7 Best eCommerce Email Marketing Software Services

The best email marketing service It is still the best way to reach your audience. Email marketing services allow you to reap the benefits of email campaigns without all the hassles. It is becoming more difficult to find the best email marketing services.

Many companies offer tools that combine automation and things like SMS marketing, CRM integrations, A/B testing, and CRM integrations. Your chances of achieving the maximum ROI from email are higher if you choose the right software.

Companies can access the best email marketing software to create automated strategies to build deeper relationships with their target market. Your sales opportunities will grow as you build relationships with customers over time.

Today we will be looking at the best and most highly rated email marketing tools.

How to Choose the Best Email Marketing Service

Let’s first take a look at the anatomy and features of an excellent email service before we get into our reviews. With a variety of features, email marketing software and services can streamline your marketing efforts. The greater your budget for email solutions, the more capabilities you will find.

For a campaign to be successful, email marketing services are crucial. It would be difficult to keep track all the conversations you have with each segment of your audience without these tools. Imagine sending multiple emails every day to thousands of people.

Email marketing services continue to improve their features such as A/B testing, personalization and automation tools that will help you build a stronger connection with your audience.

Each company will have their own experience in choosing the right email marketing tools. We recommend that you consider the following:

  • Customer management Ideally, your email marketing software will let you manage your customers by dividing them into segments based upon their preferences, activities, or other factors. Integration with CRM tools can be very useful.
  • Email templates – A large selection of templates is always helpful for email marketing campaigns. It’s easier to create an email that is perfect for your message, and the target audience, if you have more templates to choose from.
  • Customization – A powerful email builder allows you to modify your email templates with dynamic content and personalization. Drag and drop is a popular feature that makes it easy to add or remove components.
  • Mobile functionality Emails should be as accessible and easy to explore from a smartphone as they are from a desktop computer. Your email marketing service should allow you to view your campaigns in “preview mode” before sending them.
  • Built in testing: In order to make the most out of your email marketing campaigns you will need access to spam testing. This will ensure that your email is not flagged by the customer.
  • Unlimited options – This is a difficult question because many email service providers will adjust your bill based on how many emails you send and the number of subscribers. If you have subscribers, ensure your email marketing tool is capable of sending messages to them all.
  • Reporting and analytics Email marketing is a powerful tool for relationship building and customer management. How do you know which emails are delivering the best results? This is where analytics and reporting tools come in. You can also use A/B testing to optimize your campaigns.
  • Integrations – Most email marketing services have a lot of great features. There’s always the possibility that you may want additional functionality. Integrations let you link your email with Salesforce, Shopify and Zendesk among other useful apps.
  • Marketing automation – All the best email marketing software must have automation tools that enable you to schedule messages when it is most convenient. With carefully planned messaging flows, you can ensure that your messages reach the right audience at the right time.

Why Email Marketing is Important?

Numerous studies have shown that email marketing converts more than any other channel of marketing, search or social. A message sent via email is five times more likely than it is to be seen on Facebook. Email marketing maintains an advantage with a click through rate that is six times higher when it crosses over to Twitter.

The overall average return on investment for email marketing is a staggering 3800%. This translates into $38 per $1.

The Best Email Marketing Service

The process of selecting the best email marketing service can be overwhelming with all the options.

There is no one best email marketing service. It comes down to what works for you. This will depend on your marketing goals and budget, website structure, software platforms as well as the size of your team, target audience, projected growth, volume of mailing lists, and technical skills.

How to Select the Best Email Marketing Service For Ecommerce

Ecommerce businesses all share the same goal: to increase sales. The best email marketing services are optimized for lead generation, conversion, and engagement.

Apart from this, you need to focus on which options can be integrated with your eCommerce platform and other software solutions within your website’s ecosystem. To generate customers and subscribers directly, you need marketing software that integrates with the entire ecosystem.

A great email marketing solution must be flexible enough to adapt to changing business needs. You should also consider email marketing services that use advanced artificial intelligence to personalize your campaigns for your target audience.

