Shopify Plus vs BigCommerce Enterprise Comparison

There are numerous digital tools available online to assist today’s entrepreneurs in selling online. However, many of these solutions are geared toward businesses of a specific size looking to expand. Therefore, it’s critical to pick an ecommerce platform with the correct backend scalability for businesses that require advanced functionality.

A few organizations out there enable a more enterprise-scale degree of selling, ranging from Magento to Shopify. Today, we’ll look at two of the most prominent players in this space: Shopify and BigCommerce.

Users can establish stores in various sizes and with a variety of features with Shopify and BigCommerce. They’re also two of today’s most dependable shopping options for executives.

Shopify and BigCommerce both offer high-volume selling solutions for enterprise-level businesses. From Death Wish Coffee to Leesa, Shopify Plus works with some of the greatest brands in the world. Likewise, BigCommerce Enterprise can brag about clients like Toyota and Gibson.

The question is, which is the best option?

Shopify Plus vs. BigCommerce Enterprise: The Basics

Shopify Plus is Shopify’s flagship product, designed to help businesses grow. You can sell across 20 channels, including eBay and Instagram, and process up to 10,978 checkouts per minute, up to three times faster than BigCommerce. You can also sell across 20 channels, including eBay and Instagram.

Shopify Plus comes with up to 5,300 apps to enable you to customize your business’s functionality and 24/7 global technical support. If you require more assistance, Shopify has Service and App partners.

Shopify Plus also includes 24/7 customer support, one of the world’s largest collections of applications and partners, a set of native ecommerce automation tools, custom checkout discounts, and access to a password-protected store, among other things.

Year over year, Shopify Plus customers are increasing at roughly 126 percent.

Pros of Shopify Plus

  • You have a lot of alternatives for expanding your store, which gives you a lot of versatility.
  • Pricing that is both affordable and predictable
  • Scalability ensures that your company can expand quickly.
  • Your store’s uptime is highly reliable.
  • Customer service and account management are excellent.
  • On whatever device, you can expect smooth and quick performance.
  • There are numerous built-in utilities as well as access to multiple APIs.
  • The UI is simple and intuitive to use.
  • With built-in SSL, security and reliability are excellent.
  • There are numerous options for managing your store.

Cons of Shopify Plus

  • If you’re seeking code modification, there are some customizing concerns.
  • Adjusting API performance can be challenging.
  • Compared to other solutions, there are several limits to content management.
  • You can’t quickly move stores if you use a self-hosted platform.
  • In some countries, payment gateways will not be available.

BigCommerce Enterprise delivers impactful experiences that businesses need to create at scale. There are no transaction fees, and you receive a fully functional store with several currencies, pricing lists, and 24/7 customer service.

Customers of BigCommerce can create an unlimited number of staff accounts and mix sales channels from Amazon, eBay, and other sources. In addition, there are discounts, coupons, and gift cards to look into, as well as real-time shipping rates and a fully customizable checkout process. Extended features and SSL support are also available through the app marketplace.

You can build Google customer reviews, categorize your customers, and design custom solutions with unlimited API support.

Pros of BigCommerce Enterprise

  • A complete all-in-one solution without the need for add-ons
  • Beginners will love how simple it is to use.
  • Back-end development and updates require coding access.
  • Great design with a lot of customization options
  • There are no transaction costs to be concerned about.
  • There are numerous sales avenues to select from.
  • The BigCommerce team has been accommodating and supportive.
  • Outstanding security and dependability

Cons of BigCommerce

  • A little bit of a messy price structure
  • Some themes are more costly than others.
  • There is no app store to add third-party tools to your solution.
  • In some areas, the theme editor can be a little clumsy.


Monthly costs are usually a crucial consideration when finding the right ecommerce site. BigCommerce Enterprise and Shopify Plus both include a pricing plan that may be scaled to meet the needs of their respective audiences.

We’ll skip over BigCommerce and Shopify’s smaller plans for this evaluation, but there are plenty of options if you’re not quite ready for the enterprise.

The offerings from BigCommerce and Shopify, like most Enterprise solutions, don’t have a fixed price. Likewise, BigCommerce Enterprise does not have a predetermined price. Instead, the company encourages people to contact them and speak with a specialist about their needs.

