7 Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platforms of All Time

You need an idea, lots of products to sell and a target audience. But beyond those, how do you ensure you are going to succeed?

It’s all about the tools, as many companies have discovered. Your enterprise ecommerce platform must be able to perform a variety of tasks as your business grows. This includes managing orders and rendering product catalogues. Because of the increasing complexity of these tasks, your online shop may become more chaotic as you add new currencies or order volumes.

Your ecommerce software is what keeps your company afloat and helps you guide clients through their checkout. There are many software options, but not all are suitable for enterprises.

Let’s take a look at the top enterprise ecommerce platforms.

The Best Enterprise Ecommerce Platforms

Before we get into the top enterprise ecommerce platforms, it’s important to note that enterprise companies are different from their simpler business alternatives. Any business can be considered an enterprise in some way. But, you don’t need an enterprise-grade platform to ecommerce.

Enterprise companies often offer multiple types of services and products and can generate annual revenues exceeding $7.5 million. Enterprise companies often share technical and financial resources across multiple departments. They also have their own marketing and business growth team.

Enterprise companies face more demands, such as higher order numbers, more customers and more complex software requirements. Open-source technology is used by some companies to create the functionality they require, while others use pre-built ecommerce solutions which come with their enterprise option.

It’s important to keep your specific needs in mind as we look through the top enterprise SaaS products on the market. Each software will have its own unique features, but most tools can be used to manage multiple product categories in different locations and stores. You may integrate your enterprise system with other tools, such as a CRM Service.

Enterprise ecommerce allows you to track past purchases and suggest items based on your purchasing history. You can also access higher levels of scalability to support enterprise-level businesses.

BigCommerce Enterprise

Pricing: Between $500 and $15,000 per Month, depending on your store’s size.

BigCommerce is the perfect store for enterprises who want everything in one place. BigCommerce is about delivering out-of-the box performance so that you can get your store up and running as soon as possible.

BigCommerce Enterprise allows you to create product search filters, and personalize your experience using the suggestions from your website. You can sync larger product catalogues quickly with up to 400 API calls per minute. If you sell internationally, there are more than 250 payment options available. There are also many local systems that you can choose from.

BigCommerce has local staging. This allows you to see changes in your design immediately before you make any major decisions. You can also protect your store with multi-layer security or DDoS protection. These features include:

  • Inbuilt features
  • Advanced functionality
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Excellent 99.5 retention rate
  • High security
  • Rapid onboarding
  • Great customer support
  • Unique search processes
  • Support for large product catalogues
  • 400 API calls per second
  • Promotional and Discount Options
  • SEO Support

BigCommerce Enterprise Pros

  • Quick setup: Nearly 95% of ecommerce merchants are up and running in 4 months or less. This is a significant advantage over most other competitors.
  • 24 hour customer service:We offer 24/7 support via live chat, email and phone. Priority support is available from agents who can respond to your calls in less than a minute.
  • Built in features:Enterprise provides everything you need to build your website. There are no extras or plugins required.
  • 99.98% Uptime:Enterprises cannot afford to have their website suddenly stop working. BigCommerce ensures that your store is up and running.
  • Fantastic functionality: It’s simple to create a website that ticks all the boxes with BigCommerce.

BigCommerce Enterprise Cons

BigCommerce is just like any other website-building solution.

  • PayPal fees:There is no reduction in transaction fees for selling products via the BigCommerce Enterprise Plan’s payment gateway. This means that you will pay the same transaction fees as on the Basic plan.
  • Limitative customization: Since there aren’t any apps or plugins to access, you’re restricted to the built-in features.

Wix Enterprise

Prices: The cost of Wix Enterprise depends on what features you require. With access to advanced features and guidance, you’ll be paying at least $500 per monthly

Wix Enterprise is not well-documented. The US pricing page seems to have the most information. Even this page doesn’t provide much background. Wix Enterprise promises to help create, collaborate and launch high-powered brand experiences on a large scale. You’ll get the same Wix Enterprise platform as the others. It’s also customizable to your needs.

A complete website can be built for your brand. It’s easy to launch, manage, and develop digital products in any way you like. Your designers can design however they like and you can provide complete tools for marketing teams.

You may already like the simplicity and rich functionality of the Wix website builder. If your business expands, it is a good idea to upgrade to the Enterprise option. Wix is also remarkably affordable when compared to other solutions.

