Dropshipping Single Product VS Niche Vs General Store

One Product Store VS General Store VS Niche Store: Which is Better?

One of the toughest choices for a newbie to make when it comes to dropshipping is what kind of store they should run. Many of them are on the fence whether they should run a dropshipping store with one product, a Specialty store, or a General store?

Please note that one particular type of store might work for you, but may not work for someone else, and vice versa. The truth is that both of these approaches work well, and each of these forms of stores will help make some money. And there is no “right” way to get your dropshipping store going.

Today I will discuss the pros and cons of these three store styles so that you guys can make a good decision about exactly what type of dropshipping store you want to start. Let’s immerse ourselves in!

One product store


  • It’s much more time, and it’s cost-effective

It’s not a big deal to place a test/sample order from your supplier on this one specific item because it is just one item. So it’s a lot more time and cost-efficient.

What’s More:

  • Could you see if the supplier is reliable and Reliable;
  • Also, guarantee that this product is of high quality;
  • With only one product in your store, you can target all your energy and resources, focusing on your branding and marketing, rather than spending days and weeks polishing product descriptions and shooting images and videos of your product.

You get your domain name.

The other advantage of one drug store is that you get to have your product domain name.

If you sell guitar mug at your dropshipping store, get guitarmug.com as your domain name. It gives you full authority to own the product domain. Consumers will consider you more legitimate, which will increase the possibility for customers to make a purchase at your store instead of the others.

But just in case you have taken the product domain, make a slight change, like the guitarmug.com. Don’t go too far and remember.


  • It’s high risk and heavy pressure

The vital part is to pick one successful and competitive product with only one product to sell. Product sourcing is always a massive nightmare of business owner’s dropshipping. Now you are counting on this one commodity for everything. That’s quite a big pressure to bear.

It’s also pretty risky if the product is polluted or irrelevant to your customers. As a result, you will have a high chance of failure.

  • The likelihood of returning customers is small, since people may only need the product for once.

General store


  • It is more welcoming to beginners

Compared to a single-product shop or specialty store, you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, because it’s less risky. You will make more profits, and even sustainable companies, by adding hundreds of trending products to your dropshipping store and then selling them. Long-term running will be less of a hassle. There are more potential clients you can reach out to.

  • More potential clients you should reach out to

Practically everyone is targeting your variety of products. Eventually, you can start selling to potential buyers by attracting more people.

You get to check multiple products at once, so you’ll have more time to try out the winning products. Add the items you wish to cover and support via Facebook, Instagram, and other social media.


  • Hard to market the company

You know, if you start working with no particular niche, you’ll find it hard to market your business, because you won’t find your target audience as similar as a single product store or niche store.

If you sell beauty products, appliances, baby products, and furniture in your shop at once, for example:

When a customer gets to your shop, he’ll notice you’re selling almost everything but none specialized. Possibly they would feel far less motivated to buy from you. Or they get overwhelmed and confused when they see a wide variety of products that you have in your shop. And disappointed clients NOT buy it.

  • Low conversion rate

Most visitors check out items without buying intention, visitors who are already interested in their niche attract, unlike the niche store.

  • Competition is rising

Compared with one online store and specialty store, nearly every other ecommerce store on the market competes with a general store. It is extremely difficult for general stores to become SEO-friendly without narrowly defined details.

It leaves you with no choice but to use very specific keywords like ‘online shopping’ or ‘buy online,’ and you can imagine how many well-established eCommerce stores already use these keywords.

Your store will not be listed high enough on the search results page with such a common keyword.

Niche store


  • Less competition

You’re far less likely to run across someone who sells the same items.

And you get to pick out what you’re excited about. As a fan of your market, you know precisely what product attributes are important to your target audience. So you can give your store more personality and come up with your exclusive product descriptions that are both enticing to your potential customers and SEO-winning.

  • Branding and ads become simpler.

Having a clear understanding of the like-minded people who are passionate about your niches, you can make content around your niche that will resonate with them well.

If you sell home office decor in your niche shop, visitors click on your homepage and see that all items listed in your store are exactly what they want but more fun and imaginative, they would be super excited and smash the buy button right now.

  • You could win more customers lolly.

You will win more loyal customers by talking about your customers’ language to build an emotional connection and bond with them. And repeated repeat transactions will be more likely.


  • Hard to find a niche that succeeds.

Nobody can tell with confidence that a niche store is going to become utterly popular. That’s why niche stores require lots of trials and tests until the winner is found.

  • You really could check one niche at a time.

And at a time that cost time, money, and effort, you could test one niche. More likely, you’ll be disappointed when most of the niches you’ve picked have not been selling well.

Well, it’s never going to end the controversy between one commodity stores vs. general store vs. niche shop. There’s no “Easy” way to start your dropshipping store, as I said at the beginning. Everyone has different opinions on types of the dropshipping store that can confuse you, rather than help you make decisions.

So you need to analyze your abilities, marketing skills, and even budget, go check it out and figure out which sort of store works better for you.