How to Make a Facebook AD For Dropshipping Stores?

Are Facebook Ads Effective for Dropshipping?

This section will help you to forget any doubts about Facebook Ads’ effectiveness for dropshipping businesses. As we speak, many people working in the same industry are already using Facebook to reach their customers. Here are some reasons Facebook Ads are the best choice for dropshipping businesses:

Dropshipping is easy with Facebook’s huge reach

So why Facebook? It all comes down to size. This is the main reason so many people from so many industries are jumping at the chance to be the first to post on Facebook. Facebook is amazing.

The platform had over 2.8 active users per month when we wrote this article. It is likely that this number will rise significantly by the time that you finish reading the post. Facebook has reached its peak, despite all the negative comments.

Facebook knows too many things about its users

Facebook’s ability to know a lot more about its users is one of its major advantages when it comes to advertising on Facebook. Some would even say that Facebook knows more about its users than it should. These are some of the things it knows:

  • They are their ages
  • Gender
  • Languages
  • Localities
  • Relationship statuses
  • Former and current workplaces
  • Demographics
  • Interests
  • Behaviors

This is just a small sample of information people provide to Facebook voluntarily or involuntarily. We don’t want to get into the ethics of this matter. We can only say that creating Facebook Ads is now a better prospect than ever.

This is where we need to highlight one of the problems of Facebook Ads Marketing for any business. It all comes down to intent. What are people going to Facebook for? They go to Facebook to connect with friends and colleagues.

They may also visit there to look up their old flames. They might even see a few funny videos along the way. With these important undertakings in place, it can be difficult to get people to reply positively to an advertisement.

Simply put, people don’t go to Facebook to purchase. To grab their attention, you have to be creative. Although it’s not easy, it is possible. This is different than running Google search ads. Google’s intent is more clear. Someone searching for pool repair services probably has urgent work to do.

Facebook is a small platform for intent. Yet, Facebook ads can be some of the most effective advertising tools you’ll find. This is mainly because Facebook has a lot of information about its users and can be used to target your audience. This increases your chances of creating successful ads.

Advertising on Facebook is affordable for everyone

Dropshipping businesses tend to be small. You might start your own business from your garage. Perhaps you’re a single mom trying to make ends work. Can you afford to advertise on Facebook

Surprisingly, the answer is yes. Many people are intimidated by the idea of advertising on Facebook. The whole process can seem overwhelming but not in terms cost. What does that mean?

You can boost any post on Facebook for just $1. You can reach quite a lot of people with this amount. You can also create an ad with a daily budget of $5. These amounts will result in minimal results. If you do your job right, you can still realize a respectable ROI.

You can manage your own campaigns

One of the best things about dropshipping on Facebook is that you can create your own campaigns. This article will show you how. You can also use a variety of resources to ease the burden.

Marketing Facebook ads can be overwhelming. When it comes to setting up Facebook ads, most people give up. This is not the case. Sign up for my Facebook ads setup plan. This will allow me to do the initial work for you. Then, you can take control of your campaigns.

Things to Consider Before You Get Started

Let’s first explain what we need to know before we begin creating our first Facebook advertisement for dropshipping business. This section contains information based on years of experience with dropshipping businesses. This information will help you avoid the hassle of starting a new route. Follow the steps I have outlined here to create Facebook Ads campaigns that rock.

Create a professional eCommerce website

Dropshipping is a popular way to get started. However, most people make the mistake of focusing only on their ads and not their websites. This is a huge mistake. Your website should inspire confidence in those you want to do business.

You should ensure that your website is professional. You will be responsible for the money of people. If you fail to build a store, nobody will trust you with their credit cards.

It’s easy to create a high-quality eCommerce store. Shopify is an eCommerce platform. WooCommerce is another option. These plugins can be used to create a professional looking website in just a few hours.

Facebook Pixel allows you to retarget your audience

Facebook pixelis an amazing tool for dropshipping companies that want to succeed with Facebook ads. There are two options. This would include perhaps creating an advertisement with brand awareness as the goal.

You can also do it the professional way. This involves remarketing and retargeting. This is something I’m an expert in. Remarketing basically shows people marketing materials based upon their interest in a website.

Let’s suppose you are interested in DIY home security systems. This will be the focus of your website. Your website will receive traffic from many places. This includes search engines like Google. You might also get traffic from other social media sites and your Facebook Page. .

However, eCommerce conversion rates tend to be quite low. It is about 2%. This means that most traffic you receive will go elsewhere. Remarketing is here to save you. This is how retargeting works.

You can follow people directly from your website to Facebook. There you have another chance to convert them. All of this is possible thanks to pixel. Pixel is a piece code that tracks what people do across different platforms.

Every product must have its own Pixel

Track traffic to all pages of your website. It is important to be specific. Every product in your catalog should have its own pixel. This allows you to track the product’s progress. You can also have people show ads based upon their interest in that product.

Invite people to visit your product pages

This is where people can get lazy. Campaigns that don’t perform well are the result. You need to direct people to product pages and not your homepage. Why is this?

Your home page may be very generic. It is representative of your entire website. It does not represent any particular product. This is a problem when you want to create Facebook ads for dropshipping businesses.

A perfect situation is one in which you have an ad for every product. Each product will have its own page. When someone clicks on your Facebook ad, they will be taken directly to the page that sells the product they are interested in.

Send them to your homepage. In terms of the sales funnel, they are far beyond that. They will be going backwards. Each ad should have a product page.

Make dynamic Facebook ads

It can be daunting to create ads for every product in your catalog. This is one reason people avoid creating landing/product pages on Facebook for their ads.

Facebook offers a solution. Dynamic ads are the answer. This is the best route for eCommerce businesses. Dynamic advertisements are built on the products found in an eCommerce store.

