Top 20 WordPress Translation Plugins

The WordPress ecosystem has evolved over and over again, with new plugins emerging and old ones getting updated or becoming obsolete. Below are some of the popular WordPress translation plugins available till then:

  1. WPML (WordPress Multilingual Plugin): One of the most popular and comprehensive solutions that allows running a fully multilingual website.
  1. Polylang: A free plugin that allows you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site.
  1. TranslatePress: A complete WordPress multilingual site builder. It offers a front-end editor and integrates with Google Translate.
  1. Weglot: A cloud-based website translation platform that integrates seamlessly with WordPress.
  1. MultilingualPress: Uses a multisite approach to translate content, creating a network for multiple languages.
  1. GTranslate: Uses Google Translate to automatically translate your site’s content. It offers both free and premium versions.
  2. Loco Translate: Provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files and also provides a local translation API.
  1. Transposh: Supports translations from Google or Bing/Microsoft, also provides the ability to manually correct translations.
  1. Multilingual by BestWebSoft: Allows translation of website content including posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, widgets, and menus.
  1. xili-language: Provides a set of tools to help manage and optimize multilingual content in a WordPress site.
  1. Babble: A multilingual plugin developed by Automattic, the company behind
  1. Lingotek Translate: Provides cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress by integrating with Lingotec’s translation network.
  1. QTranslate X: Although it was once popular, it has lost popularity over time. It provided a way to maintain dynamic multilingual content on a WordPress site.
  1. WPGlobus: Allows you to add multiple languages ​​and switch between them. It can be made expandable using add-ons.
  1. Google Language Translator: A simple plugin for adding the Google Language Translator tool to your site.
  1. WP Multilang: A translation plugin that supports most popular WordPress plugins out of the box.
  1. Stella: A premium plugin that provides features for creating multilingual content.
  1. Translate WordPress – Google Language Translator: A plugin that takes advantage of Google’s translation services.
  1. Global translator: Automatically translates your blog into different languages, but it was not updated for a long time.
  1. ConveyThis Translate: Allows automatic translation of your website into over 90 languages.

Always remember to check the plugin’s current compatibility with your WordPress version, read reviews, and maybe do some testing in a staging environment before making it live on your website. It is also essential to back up your website regularly before making any major changes or adding plugins.