Liquidity is one of the most important aspects of a healthy banking system. It is a measure of the ability of a bank to meet its obligations while still being able to take on new loans or other investments. Liquidity means that banks have enough cash on hand and in their accounts with other banks, […]
Yes, Squarespace provides templates specifically tailored to musicians and bands, including ones with built-in SoundCloud players and an eCommerce feature to sell music and merchandise. The Kitui template is a dark and minimalist theme designed to put key information at the forefront. It boasts a large background image and straightforward navigational system with pages for […]
Forms are an easy and efficient way to gather visitor data, gather feedback or obtain newsletter subscriptions on Squarespace sites. Each form can be added using its own dedicated content block. To create contact forms or other types of forms on your site, follow these steps. Identify which version your site uses and open up […]