Wix Enterprise features include:

  • Comprehensive branding options
  • Many templates and design options
  • Advertising and marketing tools
  • Rapidly evaluate new business opportunities using front-end elements
  • Support for Priority Customers
  • Collaboration is key in design and marketing roles
  • Make a digital hub for templates
  • Site password protection
  • Scalable hosting
  • Security for enterprises
  • Compliance with privacy regulations
  • SSL Certification
  • Integration by 3rd parties
  • Collaboration in teams
  • Accelerated web development

Wix Enterprise helps companies grow at a rapid pace online. Wix allows you to collaborate with other members of your team and have unlimited access to the most expensive Wix products. You can also get plenty of help before and after your site launches.

Wix Enterprise Pros

  • Lots of support and hand-holding: The Wix experts can help you if you don’t know a lot about technical matters.
  • Affordable pricing: Enterprises can get very affordable pricing compared to other options available today.
  • You have the option to customize your site using an editor that is easy to use. Or you can code.
  • Wix provides excellent intelligence. It offers a variety of intelligent features including automation options and AI to help you build your site.
  • Enterprise-grade security: Wix Enterprise provides great security for those who are concerned about privacy and security.
  • Consulting: Get help from experts in design, security and code issues.

Wix Enterprise Cons

  • Limited flexibility: Once you have chosen a template, all of your content will be locked to that design. This makes it difficult to update.
  • Apps and integrations from third parties can be expensive.

Shopify Plus

Prices – Starting at $2,000 per Month

No matter where you are on the ecommerce scene, Shopify plus is a familiar name. Shopify Plus is a top-rated ecommerce platform. Customers love it for its user-friendly environment, incredible plugin selection, and outstanding performance.

Shopify Plus offers all the Shopify features, plus additional bonuses. You’ll also have access to tons professional-crafted templates. The Shop Pay app is also supported. This allows your clients to save their shipping and billing information. This will allow them to speed up the checkout process and decrease conversion rates.

Shopify Plus allows you to manage up 10 stores simultaneously and offers features such as:

  • Shopify Plus Academy for Education and Support
  • Shopify apps are designed for high-growth merchants
  • You can customize your checkout to give you complete control over your store
  • API calls for custom apps
  • Program for merchant success
  • You need a launch engineer to help get online
  • Unlimited staff accounts
  • Nine expansion stores
  • Exclusive beta program access
  • Shopify Plus Academy
  • Shopify Plus Community Access
  • Additional permission settings
  • Wholesale channels
  • Shopify POS Pro

Shopify Plus takes the best functionality from your Shopify Store and transforms it into something that is suitable for an Enterprise environment. It’s easy to launch your website, just like standard Shopify.

Shopify Plus Pros

  • Easy and quick launch:Shopify, a fully-hosted platform for ecommerce is ready to go. You can get started in just a few clicks. You can even get help building your store.
  • Shopify offers exceptional customer service. Although Shopify’s services can be used for all pricing packages, the Enterprise version is particularly impressive. Your launch will be managed by a dedicated manager.
  • It’s a great value: Although it might seem expensive, it’s much cheaper to use Shopify to create your own service than to use Shopify.
  • Amazing Scalability: You have the ability to add plugins or API integrations to any website at any time. Additionally, you can manage up to 10 websites simultaneously.
  • High processing speeds: Shopify Plus can process up to 10,000 transactions per hour, so there’s no need to worry about sales.
  • Customization You can personalize everything, from your website templates to the checkout, to make your brand stand out.

Shopify Plus Cons

There is no perfect ecommerce platform. Shopify Plus has many great features. However, there are downsides.

  • There is not much support to adjust your coding. You won’t have the ability to create custom designs from scratch as you can with WooCommerce and Magneto. However, this is common for most hosted platforms.
  • Plugin costs can quickly add up: Additional plugins or extras could cause your expenses to soar.

WooCommerce for Enterprise

Pricing: A plugin is free to install, but you will need to pay additional for WordPress hosting and domain name requirements.

WooCommerce offers a solution to businesses that appreciate the chance to use WordPress, one of the most popular site builders in the world. As a plugin, WooCommerce can turn your website into an online store. This plugin doesn’t offer as many features as the enterprise ecommerce solution.

WooCommerce allows small businesses to easily grow into large enterprises with its simple website builder and one-click refunds. Customers can access their money quickly and easily through WooCommerce. There are many customization options available because this plugin is WordPress. While it may take some time to master all of the customization options, most users agree that WooCommerce is a good option for beginners.

