How to Find Promo Video Ads for Dropshipping Products?

How To Find Videos For Dropshipping Ads

If you’ve heard the phrase “Content Is King,” then the “King of Kings” is video content. By far, video is the most entertaining and powerful way to present the viewers with a product. According to More than 90% of consumers, the consumer category says viewing video helps guide their purchasing choices.

We used SaleSource to evaluate over 12,000 best-selling items & the Facebook advertisements that helped market them. The numbers don’t lie. In the staggering findings, 88% of best-selling items were sold through video ads, and just 12% were marketed through single picture advertisements. You need to advertise your article with video content to compete with other dropshippers in 2020.

“I don’t have the skills or equipment to produce video content” I don’t have the abilities or services to produce video content. Fortunately, you do not always need to bring your camera out and begin recording while making dropshipping video content.

Many vendors can supply your product with pre-made video content, ready to be edited and assembled into a relevant video ad. There may also be YouTubers and influencers who have already captured the product’s relevant videos and you may quickly seek their permission to include the clip in your video ad.

Finding / Creating Video Content for Your Product

There are usually three choices available when it comes to dropshipping product footage. One will be to buy the item yourself and shoot it with a camera of your own. The next choice is to submit your product to a professional video team of dropshipping products, capturing and editing product videos for a fee. The final choice is to use footage already given by your provider or an influencer, which is by far the most popular, least expensive, and fastest option.

We are seeking the product’s video material.

If you have a particular product for which you want to locate video content, looking for the right videos will take hours when conducted manually. However, the automatic product video finder from SaleSource enables you to discover product videos in seconds. It fits for every product page from AliExpress, product page from Shopify, or product picture. The Automatic Product Video Finder is programmed to identify all available product videos, which can then be edited together to form a viral video commercial.

Over 10 product videos were found from different suppliers in the above case. Each video for the product was original. In particular, we considered the 3D animation footage supplied by a supplier to be eye-catching and competent.

Since these product videos are sourced from distributors, you are incredibly likely to use them to create your viral video ad. After all, suppliers are seeking to make you sell one of their products. However, we will suggest calling the provider and asking for approval if you want to make sure that you can use the video.

Using SaleSource’s product video finder, which helps you scan the whole Internet for appropriate product footage, is another fast and simple way to find your product videos.

Before using clips from these videos, we will consider asking for approval since they do not come from manufacturers. Most uploaders will be able to permit you for free or for a small fee to use their clips – it’s still nice to ask.

You may also scan for items that already have videos available from vendors by using SaleSource. The niche quest by SaleSource helps you find the same things that come with videos in your niche.

In the above case, we exclusively look at items in the Women’s Jackets product segment with videos available. With videos available, we could narrow this down even further to faux fur women’s coats.

This is one of the easiest ways to find trending goods to sell because by viewing the given videos, you can find things in your exact niche and then verify the products’ standards & features.

Creating Your Own Video Content

The easiest way to make a product video for dropshipping is to create your video documentation from scratch. It is not without its pitfalls, though. For each item they deliver, some of the best dropshipping stores produce custom, in-house videos, but these are businesses with the expertise and knowledge to do so.

We recommend that you purchase the product and make your own whether you are an accustomed videographer or do not find any footage for your product to create a video from. You may want to explore any of the other alternatives outlined in this article in some different situations. The Pros and Cons of making your video are below:


  • Improve brand loyalty & credibility with real, high-quality footage
  • Compared to other dropshippers who do not have custom videos, a significant comparative profit
  • Brand logo watermark inclusion stops piracy of the footage and promotes the brand identity
  • Complete control over the method of video development, product look & more
  • Capacity to produce fresh videos of goods at any time


  • An extended period of turnaround
  • When done right, it needs advanced equipment & lighting
  • Needs experience & expertise in product videography
  • When you have to buy supplies, it can be pricey.
  • Should order the item and wait for delivery

Outsourcing Product Video Creation

You can outsource your product video production to one of the providers that can record your product and produce a dropshipping product video if you do not have the equipment or expertise to create product videos on your own.

While not as time-consuming as making the product video yourself, it can still take a long time to outsource the product video production and be pricey. The product has to arrive at the product video companies’ headquarters before the video producer can begin filming videos. Furthermore, if the product video business needs to re-shoot videos, the video cannot always work out the way you intend and may end up costing extra time and money.


