How to Place Dropshipping Orders on AliExpress?

Placing Modalyst Dropship Orders on AliExpress

It’s fast and simple to sync AliExpress orders with your store

Congratulations! You are now receiving orders for your store. It is quick and easy to sync orders for items sourced via AliExpress.

Modalyst will sync orders placed by customers on your store. These orders will be visible under Orders.

Before you sync your order, ensure that you have selected the correct shipping method. You can preselect the shipping method from the Import List selection. You can find out more about selecting your shipping method. To change the shipping method of your order, click the icon below it.

Click the button “Sync to AliExpress” to sync your order with AliExpress. This will sync your order to AliExpress automatically, with the item, variant and shipping method as well as customer details.

Push Sync to AliExpress and we’ll show you that your order is synced to your account. Push the Sync To AliExpress button to sync multiple orders at once. It doesn’t matter if the order is complete before you can sync another order.

After the order has been synced, click on this button to pay AliExpress. To be redirected directly to AliExpress, click on the button. The order has an AliExpress order number. This was automatically created when the order was synced to your AliExpress account.

The order will be paid and shipped by AliExpress. AliExpress orders must all be paid on AliExpress. All orders that include multiple items from the exact same supplier will be combined.

Due to the following reasons, the AliExpress total price may differ from AliExpress’s total.

  • Shipping fees will be charged based on the shipping method you select in the Import List. They may vary slightly from time to time.
  • Multiple items may be subject to different shipping fees.
  • Shipping costs vary depending on the country where your customer is located
  • AliExpress doesn’t give us tax information – these will be applied to any AliExpress order
  • Modalyst prices are round – AliExpress will list the cost.

Your order will be marked “Payment being Verified” in AliExpress once it has been paid. After AliExpress has verified payment, the order will be marked as “Payment being Verified” in AliExpress. AliExpress will list the product as “Awaiting Shipment”

The supplier will then fulfill your order. AliExpress will notify when the order has been shipped. The tracking number and courier will be automatically synced to Modalyst. We then mark the order as fulfilled in Modalyst. We will automatically sync the courier and tracking numbers for you.

This will notify your customer as a default setting that it is sending the order!

Tips to Place Oberlo Dropship Orders on AliExpress

Orders placed in AliExpress can be synced

Find out how to place, pay for, and sync AliExpress orders individually or in bulk.

Once you have received an order from Shopify, you will need to place, pay, and then sync AliExpress orders either individually or in bulk.

You must fix any order that hasn’t arrived in Oberlo.


These are the requirements to be aware of before you start:

  • AliExpress accounts are required.
  • You will need to connect AliExpress to Oberlo to join the AliExpress Dropshipping program.
  • You must be on the Boss plan to place bulk AliExpress orders. Oberlo offers the Upgrade your Oberlo plan page.
  • You will need the Oberlo Chrome extension to place bulk orders.

Place AliExpress orders individually within Oberlo

You can now place your AliExpress orders in Oberlo. You will need to repeat these steps if your Shopify order includes products from multiple AliExpress supplier.

Note: AliExpress discounts and coupons don’t work for orders placed within Oberlo. You can’t use your AliExpress coupon codes or discounts if you place an order manually via Copy/paste the AliExpress order # in Oberlo.


  1. Click Orders from your Oberlo admin.
  2. Next to the order that you wish to place, click ORDER.
  3. Optional: To place an order, you must change the supplier of your product. You will need to cancel your order and request a refund.
  4. The Order Products side panel contains the following:
    1. Check the shipping address details of your customer. You can edit their details by clicking Edit in the Shipping Address section.
    2. Send your note back to the supplier. You can adjust it by clicking EDIT in the Products section.
    3. Select a shipping method to be used for each product in the Shipping Method field. You can choose your preferred shipping method automatically by configuring your Suppliers settings.
    4. Check the estimated amount of your order. The estimated total of your order is displayed in USD and the currency used by Shopify. You can place your order in USD currency. However, AliExpress allows you to choose the currency that you wish to use for payment.
  5. Click ORDER. Your order status changes to To make payment.

Once you have placed your order, you will need to pay AliExpress for it.

Place AliExpress orders in bulk on AliExpress

You will need the Oberlo Chrome extension in your Google Chrome browser to place bulk AliExpress orders.


  1. Click Orders from your Oberlo admin.
  2. You can select which orders you wish to place in bulk by using the checkboxes. Oberlo allows you to select unlimited orders from multiple pages. Use the page navigation at bottom to select orders from multiple pages.
  3. Click PLACE # ALIEXPRESS ORDERERS. The extension will add your products to the shopping basket, select the shipping method according to your supplier settings, and resolve any CAPTCHAs automatically for you.
  4. Optional: If there are any problems with your orders, such as an incorrect shipping address and/or a product that is out of stock then the extension will stop and show you a notification. To fix the problem or to skip bulk ordering, click SOLVE.
  5. After your orders have been placed, you will receive a confirmation message via the Orders webpage in your Oberlo admin. The extension syncs all of your AliExpress orders IDs back to Oberlo. It also changes your order status to To be paid.
  6. Optional: To review your orders and the shipping methods used for each order click OPEN STATUS PAGES > OPEN ALIEXPRESS LIST. Go back to Oberlo’s status page to review your orders. You can change the shipping method of an order by cancelling it and placing another order.

Once you have placed your order, you will need to pay them via AliExpress.

Pay for AliExpress orders on AliExpress

Once you have placed your order, you will need to pay AliExpress for it.

  1. Click Orders from your Oberlo admin.
  2. Next to any order, click PAY AT ALIEXPRESS. Next, click Payment now on AliExpress’s orders list. Add a payment method and then click Pay now. To update the status of your order to Inawaiting shipment, click Sync With AliExpress after you have paid.

Sync AliExpress orders

To sync your orders, you need to update information such as the status of your order or your tracking number from AliExpress. You will receive an email from the supplier confirming your order and a tracking number via AliExpress. The next step is to connect your order with Oberlo.

The following changes occur after you have synchronized your AliExpress order.

  • Your order status changes to Shipped in Oberlo.
  • Shopify marks your order as complete.
  • Oberlo and Shopify sync the order tracking number.
  • Your customer will receive an order confirmation email or SMS if you have enabled the automated shipping confirmations notifications.

To see the date and time of your previous order sync, go to Oberlo admin > Orders > click actions next order. The time and date are determined by the timezone that you have selected in your Other settings .

Sync AliExpress orders in Oberlo

Oberlo allows you to sync up to three orders per hour within Oberlo


  1. Click Orders from your Oberlo admin.
  2. Choose the order you want to sync.

Orders in bulk via AliExpress Sync within Oberlo

You can sync orders in bulk (last 5, 10, or 30 dats) within Oberlo for up to three times per 24 hours (per each option).


  1. Click Orders from your Oberlo admin.
  2. Click SYNC ALIEXPRESS at the top of your Orders List.
  3. Click LAST 5 days10 days or 30 days.