The stage of development will determine the amount you spend you’re in. It’s worth mentioning that migrating to BigCommerce is free, and there are no additional transaction fees to worry about, as there are with Shopify.

The Shopify Payments solution is the only option to eliminate transaction costs with Shopify, and this is true even if you’re using the Shopify Enterprise version. The Shopify Payments service is helpful, but it may not be appropriate for all businesses.

In comparison to BigCommerce, Shopify Plus is a little more transparent about its pricing structure, warning buyers that their package would typically start at roughly $2000 per month. However, this is only a starting point. You’ll have to contact the staff again to go over your pricing requirements in detail, which means you can pay extra.

If you don’t use the Payments service with Shopify Plus, you’ll have to consider the additional charges of transaction fees, which can be as high as 2%.

Ease of Use

The first thing you should realize is that adopting an Enterprise ecommerce solution always entails having access to additional capabilities. More features are excellent, but they often entail a steeper learning curve when figuring out how to use the service.

Both BigCommerce and Shopify come with mobile-friendly websites as standard, allowing users to browse on their phones or tablet. However, BigCommerce does not have access to Shop Pay, a mobile-optimized one-tap checkout, whereas Shopify Plus does.

Because Shopify is designed to be as user-friendly as possible, it is easier to use than BigCommerce. BigCommerce is expandable, but Shopify makes it easy to get started even if you’ve never developed a website before.

Setting up a website with Shopify is as simple as filling out forms. However, you can go even farther by incorporating your features and capabilities into a mobile app using tools like the mobile SDK, although this isn’t required.

BigCommerce is a more complex platform. BigCommerce has drag-and-drop functionality, and this approach is a little more versatile than Shopify’s because you can place each component precisely where you want it.

BigCommerce, on the other hand, comes with more out-of-the-box capabilities, so you won’t have to add as many extras yourself. For example, single-page checkouts, product reviews, custom URL structures, and related product listings are free. In addition, there’s no bloatware, and you receive the advantages of a Google Cloud Platform with a 99.98 percent uptime guarantee.

While both Shopify and BigCommerce are reasonably simple to use, the Enterprise nature of both platforms means that you may need some technical assistance to utilize all of the features properly. In addition, it can take some time to adjust to a platform with many features.


Design is always an important consideration when building a website. However, BigCommerce offers something called an “advanced customization framework for more engaging storefronts.” You can use the editor to build and change the look of your solution without having to write any code.

BigCommerce, as previously mentioned, has a fantastic drag-and-drop editor that is highly flexible and simple to customize. Without writing any code, you can go above and beyond to make your website stand out. Of course, if you know a bit about development, you can use popular code libraries like CSS and HTML.

A few paid theme options are available with your BigCommerce Enterprise solution, but they’re nearly twice as expensive as Shopify’s. Each theme also comes with a few different style options. This may not be a problem if you don’t mind paying more or if you were considering getting a custom-made theme in the first place. The themes are very appealing, despite their high cost.

Shopify also makes it simple to create a robust store with your Enterprise solution. In Shopify, you may access the underlying code to play around with CSS and HTML. Shopify also features an extensive theme collection, many of which are trendy and professional.

If you want to go beyond what’s provided in the free section, Shopify has various paid theme options. Additionally, developers can alter checkouts and shopping carts without spending a fortune with Shopify Scripts.

Shopify merchants may use CSS and JavaScript to improve QSEO, add logic to templates, and create complicated customizations for a more personalized experience. Webhooks and APIs from Shopify provide a variety of customization choices. In addition, you can connect your store to backend systems and tools to expand the platform’s functionality.

Shopify Plus allows developers to customize the platform further through an embedded app SDK and coding in their language.

Shopify Plus vs. BigCommerce Enterprise: Features

BigCommerce and Shopify both allow you to sell across several channels, ideal for larger businesses. BigCommerce’s admin system includes a channel manager, making multichannel commerce straightforward and painless. You don’t have to switch between situations to assess your performance. Instead, you can measure sales across multiple channels in one place.

BigCommerce Enterprise is a full-featured solution for selling on various channels, including in-person POS systems, eBay, and Amazon. There are no limits to what you can achieve with B2B and B2C capabilities, and businesses may develop retail experiences anywhere using application devices, DXP, and CPS systems. In addition, BigCommerce is ready to integrate with a variety of APIs.