Every ad will feature one product. An ad showing a product is shown to the person. This will be based upon their interest on your website or another site. This interest can be tracked using Pixel, as we have seen.

Optimize your landing pages to convert

People who use Facebook ads marketing make the common error of spending too much time on their ads, and not their landing pages. As you can see, the landing page in this instance is your product pages.

These should be designed to convert traffic to your ads. People will simply leave the landing page and not make a purchase. Your landing page should always be optimized to convert. How can landing pages be optimized for conversion?

  • Add countdown timesrs to your product pagesThis is one way to optimize them for conversion. Countdown timers give people a sense that there is urgency. People feel that the product is in limited supply. This drives them to purchase.
  • Add a chat plug-in to your website:People have many questions and need answers before they are able to buy a product. I’ve written previously about how a free Facebook chat plugin can make eCommerce stores more successful. Chat plugins allow you to interact with prospects. It gives you the opportunity to assure them about your products.
  • Use exit intention popups In my article How to recover abandoned carts, I discuss the use exit intent popups. These popups are activated by certain events. You might be about to let go of someone who has not completed the checkout process. Offer them a discount to sweeten the deal. You want to convert as many leads from Facebook ads that land on your site as possible.

Test a lot

You will likely struggle to create Facebook ads for dropshipping businesses at the beginning. It may take some time to find your way to the top. It is important to be patient.

Facebook ads marketing has the advantage of being flexible and open to experimentation. Don’t lose heart at the first meeting. You have so many options. You will eventually find the perfect formula, and then you can scale up your advertising.

Create your Ad

How do you create your first Facebook Ad for Dropshipping? Facebook ads can be created with Ads Manager. These are the steps to get your ad running.

  • Choose a campaign objective
  • Establishing your audience and budget
  • Uploading and creating your ad

The Facebook Ads Campaign Objective

Facebook ads’ Campaign Objective outlines the goals of each campaign. Facebook offers 11 Campaign Objectives. You can only have one Campaign Objective per campaign. It is important to understand what you want to accomplish before you start a campaign. These are the Campaign Objectives.

  • Brand Awareness
  • Lead generation
  • Conversions
  • Catalog sales
  • Traffic to the store
  • Messages
  • Reach
  • Video views
  • App installs
  • Engagements
  • Traffic

Best Campaign Objectives for Facebook Ads For Dropshipping

Which Campaign Objective should we choose in this instance? Keep in mind what we just said about experimentation? This is the one area where you can succeed.

In this case, we’ll choose Conversions as our Campaign Objective. We want our ads to be shown to those most likely to purchase.

The Ad Set

Your Ad Set is the place where most of your work is done, including setting up your ad. This is where you identify your audience. This is also where you establish your budget and schedule. These are just a few of the areas we will be looking at.

Conversion event location

This is where you will hold your conversion event. This could be set up so that the conversion event involves the customer adding your product to their shopping cart.

Select a pixel or a conversion event

You will need to select a pixel in this screenshot. This is for tracking the conversion event. A conversion event must also be chosen. We have mentioned this before.

In this case, we will mark a transaction as a conversion when someone adds payment information. It’s obvious that they are on the right track to purchasing. There are also other options.

  • Add to cart
  • Donate
  • Add to your wishlist
  • Complete registration
  • Get in touch
  • Product customization
  • Locate the location
  • Start checkout
  • Lead
  • Schedule
  • Search
  • Start a trial
  • Submit application

Budget and Schedule

What amount should you spend on Facebook advertising for dropshipping? This is something you can try. You can start small, and then increase your efforts as you achieve positive results.

Your budget is not the only thing that affects your ad’s performance and your CPC. Other factors to consider include relevancy score and budget. A great landing page can help you improve your performance without having to increase your spending.

It is important to set end and start dates for your campaigns. Facebook will continue deducting money from you account without stopping. You will not have any problems if you create budget- or time-based campaigns.

Your Audience

It is important to spend time here. It is crucial to define your audience. Your ads will get lost in the Facebook maze if you don’t do it correctly. It won’t produce the desired results. You have many options in the Ad Set when it comes to defining who your audience is.

You can first target a new audience

This is what most beginners love to do. This is a great way to create a new audience without the need for dynamic ads, pixel, or any other type of advertising. This is the easiest, but not the best approach in this case. These settings can be used to define a new audience.

  • Localization
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Languages
  • Detail Targeting: Demographics and Interests
Target a custom audience

This is the best way to do Facebook ads for dropshipping. Although it requires many settings, the final results should be excellent. These are the basic elements of custom audiences.

  • Website
  • App activity
  • Customer list
  • Offline activities
  • Video
  • Form for lead
  • Instant Experience
  • Shopping
  • Instagram account
  • Events
  • Facebook Page
  • Listings on-Facebook
Lookalike audiences

These audiences are similar to other audiences you have identified. These audiences can be useful in expanding your reach. Perhaps your audience is too small. Targeting people who like Facebook pages similar to yours can help you broaden your audience.

The advertisement

The final piece of our puzzle is the ad. It’s not something I will dwell too much on. Each ad is unique. Remember that Facebook is not just for buying. It’s important to make an ad that cuts through the noise.

Your ad may be one image, a carousel, or a video. You can experiment until you find the best format for you. Dynamic ads will feature images from your product pages.


Are you looking for help with Facebook ads to promote your dropshipping business. Get in touch if you are sure. We have shown you why Facebook ads are so important for dropshipping. Facebook is huge and you will likely find your target market there.

We also provided a quick outline of how to create your own advertisement. The subject matter is a bit too extensive. We have therefore created the Facebook Ads Marketing Mini Course. Click the link below to sign up. It’s free! It’s free!