Steps on How to Dropship from Alibaba to Lazada

If you’re looking to get started in online retail, then Alibaba and Lazada are two of the biggest players in the market. In this article, we’ll explain how to dropship from Alibaba to Lazada, step-by-step.

What is Alibaba and Lazada?

Alibaba is a Chinese online commerce company with global reach. Founded in 1999, Alibaba has become the world’s largest online and mobile commerce company, with an annual revenue of over US$360 billion as of September 2018. Alibaba Group Holding Limited is the holding company for all of these businesses. Lazada is an Indonesian online retail giant that competes with Amazon and Flipkart in Southeast Asia. It was founded in 2009 by Indonesian entrepreneurs Dato’ Sri Hartono and Toni Widyawan.

How to Dropship on Alibaba and Lazada

Dropshipping is a great way to start a business. It’s simple, you buy products from Alibaba or Lazada, and then sell them to customers online. You don’t need any expensive equipment or a large storefront, and you can start making money right away. Here’s how to dropship on Alibaba and Lazada:

1. Start an account with Alibaba or Lazada. These platforms are great for finding products to sell.

2. Choose a product category that you’re interested in. There are tons of different categories to choose from, so find something that interests you. You can also browse by category, brand, or popularity.

3. Scan the listings for products that you want to buy. Be sure to search for things that are in stock and have low prices. This will help you get started quickly.

4. Once you’ve found a few products that you want to buy, click on the product to be taken to the seller’s page. Here, you’ll find information about the product, including the price and shipping time (if applicable). You can also read reviews from other buyers before making your decision.

How to Import and Export on Alibaba and Lazada

Dropshipping is a great way to start your own online store without having to invest in any expensive equipment or inventory. You can simply purchase products from Alibaba or Lazada and sell them online. This guide will show you how to import and export products on Alibaba and Lazada, respectively.

Before you begin importing or exporting products, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different platforms. Alibaba is the largest e-commerce platform in the world, with more than 2 billion active users. Lazada is a smaller e-commerce platform that specializes in dropshipping products.

To import products on Alibaba, first create an account and login. Then go to the Products section and search for the product you want to buy. Click on the product link to go to the product page. On the product page, click on the Import tab. Enter the details of your shipment, including the shipping address, carrier name, and tracking number. You can also add a note about your purchase if you want. Then click on Submit Order button to submit your order.

How to Shop on Alibaba and Lazada

Are you looking for an easy way to shop for items online? Well, you’re in luck because Alibaba and Lazada are two of the most popular e-commerce platforms out there. Here, we’ll show you how to shop on both platforms and get the best deals.

First things first: if you’ve never shopped on Alibaba before, you’ll need to create an account. Once you have an account, log in and go to the shopping section. Here, you can find a huge variety of products from all around the world. You can also find products that are exclusively available on Alibaba.

Now that you’re familiar with Alibaba, it’s time to move on to Lazada. Lazada is basically Southeast Asia’s version of Alibaba. With over 100 million active users, Lazada is a great place to find products from countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Plus, Lazada offers a wider range of products than Alibaba does.

So how do these two platforms compare? Overall, they both offer great options for shoppers worldwide. However, Alibaba tends to have more exclusive products that only appear on the platform. And Lazada sometimes has lower prices than Alibaba does. So whichever platform you decide to use, be sure to comparison shop and find the best deals!

How to choose the right products for dropshipping

Dropshipping can be a great way to start an online business, but it’s important to choose the right products for your business. Here are four tips for choosing the right products for dropshipping:

1. Figure out what you want to sell. First, think about what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. Then, figure out which products fall under those categories. Once you know what you’re selling, it’s easier to choose products that will fit your business.

2. Research the market. Next, research the market to see what other businesses are selling like yours. This will help you figure out where to find potential customers and how much competition you’ll face.

3. Choose quality over quantity. Finally, remember that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to dropshipping. Make sure your products are of high quality so that your customers will continue buying from you even if there are fewer products available.

4. Stick to a niche. Finally, always stick to a niche when Dropshipping. This will help you avoid competition and keep your product selection narrow enough that customers will know exactly what they’re getting when they buy from you.

Tips for dropshipping on Alibaba and Lazada

There are a few things you need to do in order to dropship successfully on Alibaba and Lazada. First, research which products are selling well on these platforms and find a similar product that you can sell. Once you have decided on a product, create a listing that is accurately described and features high-quality images.

Be sure to set your price low enough so that customers are likely to purchase your item, but also be sure to set your price high enough so that you can make a profit. Finally, be sure to ship your items quickly and continuously follow up with customers to ensure they are satisfied with your product.


Dropshipping from Alibaba to Lazada can be a great way to start your own online business. The process is relatively easy, and the fees are lower than you would find on other ecommerce platforms. If you have a product that you can sell online, dropshipping from Alibaba to Lazada might be the perfect option for you. Keep in mind that this strategy requires some planning and execution, but with a little effort it can lead to success. Thanks for reading!