Everything can be adjusted from the homepage to your checkout page. This is all you need to help enterprise businesses succeed online. These features include:

  • Complete range of database extensions
  • Secure audited code
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • Worldwide support
  • Online payments are secure and protected
  • Simple store construction
  • Flexible payment options
  • The go Order Management System
  • Options for customization
  • Extensive documentation
  • Access to the Jetpack
  • Open source freedom
  • Cost effective design

WooCommerce for Enterprise Pros

  • Credibility Using WooCommerce to manage your ecommerce store is easy with a reliable plugin for WordPress. This means you already have a reliable solution.
  • Flexibility – WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that’s easy to install and use. You can also customize many different aspects.
  • WooCommerce offers a wide selection of themes that can be used to create ecommerce websites. They are also very affordable. These themes can be customized to meet your specific needs.
  • Secure code – WooCommerce benefits from regular audits by experts to ensure code conforms to the highest standards.
  • Scalability – WooCommerce can be combined with other merchandising or inventory management apps to make your website even more efficient.

WooCommerce Enterprise Cons

WooCommerce, another open-source solution is also available. However, it lacks support and is quite basic.

  • Support is lacking: WooCommerce doesn’t have a dedicated support team like you would get from an enterprise ecommerce platform. If you have any problems, you should seek out support from other developers.
  • Complexity: There are parts of programming that you might have difficulty with, such as user experience, shopping cart performance and other similar requirements.
  • Additional costs: Hosting and other expenses will be paid by you, which includes the cost of building your WordPress website.

Magento Commerce

Pricing: Licensing costs start at $1988 per month and there are also hosting fees. Your domain name, site development fees, and any other charges will need to be paid.

Magento Commerce gives you full control over both your storefront, and backend. Adobe supports the solution. It allows you to create amazing transactional interactions between your customers. This includes instant payments that allow your clients to use their previously stored shipping and payment details on an ecommerce site.

Magento’s product suggestions feature is another benefit. You can build automated rules to determine which products to recommend to customers. You can easily reshuffle your visual content with the page-builder tool that allows you to drag and drop.

Magento gives retailers a lot of freedom, but there is also a demand for coding. These features include:

  • Support for page building
  • Recommendations for products
  • Customer segmentation
  • Instant purchase support
  • Preview and content staging
  • Merchandising
  • Mobile ecommerce and B2B
  • Amazon sales support
  • ERP Integration
  • Global sales
  • Customer service and order management
  • Business intelligence
  • Shipping and inventory management
  • Integrations and APIs

Magento Commerce Pros

  • Customization – Magento’s self-hosted ecommerce platform gives you total control over your sales experience. There are many ways you can stand out from the crowd.
  • Integrations – Add many user-friendly solutions to things such as SEO, social media marketing and other related areas. You can grow to meet your business’s needs.
  • Advanced features Magento is a tool that supports ecommerce businesses with developer access or knowledge. This allows you to support more complicated features.
  • Large community – You will have no trouble finding experts to assist you with your omnichannel Magento experience. There are many developers available.

Magento Commerce Cons

You can swap support for customization options with any self-hosted platform.

  • Additional expenses: Before you can make the most of your website, you will need to buy additional hosting, security and domain names.
  • Expensive Migrations: Your site will need to be upgraded whenever Magento’s technology changes.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Pricing: 1-2% for all sales made through the platform

You will need at least five online stores to be able to access Salesforce Commerce Cloud Enterprise. Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a different way to sell enterprise products than many of the other options. The Salesforce Commerce Cloud will allow you to maximize your omnichannel selling experience by allowing you to manage and sell items anywhere you are.

