Shopify Product Description Guide to Increase Sales

No matter what product you sell or how big your online store is, persuasive product descriptions can make a huge difference to the performance of your business. Your conversion rate is directly affected by the quality of your product descriptions.

Did you know that 87% of shoppers read product descriptions before making a decision about whether to buy a product? It’s important to know how to create effective product descriptions.

Customers will be attracted to your product descriptions and make a decision about whether or not they want to buy it. They can increase your visibility and result in increased sales.

To succeed in eCommerce, it is crucial to master the art of crafting persuasive product descriptions.

This guide will teach you everything you need to know when it comes to writing compelling product descriptions. We will also share some great examples of product descriptions that you can use as inspiration.

Let’s get started!

What is Shopify?

Shopify, a multinational Canadian E-commerce company, has its headquarters in Ottawa. Shopify, an E-commerce platform that allows you to create an online store, was developed by Tobias Lutke and Daniel Weinand in 2004.

Shopify is a great platform for launching an online company. It offers a complete e-commerce website builder with hundreds of templates. Shopify allows you to test the platform for 14 days free of charge.

Shopify supports 50 languages, making it possible to sell products to customers around the globe. It also integrates 70 payment gateways. Shopify offers multiple features to help with content management, including Abandoned cart recovery and Search engine optimization.

Shopify is in operation

Shopify can be used to create an online shop for selling products and services through the internet. Shopify is used by over 175 countries entrepreneurs. Shopify allows store owners to easily add product details and photos to their Shopify account.

The user can quickly view the categories and search for items. Once the items are found, the user can add them to their cart and buy the product. The user can make payment online or by choosing COD (Cash on Delivery) after purchasing the product.

What is a Product description?

A product description is a description that describes your product to customers and explains why they should purchase it.

It also helps you convince customers to purchase your products, even if it is not their intention.

Product descriptions can take on different formats depending on who is writing them and what product they are talking about. You can make them short and concise or longer and more engaging. They can be funny or serious. These can be placed on any product page, alongside the product title and images or beneath them.

What makes a good product description?

By allowing casual buyers to make the purchase decision, you can move them up your sales funnel and improve your conversion. Poor product descriptions can discourage potential customers from purchasing your products.

It is not just the length of the product description that makes the difference between a good or bad product description. These elements are very important but there’s more to the product description.

These are the questions that a good product description should answer:

  • Which problem solves your product?
  • Which benefits will your customer get from using your product
  • What makes your product different from your competitors?

Here are some reasons why product descriptions should be written well

Good Shopify product descriptions are essential to drive more casual shoppers down your sales funnel, improve conversion rates, and increase your revenue.

1. Information and education about your product for visitors

A good product description will help educate and inform your customers about the product you sell. Product descriptions are used to describe a product to customers. A good product description can help your customers make better purchasing decisions.

This brings us to the second reason good product description is important.

2. Builds Trust

A good product description builds trust between your customers, your brand, and your customers.

Your customers are more likely to trust you if they have all the information they need about your products without having to ask any additional questions. If you sell clothing or gadgets, customers might want to know more about the product and why they should buy it.

This information will enhance their experience and build a relationship between you and them. This gives them confidence that your product will solve a problem that they have, and that they will find the right solution. They are more likely to return customers.

However, if they don’t get a product description that does, they will likely just move on to another store.

3. Differentiation from the Competition

Product descriptions can help you stand out among the rest. You might have the edge over your competition by having persuasive product descriptions.

4. Visibility increases

Your visibility will increase if you have a good product description. A persuasive and effective product description will improve your store’s SEO. Your brand will rank higher in search engines like Google if your content is trusted by more customers, which directly increases traffic to your site.

How to write product descriptions

It is difficult to write convincing product descriptions, especially if your not a copywriter.

These are some tips to help you write a great one.

Identify your ideal customer and focus on them

It is important to identify the target audience when writing product descriptions. It is important to have a target audience, or an ideal customer in mind when writing a product description. Your descriptions may come across as too generic if you don’t.

First, define your ideal customer. What are their traits? What are their thoughts? What are their questions? What is their passion? Are they open to humor? What are their favorite words? What would it be like to talk to them face-to-face?

When writing product descriptions, you must think like your ideal customer. As if you were talking to your customer in person, write in conversational style. You want to establish a relationship that fosters trust between you and them. Don’t address a robot or crowd with your writing. You should write as if you were speaking to another human being.

This product description is from Finn, an online pet supplement shop. This Chill Pup Bundle description is an excellent example.

“Help your dog through stressful times with Chill Pup.

Calming aid harnesses natural herbs such as organic chamomile root and valerian root for relaxation, from separation anxiety to storms. Daily Multivitamin with live probiotics provides a healthy digestive system, strong joints and a beautiful coat i>

The first line of the product description can help you identify the ideal customer – a dog-owner, especially if your dog has anxiety. The product description continues to detail the benefits it offers.

This brings us to the next point.

Get your readers motivated with benefits

It is easy for sellers to get focused on the specific features and specifications of their products and to be excited about any chance to discuss them. It is different with buyers.

The product’s specifications and mundane attributes are not what most buyers care about. They want to know how they will benefit from the product. They want to know how your product addresses their needs. Customers care more about the results they can get from your product than what it costs.

You must highlight the benefits of your product in order to write a product description that is compelling.

Welly is an eCommerce shop that sells premium bandages. This product description explains the benefits that buyers will enjoy by using their product.

