8 Best Jewelry Shopify Dropshipping Stores for Inspiration

Jewellery plays many roles in our lives. Some days we wear it to complement our outfits, while others we give it as a gift to show appreciation for those we love. Watches and rings are symbolic pieces that can also be functional.

So it is no surprise that jewelry can be a very lucrative niche for dropshipping. You will need to first find dropshipping vendors that offer high-quality jewelry that appeals to your target market. It’s a daunting task, right?

You don’t have to worry. Continue reading to find out more about dropshipping jewelry stores as well as helpful tips to start with the right one.

Cherry Diva

Cherry Diva is a jewel maker from the UK’s chim-chiminey lands.

They design and sell their own bohemian-inspired treasures. They are committed to bringing fashionable and affordable jewelry from all over the globe to their customers. Their journey to business began with frustrations at finding boho jewelry on Highstreet, and then quickly realizing how expensive it was.

Their operation was then started ad hoc.

They purchased products from abroad and began selling their products at market stalls and boot sales. The Cherry Diva founders admitted that they didn’t do much research prior to embarking on this venture. They did have one goal: to sell to everyone.

Although it was ambitious, they realized that their goal would allow them to get their business online and reach as many people as possible.

They now manufacture their own jewelry and are active on social media. They have been recognized by celebrities such as Joanne Clifton, Saraya Jade Bevis and Sasha Banks, professional WWE wrestlers.

The most remarkable information was that the founders launched their business with only a PS100 investment. Cherry Diva teaches that even if you don’t have much capital, you can still launch your business with determination and an objective.

Vivian Frank

Vivian Frank is an excellent example of a “What If?” business.

Simona was originally a producer manager for feature films. After giving birth to her son, Simona left the bustling creative industry to become a stay-at home mother. She loved jewelry making and started making it as a hobby for her friends and family.

Slowly, she transformed her office into a workshop for jewelry and began selling her products through e-commerce channels.

Simona, a Swiss designer based in Velcro, founded Vivian Frank to create boho-glam jewelry. It was internationally recognized and has appeared in fashion magazines.

Her products are all hand-made and fair trade. Simona would advise anyone to experiment with different marketing strategies, and for crafters to use Pinterest to show their wares. This is where she receives the most traffic.

Although Vivian Frank’s business was not created this way, it still shows that any hobby can make money. You just need to know where your audience is and be passionate about what you do.

YCL Jewels

Manufacturers YCL Jewels make hand-made jewelry.

Fabienne, the business owner, is a self-taught artisan jewel maker and designer. Prior to starting this journey, she was a senior care nurse and mental health nurse. She has been named one of Business News Australia’s Top 40 Entrepreneurs on Gold Coast.

YCL now designs and makes products in-house, but also works with overseas crafters.

The inspiration for their jewelry comes from daily life, and they are influenced by the Australian down-under lands. YCL jewelry has a minimalistic and feminine design. YCL sells limited edition jewelry. Once a collection has been sold, it is gone forever. They believe in the protection of the environment and strive to ship items as minimally as possible.

YCL believes beauty should not be at the cost of animal suffering. They proudly proclaim that they will not use any animal by-products during their manufacturing process.

Fabienne did not come from a school that specialized only in jewelry making. She turned her passion for making jewelry into a business. She has been a well-known brand and has been featured in numerous news outlets. Anyone who is interested in turning their hobby into a successful business can look up to Fabienne.

Metal Marvels

Metal Marvels Jewelry Line by Katie celebrates individualism and crushes stereotypes about what a woman should do. It also promotes the healthy expression of swearing like an sailor.

This is about as close to swearing as we are going to get, so Katie will do what she does best: speak for herself.

Metal Marvels is a place where women can be themselves, without worrying about what others might think.

After several unsuccessful jobs, Katie was looking for accessories that would increase her confidence without costing a lot. She found that most jewelry was feminine and delicate, which didn’t suit her boldness. It was then that she began making her own jewelry.

The Expletives & Affirmations collections are now available. These affirmations encourage you to be yourself and not care about others’ opinions.

Do you want a business like Metal Marvels? You’ll be happy to know that this business doesn’t require a lot of money.

It is enough to be you and willing to hustle.

This is the last paragraph. It explains why Metal Marvel is one among the most unique Shopify dropshipping jewelry shops you can find. And what other manufacturers should strive to be. It doesn’t matter if your brand is corporate or family-friendly. Even if the brand isn’t traditionally appropriate, you can create a business or brand that captures all aspects of your personality.

Rebel Nell

Rebel Nell calls themselves “One of No Other Kind”, and we couldn’t agree more.

Rebel Nell is a social venture whose founders are homeless and disenfranchised women from Detroit. These women are empowered to be independent by being educated, employed and supported by the company.


These grants allow women in need to make a living and provide a safe place for them to work.


They not only teach students how to make jewelry with help from local organizations but also teach business management techniques so that they can start their own businesses after graduation.


These women are able to use all the knowledge they have gained to create their own opportunities by going out into the world.

