Does Deleting A Shopify App Stop A Free Trial?

Deleting a shopify app doesn’t always mean that a free trial is cancelled. In fact, there are some cases where deleting the app actually keeps the free trial running. This article explores the details of how deleting a shopify app effects a free trial and what you can do to ensure that your free trial […]

Guide on Setting up Customer Group Pricing on Shopify

It’s no secret that Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms on the market. With over two million active customers, it’s no surprise that this platform has become a go-to for many businesses. One of the benefits of using Shopify is the fact that you can easily create custom customer groups. This allows […]

9 Best Outdoor Product Stores Built With Shopify

Shopify is one of the most popular ecommerce platform on the planet. It’s used by brands like Nike, Adidas, and Lululemon to power their online stores. And for good reason: Shopify is incredibly easy to use and makes it easy for businesses of all sizes to get up and running with an online store. But […]

How To Make High Quality Shirt Designs in Shopify?

Shirt design is one of those areas that can be easily botched if you don’t have the right tools and methods at your disposal. And while there are plenty of great online resources to help you get started, it’s always nice to have a physical reference point. That’s where Shopify comes in. With its powerful […]

8 Best and Free Exit Intent Popup Apps For Shopify

When you’re launching a new ecommerce store, you likely have a few ideas of what you’d like it to include. But what about after the store is live? When do you start thinking about marketing and advertising? That’s where exit intent popup apps come in. By installing one of these apps on your website, you […]