India can be profitable

Cosmetics are a huge market in India and there is a lot of potential for dropshipping. Almost anything that can be sold as cosmetics can be dropshipped in India, from skin care products to makeup.

There are a few things to keep in mind when dropshipping in India: the local market is saturated with products, so it’s important to find a niche; shipping costs are high, so it’s important to find suppliers who have competitive rates; and taxes and duties can add up quickly, so it’s important to keep track of how much money you’re making and where your profits are going.

Overall, cosmetics dropshipping in India can be profitable if you make sure to do your research, find the right suppliers, and set up effective marketing strategies.

Dropshipping Cosmetics in India Is Easy

Dropshipping cosmetics in India is a great way to start your own business. You can easily set up your own store and start selling high-quality makeup products to customers all over the country. Here are some reasons why you should start dropshipping in India:

1. According to a report by Euromonitor, the Indian cosmetics market was worth $11.5 billion in 2017. This means that there is a lot of potential for growth in this sector, and you can easily take advantage of this by starting your own dropshipping business.

2. Because there are so many competing brands and retailers, it is difficult for newcomers to break into the market and succeed. However, dropshipping allows you to operate without having to spend a lot of money on advertising or marketing efforts. This means that you can start your business with a very small investment, and then gradually increase your sales as word spreads about your products.

Start your own cosmetics dropshipping business in India today!

Dropshipping is the perfect way to start your own cosmetics business in India! With a little research, you can find the best products to sell and get started quickly. Here are five reasons to start dropshipping in India:

1. There is a large market for cosmetics in India. According to a study by Euromonitor, the Indian beauty market will be worth an estimated $24.5 billion by 2021. This means there is a lot of potential for success in this sector, and dropshipping offers an easy way to get started.

2. The cost of starting a cosmetics business in India is low. You can set up your business with just a few hundred dollars, and you won’t need to invest a lot of money in inventory or marketing materials.

3. There are many brands available on Indian online platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart, making it easy to find products to sell.

4. The competition in the cosmetics sector is low, which makes it easier for you to succeed if you have good products and marketing skills.


There are a plethora of reasons why you might want to start cosmetics dropshipping in India. First and foremost, the country is home to an incredibly diverse population of consumers. From urbanites who love experimenting with new makeup brands to rural women who value affordable products and fast shipping, there is sure to be a market for your product here. Second, the Indian market is incredibly lucrative. As of 2018, it was estimated that the beauty industry in India was worth $28 billion.

This means that there is plenty of room for growth for any online retailer looking to get involved in this sector. And finally, dropping shipments down to just a few countries has proven to be a successful business strategy for many online retailers around the world. If you’re interested in learning more about starting up a cosmetics dropshipping business in India, I encourage you check out our blog post on the topic or reach out to us at [email protected] We would be happy to help you get started!