Amy Paterson, founder of Rebel Nell, was fascinated by graffiti murals. Rebel Nell seizes the graffiti pieces to make their own material once they have been removed from public view. The company’s jewelry is original and cannot be replicated anywhere else because the designers are completely free to create it. Check out their website.

Two other Detroit-based innovative businesses are featured in the site. We recommend you check them out.

This business is amazing in every way. Rebel Nell provides assistance to those in greatest need and allows them to re-evaluate themselves. They can preserve the work of graffiti artists through material repurposing. Their items are a small piece of Detroit that celebrates its culture. Rebel Nell is one of the best Shopify dropshipping jewelry stores.


Here’s a company that promotes family-oriented couples, QALO. They are proud of their relationships, but don’t like the restrictive and cumbersome nature of traditional metal wedding rings.

What do you mean by cumbersome? You might be asking, “It’s a marriage ring!” You must decide if it is okay to leave on normal wedding rings. The ring may be worn on or off depending on your activities.

Then you have to worry about storage, and possibly even losing it.

This was the dilemma that QALO founders faced. Two friends were newlyweds who couldn’t bear to wear their wedding rings. It was creating problems in their relationships. They set out to find a safe and comfortable replacement for their wedding rings.

They decided to create silicone rings that could be used for a variety of lifestyles.

QALO was founded by two entrepreneurs who saw a small market gap and a niche in it. Although their products are geared towards the outdoors, they have stylish and comfortable rings that can be worn by anyone. They have also built a large community, encouraged active, healthy living and had professional athletes sport their rings.

Paolo Costagli

The majority of these businesses are examples of businesses that have filled a niche in the market, done something unusual, or focused solely on brand image.

What about artisans and crafters who want to be well-known in the fashion industry. Paolo Costagli is a New York-based fine jewelry brand that is known for its sophisticated, modern and bold designs. Paolo Costagli is a true trendsetter. All this is thanks to the creative and technical skills of the founder, Paolo Costagli.

His collections are avant-garde because of their innovative design. They were crafted by his skilled craftsmanship and made with the best materials.

His products go beyond jewelry and can be considered art. All his jewelry is hand-made by artisans and does not use machines. Brillante is one of his collections. It’s inspired by Venetian architecture and can be worn every day.

The products are polished and have a sparkling look that makes them ideal for nightwear or evening wear.

Paolo Costagli is a great inspiration for anyone who wants to break into fashion, just like Michael Kors. But with jewelry, we aren’t sure who the best person to help you.


Bohemian jewellery store Charlotte has a large following with celebrities such as Miranda Kerr and Tash Oakley.

Charlotte’s store was inspired by the spirituality she gained while traveling around the globe. Charlotte describes her inspiration as “a love of semi-precious crystals, symbols and deeper meanings, which has led to the evolution of the brand.” Her mission statement is to create delicate boho jewellery that has meaning for customers.

She believes that her jewelry is more meaningful than most other jewelry designers and wants her customers to get deeper meanings from it. Her jewelry is symbolic and powerful. They make people feel empowered and beautiful “with mantras that love, enlightenment and harmony.”

Although it might seem unfair from Charlotte’s perspective, we believe that Charlotte’s business is one of the top Shopify dropshipping jewelry shops. This is because her brand image revolves around a trend. By Charlotte caters for these people by referring to a trend.

King Ice

King Ice, a hip-hop streetwear company, produces jewelry, clothing and accessories that are inspired by popular culture, from rappers to retro video games characters.

King Ice strives to be a market leader in creating iconic men’s streetwear. This is done by offering high-quality products and close relationships with customers and fans.

They produce jewelry for men including pendants and chains, bracelets and watches, as well as grillz and pins.

King Ice is our top choice for jewelry Shopify dropshipping seller. It shows that even though an idea may seem ambitious, quality goods and marketing can help you establish your business alongside the entertainment sector or any other niche. King Ice is able to work with brands like Snoop Dogg and Notorious B.I.G. Death Row Records, Odd Futures, Wu-Tang 2Pac and Run DMC.

Gwen Delicious

Gwen Delicious offers a larger selection of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks and accessories.

Bonnie A. Doyle, founder, seems to be naturally drawn to jewelry design and creation. She grew up watching her dad for hours, creating and designing in his own shop. Gwen Delicious creates pieces that are inspired by her childhood memories of wandering the wild. She also produces jewelry that is more contemporary-inspired.

Bonnie had a job as a secretary in her youth. Her second child was born with potentially life-threatening complications. She decided to become a stay at home mother.

Bonnie, her husband and their full-time business now allows Bonnie to design and make her products. She would recommend to fellow crafters that they get on Shopify dropshipping as soon possible. Shopify offers apps that help you sell your products. This will allow your focus to be on marketing, branding, and creating.

Gwen Delicious is included on our list because her business will inspire other artisans to open Shopify jewelry shops.

There wasn’t a plan. It was a hobby that became a part-time venture. It has grown to be a family-run company and continues to grow.