Guide to Allow Users to Upload Files in Squarespace

Squarespace provides several methods for users to upload files, including the File Upload Block, Form Builder Block and Code Injection. We’ll explore these approaches here.

If people can’t upload files through your Squarespace form, verify their file type and size are compatible with Squarespace as well as their internet connection being stable. Also consider utilizing an alternative form-building platform like Jotform or Wufoo if possible.

File Upload Block

Your visitors may wish to upload files such as photos or documents directly onto your site, from images and documents to documents related to customization of products. Squarespace makes this possible in an efficient manner.

At first, you must create a form on your website using Squarespace’s form block. After adding this form to a page and publishing it, add an upload field with field type “File Upload”, ensuring to select Allow File Attachments when adding file submission field(s). Finally add this form as desired!

Squarespace provides basic form blocks with limited customization features for file upload forms, but these don’t offer the level of personalization necessary for file upload forms. There are third-party services like Headlessforms that offer advanced form capabilities and integrations – for instance enabling you to build one into Squarespace to create customizable file upload forms on your site.

Once your form has been created, embedding it onto any page of your website is as simple as going to its edit page and clicking “+ Add Block,” selecting Form from the drop down list, clicking the Form Block, copying its link and pasting it into the text area of that particular webpage page.

If the file upload button on your Squarespace site isn’t functioning as intended, there could be several possible causes. Before doing anything else, verify the file type is compatible and size doesn’t exceed maximum limits; additionally try using another browser to see if there might be issues with internet connectivity or change browsers in case the issue lies elsewhere.

Jotform provides thousands of templates and fields, with no coding knowledge necessary to get the job done. Add custom form icons for an attractive professional touch – the file upload feature works seamlessly across contact forms as well as product forms!

Form Builder Block

Squarespace provides everything needed for visitors to upload photos, videos and documents easily and safely. By adding a File Upload Block to any page on your website, visitors can add file uploaders with ease and customize this block according to their needs – for instance by specifying maximum file sizes allowed or types.

The Block also gives you the flexibility to decide what happens after users submit your form, with options including redirecting them to specific pages or sending them elsewhere on your website, setting a message when someone clicks a button, as well as other customization features like adding text fields.

If you don’t have the time or coding expertise necessary to create Squarespace forms yourself, third-party software like Jotform may provide an easier solution. With its free form-building tool and file uploader feature, users can create forms using their free tool before embedding the form onto their Squarespace site with a code block.

Squarespace provides various blocks that you can use to build custom forms. Some come equipped with preloaded contact or product form templates; if more advanced features are desired, third-party services like Getform may provide more appropriate solutions.

Create a file upload field in your Squarespace form by creating a new page and including a Form Builder block. When adding this form, ensure it includes a label to indicate what kind of files can be uploaded – for instance you could type FileField; maxSize=100KB; Multiple; addText=Upload_Your_Files.

If you manage a large collection of files, it’s essential that a system be in place to organize and store them effectively. Without a plan in place for finding what you’re searching for, searching can become very challenging. Incorporating some text fields on your form that ask for additional details about each file – such as its name or type – could also prove invaluable in this endeavor.

Implementing a file submission form will make the task of gathering and organizing file submissions much simpler, eliminating the hassle of chasing clients for documents or looking through submissions in your inbox. To make life even simpler, try File Request Pro for quick file uploads!

Code Injection

Squarespace provides an efficient form builder that allows users to create forms with file upload fields; however, for users looking to collect large video files or other digital media content from website visitors, this may not work effectively – therefore a third-party service such as Wufoo would likely provide better solutions.

If you are using a third-party service, embedding it on your site may require creating a Page or Index page and including a link there; alternatively, add its code directly into its HTML. When done, test out your page by visiting and visiting it again – it should display as expected!

Submitting custom JavaScript code onto a Squarespace site, known as code injection, allows for advanced features that increase interactivity and enhance functionality. However, be mindful that this method could potentially cause site downtime if not handled appropriately; to prevent this happening it’s wise to only trust reliable code in code injection processes.

One way of injecting custom code into your Squarespace website is with Page Header Code Injection, which inserts code before closing /head> tags of pages. To take this route, hover your cursor over them in Pages and select “Edit Page Header.”

Another method for adding custom code is through File Injection blocks. These can be placed on any page on your site and will add any code directly onto that particular page. It should only be utilized by experienced web developers.

Finally, jQuery functions offer another method for inserting custom code into your Squarespace site. Although more complex than its alternatives, this approach may prove effective if working with complex scripts.

Squarespace provides 20MB of file upload storage. While this may not meet the needs of larger websites, upgrading to an account with more storage or using an external cloud provider should provide sufficient room.


Squarespace form blocks don’t support attaching files to submissions, but you can get around this using third-party tools like Wufoo. Simply create your form on Wufoo, add a File Upload field, and embed it on your site with code blocks – this option may be more reliable than free options like Dropbox or SQS Form Uploader but requires a subscription fee each month.

If you prefer using a custom file upload page, consider our solution: File Request Pro. Our powerful software was specifically created for collecting files and boasts bank-grade security and numerous additional features that make it superior to its alternatives.

Once your Squarespace website is set up, incorporating forms is an effortless process. First, create a new section on your page by clicking “Add Section,” selecting Form from the menu and opening up an Add Section page. From here you’ll be asked to choose a form layout before using default settings to build it yourself with additional advanced form options for personalizing its design as well as adding multiple fields.

Once your form is configured, click “Save and Publish” to update the live version of your website and display its results on this form. It should look similar to this:

To customize the upload button of a Squarespace form file upload button, custom CSS can be used. In order to do this, it is important that you know which block or section ID your styles should apply – you can access this information using a browser extension which lists every block and section ID on your page.

To customize the Squarespace form file upload button, begin by creating a div element with equal height and width as the rest of your webpage, before inserting this code: