Facebook Pixel for Dropshipping Detailed Tutorial

The Facebook Pixel is hidden in websites all over the internet and watches our online activities. It monitors what we do online, whether it’s reading about politics or adding items into a shopping cart.

We also refer to “future marketing” by using the term “future references”.

This article will explain what the Facebook Pixel is and how to install it. It also explains the different ways you can use it to increase your ads’ ROI.

What is the Facebook Pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is an embedded piece of code that you can place on your website. This code allows you to monitor the actions of people on your website and measure the effectiveness your Facebook ads campaigns.

To track events, you can use the Facebook Pixel Code

  • Pageviews
  • Time on the page
  • Scroll depth
  • Add to cart
  • Purchase
  • More

It can also be used to create targeted retargeting campaigns or remarket to people that have visited your website and taken the desired action.

The Facebook Pixel is short for:

  • Your website is alive
  • You can track visitors’ interactions with your website
  • This tool allows you to create custom audiences for retargeting
  • It allows you to track your Instagram and Facebook campaigns’ ROI

How does the Facebook Pixel work?

For a moment, we’ll get technical. It won’t hurt – there will not be much jargon and lots of photos. There are no hard feelings if you skip to How to Install Facebook Pixel and How to Target People with the Facebook Pixel.

Are you still here? Great. Let’s go shopping!

Today, we’ll be visiting two stores. Esprit is the first. The second is Nike. These stores are not unusual; they simply serve to promote ecommerce. While Esprit and Nike may be doing something unusual with their advertising and tracking, it is not sinister. They are just clothing stores that go about their business, and use Facebook pixel tracking for frequent visitors.

We don’t know what Esprit or Nike have created to target shoppers like us. If we didn’t add these items to our shopping carts, would we have seen as many ads? Maybe geography also plays a part: Would these ads have been as frequent if we had shopped from South Korea rather than Germany?

These parameters – such as the rules, target groups, bids, time periods, etc. – are completely unknown.

You can still see how Facebook Pixel works.

  • Add the Pixel – The process starts after you have added a snippet tracking code to your website.
  • Gather insights Your Facebookpixel collects information about visitors such as their origins, device used, and other pertinent information.
  • Analyze behavior – Find out how users interact with your website. This includes whether they add a product to their cart or visit a particular product page.
  • Create audiences. Use data from Pixel events to create lookalike audiences and custom audiences.
  • Assess events and Evaluate conversions to help you choose the best Facebook ads for your business.

How To Install Facebook Pixel

Now that you are familiar with its purpose, it is time to install the Facebook Pixel onto your website. These steps will help you do it:

1. Make a Facebook Pixel

First, create your pixel. Go to your Facebook Events Manager and click Connect a data source > Web. Select Facebook Pixel, then click Connect to continue.

2. Add the Facebook Pixel on Your Website

You have three options to integrate the Facebook Pixel

  • Manual installation
  • Use an integration or tag management
  • Sending instructions to a developer

Let’s take a closer look at each option:

1. Manually add the Facebook Pixel to you website

The Facebook pixel is most effective when it is displayed on every page of the website. You don’t have to place it on every page. Just put the pixel code into the global header. Your website. Before you paste the FB code, make sure it is in the middle of your header code. After and before Click Save Changes.

2. Install the Facebook Pixel in Shopify using an integration

These steps will help you set up your Facebook Pixel if you have a Shopify Store.

  1. Next, open your Shopify admin and select Facebook from Sales channels tab.
  2. Click Settings > Data sharing settings.
  3. Scroll down until the section Customer data-sharing appears. Click Enable data sharing.
  4. Select Standard, Enhanced or Maximum from the section Data-sharing Levels.
  5. Select your pixel from this list or follow the instructions on-screen to create it.
  6. You’re done when you click Confirm

Tip: Wait for customer activity to occur before you check out your Facebook Ads Manager.

3. Ask a developer for the Facebook Pixel code.

You can email a web developer instructions and code to add the Facebook Pixel to your website. Enter their email address in the Email Instructions to Developer box.

To verify that the code has been added correctly, you can use the Facebookpixel Helper.

Facebook Pixel Helper will also notify you of errors and allow you to correct them.

You can view real-time conversion and event data in your Facebook marketing campaigns if the Pixel Helper shows no errors.

Installing the Facebook Pixel is easy. The Pixel will encourage you to advertise on Facebook as well as Facebook’s Instagram. This makes Facebook happy.

Facebook is happy to allow you to use the Pixel, regardless of whether you advertise with them. Facebook can track what its users do outside of its platform by having its tracking pixel spread across the internet.

Although it’s unlikely that anyone would accuse Facebook for being shady with data, it’s quite a coincidence that I saw the adidas ad on Instagram while shopping at Nike.

Incentives are always aligned when it comes installing the code into your store. You get better advertising, Facebook receives better data.

How do you target people with the Facebook Pixel?

Technically speaking, the code does not actually target. It is instead the foundation that allows for targeting.

Facebook will let you decide which target group to target.

You can create custom audiences within your Facebook Business Manager with rules that range from simple to extremely complex. Let’s take, for example, that you sell sunglasses and fashion accessories. The Facebook Pixel will track all Facebook users who viewed your sunglasses and the times they viewed them. You could create a custom audience of people who have visited your “sunglasses” pages in the past, say, 30 calendar days.

Facebook ads can be targeted to converts. You might offer a discount code to your next customer if you so choose. You can do this by creating a URL rule to redirect to a post-conversion webpage, such as a Thank You Page.