It’s also worth noting that BigCommerce doesn’t charge you anything for the migration. Although you may have to pay if your migration is complicated, BigCommerce pricing is tailored to each business.

Shopify Plus merchants can use Shopify Payments to sell in a wide range of currencies and get payment in their currency from each store using Shopify Payments. The storefront is quite user-friendly, and the checkout experiences ensure that merchants can provide their clients with a pleasant experience.

You can only choose among shown currencies with BigCommerce, and clients can’t see bills in their desired currency, which can be a concern.

The Shopify POS also enables businesses to sell in many locations and open pop-up stores in the real world without sacrificing customer, order, or inventory control. In addition, the sales channel SDK allows you to integrate commerce into any mobile app or marketplace, connecting consumers to millions of products across various platforms.

Shopify Plus also includes a Buy Button, allowing you to integrate ecommerce into your site with just a few lines of code. With just a few clicks, you can embed collections and shopping carts, and a JavaScript SDK allows you to quickly fetch products and collections from your shop using a lightweight and straightforward service.

The ability for merchants to sell through a wholesale channel is another sales channel option for Shopify Plus. This channel allows users to sync orders, goods, and buyer accounts within an existing admin landscape. Merchants may easily create password-protected stores with unique collections for their customers.

Sales Features

If you’re looking for an eCommerce solution like BigCommerce Enterprise or Shopify Plus, you’re probably seeking something with strong (and dependable) sales capabilities. Both of these tools have something to offer, which is good news.

Shopify and BigCommerce are frequently ranked among the best products globally for sales features. Both of these tools provide features such as:

Setting up delivery destinations, changing rates based on order value or weight, and printing shipping labels are all options for your online store’s shipping capabilities.

SSL certification: Both options provide an SSL certificate, allowing you to provide your consumers with much-needed peace of mind.

Selling across various platforms, such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are known as multichannel selling.

Various payment gateway alternatives for your retail ecosystem, allowing you to appeal to a broader audience.

To bring your website to the proper individuals online, you’ll need SEO and marketing features.

Both BigCommerce Enterprise and Shopify Plus are ideal e-commerce platforms, but they take significantly different approaches to providing businesses’ capabilities.

If you wish to manage credit card payments, marketing, and more with built-in capabilities, BigCommerce is likely the best option. BigCommerce comes with all of the features you’ll need, so you’ll be up and running as soon as you sign up.

Various BigCommerce out-of-the-box eCommerce features are only available through Shopify add-ons and integrations, such as:

  • Social proof tools: Using BigCommerce, you can allow consumers to leave reviews and testimonials without searching for additional apps.
  • Real-time shipping quotes: Whatever product you need to send, make sure you give an accurate delivery price.
  • Unlimited staff accounts: Collaborate on the best eCommerce experience for your audience with diverse team members.

BigCommerce also allows users to provide multiple variations of the same product, such as a shirt in different sizes and colors. Still, Shopify only allows for about 100 variations depending on three possibilities. Although 100 alternatives may appear to be a lot, they pale compared to BigCommerce’s 600 options.

While BigCommerce comes with many useful features out of the box, Shopify is the way to go if you want to tailor your website to specific consumer groups. The Shopify Plus app store has many third-party apps that you can use to connect with your customers on a deeper level.

You may connect to your CRM, increase front-end functionality, build forms with custom fields, and more using Shopify add-ons. For example, you can utilize APIs and Shopify Plus partners to connect all of the tools and systems you use to run your business or use a headless architecture to create a custom storefront.

Even though Shopify’s many customization choices make it appear harder at first, numerous automation capabilities make the experience more straightforward and streamlined. With Shopify, you can develop shopping experiences for almost any business. There are even capabilities for augmented reality and 3D product videos for Shopify Plus members.

Shopify Plus now includes Shop Pay, making it easier for your customers to complete transactions quickly. You can also customize the checkout process with various shipping rate control tools, personalized discounts, and product recommendations.


Marketing is an essential component of any successful organization.

BigCommerce Enterprise has more built-in features than Shopify, such as a full-featured web store and unlimited staff accounts. BigCommerce also provides expert support and several SEO capabilities.