You can easily collect insights about your customers’ behavior with customer data reports. Salesforce CRM technology is widely used around the globe, making it easy to get to know your customers. The solution also includes artificial intelligence, which will help you convert more customers.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud offers a variety of features that are specifically designed to support all types of selling. These features include:

  • Integration of extensive CRM data
  • There are tons of segmentation and personalization options
  • Intelligent reporting and insights
  • Guidance using AI
  • Customer data reports
  • B2B and B2C commerce functionality
  • Commerce Unlimited aisle support
  • Commerce Cloud Order Management
  • Omnichannel buying
  • Mobile shopping
  • Support for global selling
  • Scalable multi-tenant cloud
  • Great community of innovators
  • Many resources and information available

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Pros

  • Scalable Salesforce Commerce Cloud can be built in the cloud without any additional hardware. You can adjust the site’s performance to meet your business requirements.
  • Great CRM: Salesforce Commerce Cloud easily integrates with Salesforce CRM technology, so that you can create unique experiences for your audience.
  • Amazing customer support Salesforce users will have all the information they need to make smart business decisions.
  • Flexibility – You can customize the elements of your ecommerce website to fit your needs with Salesforce. This is great if your goal is to create a store that grows in value over time.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud Cons

Salesforce has some limitations, unfortunately.

  • Complexity – Salesforce is more of a CRM provider than an ecommerce company. It’s not the best solution to build your store. There may be some difficulties.
  • Expensive – You don’t spend a fixed amount with Salesforce each month, but instead you pay a percentage of your earnings, which can result in a lot of expense.

SAP Commerce Cloud

Pricing:Quoted to individual companies

SAP Commerce Cloud, formerly known as SAP Hybris was a cloud-focused omnichannel solution that is suitable for all types of businesses. This product provides personalized experiences via mobile, social media and online content to meet the needs of every customer.

Commerce Cloud allows you to combine multiple channels into a cohesive commerce strategy, create a content repository that is easy-to-use, and catalog products based on their attributes. You can create banners, promotions and websites from one place with the drag-and-drop environment.

SAP Commerce Cloud’s dedication to meeting the needs of different industries is a great thing. Your package includes a complete portfolio of accelerators that are specific to your industry. These features include:

  • Front-end JavaScript store
  • Amazing search functionality
  • Integrations that plug and play
  • One-to-one engagement
  • Personalized experiences
  • A/B Testing
  • Content Management
  • Management of customer experience
  • Multilingual catalogs
  • Omnichannel selling
  • Seamless Promotions
  • Drag and Drop Editor
  • Options for full industry accelerators
  • Tracking and order management

SAP Commerce Cloud Pros

  • Industry-specific: These accelerators are made for your industry and will make your website shine. Each accelerator also has its own storefront.
  • Omnichannel – Create customer experiences across multiple channels. Follow your customers on the channels that are most convenient for you.
  • Assisted Service: This mode offers full, real-time customer service so that you can provide additional assistance for your clients.
  • Highly adaptable – Add to the cloud’s features with additional tools and integrations
  • Personalized. Use customer data patterns to create amazing custom experiences that will wow your audience.

SAP Commerce Cloud Cons

  • It is a terrible deal compared to other options
  • Expert setup required
  • If you aren’t already a developer, it can be quite a learning curve.
  • There is not a lot of guidance and documentation.

How to Choose the Right Enterprise Ecommerce Platform

When you invest in an growing enterprise ecommerce company, there are many things to take into consideration. You’ll need to make critical decisions about everything, from designing the best front-end for your customers to exploring mobile ecommerce tools such as Demandware.

An ecommerce solution that is specifically tailored for enterprises will allow you to keep your momentum going as you grow your brand and business. It will take effort and time to find the right solution. The right enterprise eCommerce platform should:

  • User-friendly Enterprise companies have higher requirements than small businesses for their ecommerce sites. But that doesn’t mean your ecommerce store should be difficult to use. Before you invest, make sure that the interface and features are familiar to you.
  • Flexible Your ecommerce store should be able connect with other selling platforms, such as Amazon and eBay. An enterprise ecommerce solution that is reliable will allow you to accept payments from any location, online or on-premise.
  • ScalableEnterprise Ecommerceecommerce platforms should be able scale to meet the growing needs of companies. You should look for solutions that are capable of handling large customer numbers and multi-store management. Look into products with automation features to help streamline your business processes.
  • Affordable: While enterprise versions of ecommerce platform can be more costly than those for small businesses, you still want to make money on your credit card transactions and online purchases. You need to make sure the price of ownership is reasonable for the features you are getting.
  • Reliable: An ecommerce solution that is reliable will ensure your business runs smoothly. Consider whether your enterprise package includes any SLAs and what customer support options you have in case something goes wrong. If your site stops working on Oracle, do you have an account manager? What is the average time it takes to get a response?

There is no single solution to the best enterprise ecommerce platform. Your business and startup’s needs will determine which SaaS platform is best for them. Good luck in finding the right solution for you.