Guide to Customize Your Squarespace Logo for Each Page

Logos are key in setting apart websites from others and Squarespace’s default logo size may be too small and unreadable.

To address this problem, there are various solutions you can try. One is replacing the current logo with one from another file – to do this simply open your CSS panel and position your cursor where its original URL (with quotation marks) was.

Header Logo

Squarespace makes it simple and straightforward to add a logo to your website and adjust its size to meet the default header layout. It’s ideal for businesses that wish to maintain consistent branding across pages and sections of their site, yet sometimes additional tweaking might be required. In this post I will show how you can add another logo using CSS so it will only appear on specific pages.

One of the more frequently seen issues with Squarespace websites is when their main logo does not fit well with each section or page header, such as when using photos for their home page while having white headers in blog sections such as blog. Here, the dark grey that reverses to white logo doesn’t quite complement its intended use for colored section headers.

Squarespace provides an easy solution for this issue by using their logo editor. To use it, hover over your website header and click Edit Site Header; once in the editor, select Logo tab then adjust size using slider bar.

Footer Logo

Footer logos can be an effective way of elevating brand recognition and driving more visitors. There are various methods available for adding footer logos; it’s best to choose one that complements the overall design of your site and complements its content.

Squarespace will automatically adjust your logo’s size for mobile. To customize its size further, hover over the top-right corner of the editor and click Edit site header; select Site title & Logo then Drag Logo Max Height slider until image fits properly with mobile views.

Be mindful when uploading your logo file: ensuring it doesn’t exceed a certain file size will take longer to load and have an adverse impact on website performance. If your image is too small, try uploading another larger file or using Photoshop’s Crop function to enhance the effect.

Squarespace supports SVG (vector-based) logos, but these cannot be added directly into your header without some custom code. To work around this limitation, try creating an alternative background and then creating an SVG file, then replacing your header image with this SVG file instead of replacing your image directly – this way your logo will remain crisp and clear no matter the screen size!

Sidebar Logo

Custom logos can help distinguish you from your competition and ensure visitors recognize who this site belongs to. Squarespace’s logo system may pose some unique challenges, but these shouldn’t prove too challenging to manage.

If your Squarespace template contains a header area, use Squarespace’s image editor to add your custom logo for that page. Simply click on the ‘+’ icon, select your file, and upload it – making sure that its dimensions match those specified by your site settings.

Apart from uploading different images for each page, the text field in the header provides another useful feature if your website includes numerous pages. This feature is especially helpful if there are many.

In 7.1, you can create separate logos for each section or page on your site. This feature is especially helpful if your main logo features reverse image reversing against an image background but you want a white header for blog page sections. To swap out the main logo, remove its existing URL in Custom CSS panel then insert new one between quotation marks (like this video shows). To see this process in action.

Footer Text

Your website is an integral component of your business, and an effective logo can help it stand out. Squarespace makes adding logos straightforward; however, changing its size on various pages could prove challenging.

Many users find their logo doesn’t look quite right on specific pages of their website, whether that be because it doesn’t show up well against a header background image or doesn’t pop against its color scheme.

When designing your website, creating individual logos for every page may be advantageous. Squarespace makes this simple with their built-in logo editor.

SVG (scalable vector graphics) files offer the ideal solution for this situation, as they’re vector-based images which scale well. Unfortunately, Squarespace doesn’t natively support them but you can get around this with some clever custom coding.

Squarespace 7.0 templates make this method quite straightforward, however for Squarespace 7.1 there are additional steps required that require extra care. Please view the video above for details and pro tips.