Combining these features with powerful automation capabilities, contact management and workflow management, campaign triggers and detailed analytics, you will be on your way to creating the perfect email marketing platform for your ecommerce company.

Best Email Marketing Services for Small Businesses


SendinBlue was designed to increase your marketing efforts holistically using a cost-effective strategy. This all-in one email service provider provides advanced automation features at extremely affordable prices.

You can even get a permanent free plan that gives you access to important email automation tools, SMS marketing, A/B testing and email templates. Small businesses can use it to create a solid marketing strategy. This allows them to send 300 emails per day which should allow them enough time to reach a large audience. It’s easy to capitalize on SendinBlue’s unlimited contact list.

Premium packages are available for $20 per month if you need more email sending. SendinBlue has no restrictions on how many emails you can send each day for this price. For $66 per month, the Premium plan gives you professional-level tools while the Essentials plan costs $39 per month.

This is the best part. You can choose to pay only for what you use, rather than paying for the full package. SendinBlue offers email credits that start at $40 per 5,000 emails. These credits have the same features and expiration dates as the Essentials plan.


Mailchimp is a popular choice for small businesses. Its free plan is a favorite among digital marketers and business owners. It supports up to 2,000 contacts per month, as well as 10,000 emails per month.

Mailchimp’s CRM, behavioral targeting, and automation tools will help you to roll out these campaigns. It supports 6 additional marketing channels, so it goes beyond email.

Upgrading is affordable at $9.99 per month. This will increase your contact limit to at least 50,000. The monthly email sends should be approximately 500,000. Mailchimp also offers custom branding and A/B testing, as well as other marketing tools.


MailerLite is the best email service provider for elegance. Its interface is attractive, elegant, intuitive, and, most importantly, user-friendly for beginners. It allows small businesses to quickly build automated email workflows and design landing pages and emails without technical knowledge.

You won’t have to pay anything for all of these features. MailerLite offers a reasonable free plan that allows you to send up to 12,000 emails per month and has 1,000 subscribers.

MailerLite offers email automation, pop-ups landing pages, advanced segmentation and email templates. The pricing isn’t too bad and you won’t feel any pinch if your upgrade. MailerLite’s premium plans start at $7 per month.

The best part is that even the most basic premium plan unlocks all advanced features and integrations including custom HTML editing. This means that you will only be able to upgrade if your contact list exceeds your plan’s limit.

Best Email Marketing Services for Shopify


SendinBlue has a wide range of integrations. This powerful Shopify app is designed to help you take your email marketing campaigns up a notch. It is easy to install from the Shopify App Store and it will sync with your contact lists. SendinBlue will automatically add new customers to your Shopify store’s mailing list as soon as they make a purchase.

SendinBlue lets you customize your free templates and align them to your marketing strategy. The system can be customized to allow you to set up email automation tools, and the system will send personalized emails. SendinBlue’s delivery rates are almost perfect so you can be sure that your intended audiences will get their emails.

SendinBlue’s Shopify app can also be used to promote multichannel campaigns, thanks to its SMS marketing feature. You can also track all critical variables and get detailed metrics to help you make informed marketing decisions.


Klaviyo, another all-in one email marketing service provider, has the perfect integration for Shopify. It offers advanced segmentation, pop-up email capture, automated workflows and email templates.

The intuitive drag-and drop builder makes it easy to create emails. There are many user-friendly options that allow you to quickly and easily edit your email’s overall outlook and message content.

Email automation is the area Klaviyo really shines. It is possible to set up automated email sends using trigger parameters like site activity, mailing list subscription dates or purchase history. Klaviyo also offers a Flow Library that allows you to create workflows for your customers throughout their entire lifecycle.

Constant Contact

Constant Contact is the oldest email marketing software in the Shopify App Store. You’ll find that Constant Contact’s Shopify integration is very similar to its web version. It can be embedded with your Shopify store to allow you to sync your contact details based upon information from customers, subscribers, and unsubscribers.