BigCommerce’s default URLs follow a best-in-class style to guarantee that you have the best experience possible when trying to reach your consumers. There are also webhooks for integrating other tools and automatic sitemaps, metadata, and a one-click Google shopping connection.

With BigCommerce, you can segment your consumers and ensure that everyone on your list receives a personalized experience. You can also send automated abandoned cart recovery notifications to anyone who doesn’t complete their purchase.

The goal of Shopify Plus is to make it easier to generate significant sales. As previously said, Shopify allows you to sell in various methods, including using augmented reality technologies to allow your digital customers to try out things before spending money – a feature that you won’t find with most other providers.

Shopify also includes SEO features such as customized URLs, headers, and automated sitemaps. In addition, you may create discounts and gift cards, receive access to profit and sales records, and review your analytics for helpful information to boost purchases.

There’s also the Shopify college, which may assist you in developing the most advanced sales strategy with the support of professionals in your sector. All of this is in addition to the ability to design bespoke automation techniques such as abandoned cart emails, proactive messaging, and more.

Support and Security

Whether you choose BigCommerce or Shopify as your Enterprise solution, you may require assistance from time to time. Having the correct assistance on hand can provide you tremendous peace of mind when establishing your store, even if these SaaS solutions are self-evident.

BigCommerce and Shopify both provide phone and live chat assistance and access to a help centre, a community forum, video lessons, and email support. It’s no surprise that the support plan is so extensive, as many website construction solutions prioritize the most expensive consumers.

Shopify and BigCommerce ecommerce firms may get all the help they need to integrate with other shops, accept PayPal payments, and set up ERP connections. For example, when you’re building up your ecommerce store with Shopify, you’ll notice prompts and links across the dashboard that direct you to relevant articles in the knowledgebase.

With so many options for instruction and assistance, neither website builder should be a problem. It’s worth mentioning, however, that some BigCommerce and Shopify features, such as API requests, may necessitate professional assistance.

You also receive a lot of specialized support in terms of security. For example, your Shopify and BigCommerce stores will have their SSL certificates right away, and with BigCommerce, you may even upgrade to a more powerful certificate.

BigCommerce and Shopify, for example, go beyond WordPress-based solutions to ensure that you can access PCI-compliant standards for managing transactions. When you combine the wide range of features, such as social media integration, high bandwidth, and faceted search, with Shopify and BigCommerce’s excellent support and security, it’s difficult to tell the two apart.

Which is Best?

Choosing the best ecommerce store builder for your business is a time-consuming but crucial process. Your choice of solution can significantly impact your conversion rates and ability to connect with customers.

It’s worth making a list of the things that matter most to you in a service in any situation. For example, do you want a wide range of product alternatives and integrations with tools such as PIM to help you keep track of your inventory? Are you seeking a marketplace like Shopify’s, where you can locate Shopify app offerings for multi-currency conversions, for example?

Aside from the monthly subscription for your website builder, you should also consider processing fees and any extra costs. The enterprise goods from Shopify and BigCommerce will be more expensive than a store for a small business.

However, that doesn’t rule out the possibility of a good bargain for store owners.

BigCommerce, for example, can save you money because the functionality you need is already built-in. While Shopify provides a lot of API, SKUs, and integration possibilities, BigCommerce can save you money because the features you need are already built-in.

In general, BigCommerce should be considered if:

  • You want immediate access to all of the functionality you require.
  • You have a lot of inventory with a variety of products.
  • Simple workflows and drag-and-drop creativity are what you’re looking for.
  • You appreciate outstanding customer service and assistance.

If, on the other hand, you want to use Shopify for the following reasons:

  • You’d like to have more influence over the website’s features.
  • It would help if you had additional options for third-party programs.
  • Pre-designed, one-of-a-kind theme alternatives are essential to you.
  • You prefer a user interface that is both basic and effective.

Finishing Thoughts

It’s no surprise that business owners are having difficulty deciding on the best website builder these days. There are numerous alternatives available and a variety of package options. You can choose from Shopify Lite to Shopify Plus when you open a Shopify store. You may start small with BigCommerce and work your way up to the ideal enterprise setting.

BigCommerce and Shopify are fantastic platforms, yet Shopify has more integrations with solutions like ShipperHQ, whereas BigCommerce has everything you need. Best of luck in your search for a solution that works for you.