Another option: You can create custom audiences based on how much money 35-year-olds have spent in your store. You might want to target these people with more expensive products by creating a segment called “Big Spenders”. The pixel will let you know which big spenders are.

Facebook Pixel offers additional targeting options

Lookalike Audiences

Facebook advertising has a great feature called “Lookalike Audiences”. You can create Lookalike Audiences that reflect the characteristics of your top customers.

The code can identify who visited your website and use that information to find people with similar traits. Facebook can create a Lookalike Audience from other females aged 25-35 who live in urban areas. This is useful if your “Big Spenders” segment has a lot of females between 25 and 35 who are urban dwellers.

Both standard and custom events

It can also be used to create “custom events,” which are more advanced relative to “standard events.” These are actions that the Facebook Pixel automatically tracks, such as “add to cart”, and “purchase”. There are nine total. You can create custom events. This allows you to define more detailed data around events.

Custom Conversions

Facebook Pixel also allows you to create custom conversions. This can be done by selecting a completion page such as a Thank You page and giving the conversion a name. You can say, “Thank you for subscribing. Here’s your 20% off” as the name of the conversion. The tracking pixel can be used to track who visits a completion page because it is already running on your site.

You can also choose a conversion category, and then enter a monetary amount for your custom conversion. If you have a conversion that tracks people to a product webpage, you can also include the price of the product. This will help you to determine if your campaigns are making a profit or need to be adjusted. It’s time to evaluate your campaign setup.

To optimize your ad groups for Custom Conversion optimization, choose “Website Conversion” and enter your URL. Next, select the conversion that you wish to track and improve upon. Facebook allows you to delete custom conversions that you don’t use and create new ones.

Facebook ads and segments are a art form. Let’s just leave it at that for now.

Facebook Pixel data underpins all Custom Audiences, regardless of whether they are using standard events or customizing more advanced events. It can also tell you who viewed the sunglasses. It can also tell you who viewed the sunglasses and who didn’t.

Facebook Pixel is One of Many Advertising Tools

Facebook isn’t the only advertising technology floating around code sites like Nike or Esprit. We see similar ads everywhere, not just on Facebook.

For example, here’s what a visit The New York Times would look like after browsing these two online shops:

How does The New York Times know we were at Esprit too? They don’t. However, tools such as Criteo which specializes on retargeting do. Criteo is just one of the many advertising tools that Esprit has connected to. The Facebook Pixel helps Facebook to fill its ad spaces with relevant ads. The Criteo’s around the world help The New York Times to fill their ads with relevant ads.

Facebook is unique within this ecosystem because of a few things. First, Facebook has a huge. There are more than two billion active users each day, so at least some of these people will be part of your target audience.

The ad platform on Facebook isn’t perfect but it’s great for small-scale ecommerce stores. Creating ads is easy, targeting groups are manageable and the Facebook Pixel ID is simple to install.

Even if your retargeting goals are ambitious, the Facebook Pixel should always be used as your first tool.

Technical Details

The Ghostery browser extension will give you a better understanding of how ecommerce stores advertise. Ghostery provides a listing of all the tools used by ecommerce sites to advertise, analyze, and engage customers every time they visit them.

Google Chrome’s Developer Tools allows you to see more of the inside with Google Chrome. This is the tool that we used to examine all code firings during our shopping trips with Esprit, Nike, and other companies.

It’s true: Retargeting campaigns can be run without having to know about it. It’s possible. It’s okay.

iOS 14’s Impact on Facebook Pixel

Updated rules in iOS 14.5, third-party tracking, will cause some Facebook pixel functionality to be removed from updated Apple devices. Is this a sign that we are doomed? Because only 14.7% of Facebook mobile users access it via iOS devices, that’s not true.

iOS 14.5 requires that you limit the number of standard events and custom conversions to eight. This is the maximum limit. You can’t have more than one domain for conversion tracking, since iOS 14.5 eliminates the possibility to track across multiple domains.


You have many opportunities to engage and convert people with Facebook advertising even after they’ve seen your front-end offer. You can retarget potential customers with your ads using the data provided by the Facebook Pixel.

Analytics tools provide excellent insight into your audience and deliver ads to those who have shown interest in your company. It also improves the efficiency of your advertising campaigns.

Do your business a favor, and tap into the pixel goodness!

Dropshipping’s disadvantages

Dropshipping as fulfillment process has its own drawbacks, just like every other thing in the world. These are the main cons of this shipping model:

Margins of profit are lower
Dropshipping may be more expensive if you don’t buy in bulk. Dropshipping is not an option for most manufacturers and wholesalers. This would make it more expensive to buy from retailers. This can reduce your profit margins.

Total liability for all losses
If the supplier makes a mistake, the customer will be charged extra.

Lower control
Drop-shipping is a model where the seller does not have control over how his brand is presented to the customer.

Because the supplier handles packaging and shipping aspects of order fulfillment,

Shipping issues:
It can be problematic to transport if you have multiple vendors who are supplying a single order for your customer. Different suppliers have different shipping rates depending on where they are located and the product being shipped. The seller would pay separate shipping charges to each supplier, while the customer would only have to pay one shipping cost.

There is a lot of competition
Dropshipping and ecommerce are gaining popularity, which means that there is more competition.

It can be difficult to manage inventory.
It can be difficult to keep track the inventory levels at your supplier. This can cause miscommunications, cancellations of orders, and back-ordering by your customers. This can negatively impact your brand image as well as the customer experience.