You can then use its easy email builder to access any pre-designed templates. It takes just a few clicks to customize your email templates. The next step is to create an automated email marketing campaign using appropriately branded emails. The system will automatically sync your contact information every 15 minutes, ensuring that campaign accuracy is maintained.

Constant Contact claims to have a 97% average deliverability score. This means that Constant Contact will always deliver your emails to their recipients.

Best Free Email Marketing Services


SendinBlue is different from other email marketing services on the internet. It doesn’t base it pricing on how many contacts you have. Instead, it uses the number and frequency of emails sent per month as its main pricing guide.

It doesn’t cost anything, but it does charge for some things. SendinBlue offers an email marketing plan that is free for small businesses, startups, and beginners. The package is free for life and you don’t have to pay a dime.

SendinBlue’s free plan has many great features, including a generous allocation for subscribers. Mailchimp and most of its main competitors limit the number you can save to their starter packages. SendinBlue lets you keep as many contacts as you like. There are no limits to the number of contacts you can save in SendinBlue’s starter packages.

SendinBlue also offers email templates, personalization tools and A/B testing. It also provides email design, email templates, email templates, personalization tools, an electronic designer, customizable signup form, sales CRM tools, flexible APIs, email support, real time reporting, and automation features. These features combine to make SendinBlue one the most cost-effective email marketing services.

You can only send 300 emails per day. You can only send 300 emails per day to marketing automation. This limits your ability to reach more than 2,000 contacts. If you are running a large-scale marketing campaign, it might be a good idea to spread out the emails over multiple days and create a separate workflow for each group of 2,000 contacts.

HubSpot Marketing Center

HubSpot is the master of all digital marketing. HubSpot offers a variety of software solutions that can be used in different channels, including email software and landing pages solutions. Their pricing ranges from tens to thousands of dollars per month to thousands.

HubSpot Free is the most widely used service, for obvious reasons. You can use it for as long or short as you like.

Make no mistake. HubSpot Free does not provide an entirely email marketing solution. It’s actually a complete lead engagement suite that includes CRM, sales, customer service, email marketing tools, and CRM. All of them work together so that you can manage the entire lead conversion process from a single centralized system.

HubSpot Free offers email marketing support for up to one million contacts. The email scheduling feature lets you get in touch with people at certain times. Templates are also available to help you quickly create professional emails. HubSpot will track each email and give you an instant analysis of your marketing campaign.

HubSpot Free also integrates with other email service providers like Outlook and Gmail. You should be able send emails from your Google account easily.

While you’re at the same time, consider adding your team to assist you in all aspects of your business. HubSpot allows unlimited users per account. This is a good way to make up the lack of advanced marketing automation tools.


MailerLite’s complimentary package may not offer as many mailing contacts as SendinBlue’s. You can only have 1,000 subscribers and you can send up to 12,000 emails per month. SendinBlue has a limit of 300 emails per day, but this is still a good number.

MailerLite goes beyond that though. The best part about the free plan’s outstanding range of features is Except for minor things like email autoresends and email click maps, the free plan offers the same features and capabilities as MailerLite’s paid plans.

In a nutshell the privileges that follow include multi-user accounts and domain authentication, surveys and A/B testing. Subscriber management includes pop-up subscribe forms and embedded signup forms. Landing pages can be used to send mobile-friendly emails. Rich text editing is available. Drag and drop editors are also available. 24/7 customer support is also available.

If you plan to manage your email marketing campaigns fully-on but only with a small number of contacts, then the MailerLite Free Plan is something worth looking into.

Finishing Thoughts

It can be difficult to choose the right email marketing service. It is important that your email marketing service does more than send welcome emails to website visitors. A tool that integrates with social media and popular ecommerce platforms is the best email solution.

There are many options available, so make sure to consider what is most important to you. Are you looking for more than phone and email support? Do you want a complete marketing tool or a system that tracks click-throughs and converts?

We’ve only listed our top email options, but there are many more available. Start with a free trial to get an idea of the type of email service that you require.