Shopify Dropshipping Niche OR General Store

Niche Vs General Store

Niche Vs. the General store is the old question newbies always post on communities. They want to know if it is better to focus on a particular niche or to cover everything there before starting their own e-commerce business.

This isn’t a question for newbies. Even some Veterans have the same problem and are not sure whether it is better to focus on a niche or to have a wide public in their shop.

Sometimes the answer is based on the strengths and the location of your plus point. It’s a luck factor sometimes. It’s still a fairly valid question and you should only be able to answer it.

We’ll give you all the information on niche and general shops so that you can make an informed decision to pick one another.

Let us first begin with the differences between these two categories.

Many people believe that niche stores are the key to compete for the e-commerce industry. The difference between niche and general shops A niche shop could quickly take over their particular market category. They believe that.

On the other hand, while a general store aims to make a more extensive choice suitable for everyone. Often general shops compete according to price and product range.

However, the risk remains that all of these products can be removed and difficult to manage.

The general store and niche shop confuses every newcomer to e-commerce business. You don’t know what’s going to work. Here’s the secret… they’re both successful stores and make their owners money.

But if your mind is a long-term company, yes, it can be much better for you to find niche stores. You have to find and stick to a particular niche to build a long-term sustainable eCommerce business. But, although generally, shops such as Amazon and Ali Express do good.

In the end, it’s all about how much you are willing to do and what you love most.

A full-blown image of the social brand can be developed much easier.

Niche Store Pros

  • Funny customers who are in love with the products already.
  • Easier to develop a cult-like, after that your products are passionate.
  • For marketing purposes, a much easier product selection.
  • Run target announcements easily to concentrate on your target group.
  • Easy in communities designed for the particular niche to market the store.
  • A very limited number of products and articles to be offered at Niche Store Cons.
  • Start from scratch again when you try to break into a new niche.
  • It takes longer to keep the company going and more money.

Niche Store Cons

  • The business (more items, more income) is much more easy and simple to scale.
  • Better flexibility for niche testing or product testing.
  • It leaves space to adapt to various trends.

General Store Pros

  • The business (more items, more income) is much more easy and simple to scale.
  • Better flexibility for niche testing or product testing.
  • It leaves space to adapt to various trends.

General Store Cons

  • Much more economical (less cost to update and operate the product).
  • Give you the chance to learn while making money (selling everything you sell).
  • The very small effect is needed, especially in the construction of your brand when it comes to viral effects.
  • Less exciting and passionate clients (low converting rates), but Facebook groups/ pages based on the niche will help you tackle this issue.
  • Lower email marketing open/click rates as you don’t target particular audiences.
  • Lower brand loyalty is more interested in cheaper prices as your audience.

What store do you want?

I suggest that you start with a general store if you want my opinion. Starting in the e-commerce industry, you will be given more room to experiment from a general store.

From the very beginning, you do not have to pigeon-hole into a niche and a certain audience. This will mostly reverse the fire and eventually dis-motivate you to shut down your store while you feel bad about the entire e-commerce industry.

A bunch of various products and/or niches can be started. This gives you a chance to find a successful product or a niche in which you can expand later.

It doesn’t mean that you have to remain a general store forever. You can use this to test the niches you would like to visit.

You can start a niche store in connection with that product/category by viewing people who are interested in a given category or product in your general store.

The niche shop will nevertheless give you a better number of sales per visitor and a better profit. So you should branch into one or more niche stores once you’ve got the hang of running your online stores.

 You will have your store running and running as previously mentioned. You can test and transfer winning products to a niche shop with free products that surround your winning product. This is where you do your testing.

Your winning product can also be used in new stores on your Facebook pixel.

So, you can only begin with an overall shop and help the overall shop find the best converting niche(s) instead of spending your time looking for a niche.


Thus, we have already indicated what is good in niche stores and what goods are available in general stores.

After you test yourself for the water, it is very easy to get into a niche store. However, starting with a niche shop is quite risky and may not work out for you very well.

Just start with a general store and let your favorite niche products be tested for. You can then enter those niche markets and take advantage of the already collected data.

Hopefully, you have learned anything and at least now you have an idea of what kind of store you should be in.

Find your comments below and let us know if and why you would like general stores or niche stores.

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