  • Videos made with high-quality equipment by qualified professionals
  • Editing and captions that you have done
  • Saving time compared to video shooting & editing yourself
  • Custom product video that no other brand has


  • Expensive Prices
  • An extended period of turnaround
  • Until filming is finished, it does not make significant improvements.
  • Possibility of difficulties in contact and frustration
  • You must order the product and wait for it to be sent to the product video maker

Five things to remember before making a product video for Dropshipping

Tailor Video to the Target Audience & Platform

The binding sites on which your video ad is likely to be posted are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. You’ll want your video size to be 1080×1080 for Facebook & Instagram content – a square aspect ratio, so keep that in mind when filming your product. The size of your video would have to be 1920×1080, a 16:9 aspect ratio for YouTube videos.

YouTube video advertisements need much better performance than Facebook ads. The norm for a video ad is far higher than on Facebook & Instagram, as videos are native to the YouTube website. In comparison, YouTube advertisements can only be skipped until you have viewed the first 5 seconds of the video, where you may want to catch viewers’ interest to keep them from missing the remainder of your ad.

If you’re making Facebook advertisements, keep in mind that 85% of Facebook users quietly view their videos, so on-screen captions are a must.

Create the Right Type of Video

There are several different video types of items that can transform well. Creating a complete 1-2 minute product video explainer ad is not always time adequate. For you to remember here are a few different styles:

  • Photos of the product presentation
  • Images in slideshow format (still images displayed one after another)
  • Pictures of the product analysis – showing a consumer unboxing & trying the product
  • Short, videos looping (gifs)
  • Live camera demos – on Instagram / Facebook Live video demos

You may want to pick the best video style for your audience – for example, when marketed in a narrative summary style, beauty goods appear to do better – usually through a video made by a beauty influencer. In demonstrating dropshipping units, fast, looping videos work better.

Use the Right Video Editing Software

It is essential to experience the video production process from beginning to end with a video editing app that you are happy with. Free video editing programs such as Da Vinci Resolve will provide the potential for movie-grade output, but it has a steep learning curve for beginners.

Paying video editing software such as Animoto is web-based and simple to use, but comes at a price and, like Resolve, does not provide full control. We will list a variety of video editing tools below to assist you on your dropshipping adventure.


  • Complimentary
  • Desktop Based (requires download)
  • It runs on Mac, Linux, and Windows
  • Has maximum power for simple editing
  • Lacks sophisticated functionality

Da Vinci Resolve

  • Complimentary
  • Desktop Based (requires download)
  • The capability of movie grade editing and advanced features
  • A vast number of available tutorials
  • For beginners, it can be challenging to use and frustrating.


  • Paid
  • Based on Internet
  • Provides fantastic models & free songs for royalties
  • Quite quick to use
  • It does not allow absolute control over the production of videos

Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Paid
  • Desktop Based (Requires download)
  • Total functionality of business level video editing
  • Quick to learn if you are familiar with other items from Adobe

Follow These Video Best Practices

There are some regular practices that it is best to stick to when designing a dropshipping video ad. Follow these tips to create perfect dropshipping ads for high conversion:

  • Speed up long parts (fast forward style) – looks professional & saves time for customers, reduces frustration, and improves interaction
  • Hook consumers in with an unusual or dazzling intro
  • Use captions, graphs, and diagrams to increase the market perception of the brand.
  • Put on the video a branded watermark – they will always be aware of the brand if consumers quit early.
  • Face a dilemma, and explain in a story style how your product solves the problem.
  • Plot videos before shooting with a storyboard

Identify Your Goal

Your target should be filtered into any decision you make about your film. You can make sure the branding is visible for the whole duration of the video – as a watermark or otherwise – whether the goal is to get more brand recognition.

If your purpose is to make sales, in your video, have a call to action asking the client to order now or that your product is in limited supply. To make it more customized for your audience, you should mention this in the video if you are making a remarketing ad for consumers who have already visited your site.

Ultimate Words

Your company must harness video marketing’s power to be a competitive brand in 2020, mainly when competing in the domain of Facebook and YouTube advertising. One of the best marketing tools to have is developing the skills and resources to produce excellent advertising content. We hope you use the tips in this article to use video to improve sales, raise the brand and educate your consumers.