We’ve got your back. Your elbow. Your knees. Flex Fabric Family Pack 100 includes 100 bandages made from flex fabric in bold colors and patterns. These bandages will keep you safe and ready for whatever comes your way. To keep dirt and germs out, the bandage seals on all sides. The innovative carton has separate compartments that allow you to find what you need, when you need it. Everything is possible .”

The bandages are then listed with their specifications and features. They have made it easy for potential buyers to focus on the benefits. Instead of focusing on the features and specifications, they provide benefits to the buyer and include the specifications as supporting materials.

You should be focusing on your brand voice and tone

Once you have identified the person you are speaking to, and you have decided what you want them to hear, it is time to decide how to communicate with them. Do you talk to them as if you were at a board meeting?

You can communicate with your customers in different ways. The same goes for communicating your product description to customers. It is important to know how to convince your ideal customer with your brand voice.

What is the difference between brand tone and voice? Your brand voice and tone are both the same. However, your tone can change from time-to-time or between products.

You can be edgy and funny, reserved and sophisticated, warm and friendly, or reserved and refined. It is important that your tone persuades your ideal customers and maintains the brand image you desire.

Conjure Your Customers’ Imagination

The desire to own a product is a natural human trait. Because we can picture ourselves using and owning that product. This is not true for eCommerce products. Your customers will not be able to hold them.

High-quality images and videos of your product can help you conjure up your customers’ imagination. Sometimes images are not enough to show off your products. It is important to use copywriting techniques that will increase your customers’ desire to buy your product.

Try to describe the experience your ideal customer will have when they buy and use your product in your product description.

Use storytelling

Emotional beings are human. Your description can appeal to customers’ emotions and convince them to buy from your company.

This is how you do it. Through storytelling.

Stories appeal to our emotions and help us overcome the rational barriers that prevent us from persuading. This allows you to form an emotional connection with your customer, rather than a transactional one.

Teema Teas is a brand that uses storytelling to describe its products. Look at their Immortality tea description.

This miracle plant (Jiaogulan), was known to Chinese people for hundreds of years. It is now called the “herb that will never die”. It is a powerful adaptogen that has been used for centuries to improve blood pressure, cholesterol and strength. It is 100% caffeine-free and yet naturally stimulating .”

This description describes the history of the product as well as the inspiration for its name. This story appeals directly to their ideal customer’s emotional side.

Your product description should answer a few questions when using the storytelling technique.

  • Where is this product from?
  • What was the inspiration for the creation of this product?
  • What was the process of making the product?
  • What does your product do for the life of your ideal customer?

Use powerful words to appeal to your customers

Certain words can trigger an emotional response from your customer better than others. These are power words that significantly increase conversions. These words should be used in product descriptions on Shopify.

These words will make your product descriptions more convincing. These words can be used to describe your product in a more persuasive way.

  • Introduce
  • Announcing
  • Miracle
  • Revolutionary
  • Stunning
  • Amazing
  • Sensational
  • Spectacular
  • Get it now
  • All of a sudden

Also, you might consider adding sensory adjectives to your copy.

The customer’s mind will “feel” what you describe. Sensory adjectives are a powerful influence on the customer’s perceptions. These adjectives describe sound, taste and appearance. Some examples include cold, sweet, fragrant and fuzzy.

Get your customers to join you with social proof

Human beings are strongly influenced and influenced by their peers. This means we are more likely than others to do the same thing if we know and trust them. This is why eCommerce reviews are so important.

When customers aren’t sure whether to buy your product, reviews can help them make a decision. A lot of reviews can help buyers make a decision and buy your product.

Customers who have previously used your products can leave product reviews. Ratings, endorsements from industry experts, thought leaders, and influencers are also options. These can be used as social proof to increase your store’s conversion.

Because people take social proof very seriously, it can be a powerful factor. Include them in your product description.

It’s easy to scan

People have very limited attention spans so they are unlikely to be able to read every page. They often just glance through your pages, skimming until they find something that interests them.

It is crucial to make your description easily scannable. Scannable descriptions make it easier and more attractive.

There are several ways to make your product description and product page easy to read. The two main ways to do this are by using catchy headlines or breaking down your text into bullet points.

The Oodie is an example of a brand doing this.

The headline “I Love Plant Oodie” is short and catchy. It immediately grabs the customer’s attention. They will be compelled to read the simple-to-read product description below.

“Can’t help but buy plants!” Unbeleafable. We can help, too! Our NEW I Love Plants Oodie will make you feel like your favorite obsession! One tree is planted in Australia for every I Love Plants Oodie that is sold.

Optimize Search Engines

It is important to consider search engines when writing product descriptions.

This makes it easier for people to search your products on Google and leads to more traffic to your Shopify site.

You will need to do keyword research in order to identify the terms that customers are using to search for the product you offer.

Shopify recommends that you include keywords in these areas:

  • Titles of pages
  • Meta descriptions
  • ALT tags
  • Product descriptions

Your site’s ranking on search engines will improve if you include keywords in product titles and descriptions.

Specific goals and KPIs should be set

Which goal do you want to accomplish with product descriptions? How do you know when these goals have been met?

It is important to determine the metrics that you will use for this assessment. This will allow you to determine which descriptions are most effective and which ones are not, and how to improve them.


Writing persuasive product descriptions can improve the performance of your store, as you have seen. We hope you’re able to write one now that you have all the information we’ve provided.