How Good is the Snapchat Paid Ads for Dropshipping Marketing?

First of all, what is Snapchat?

Snapchat is one of the market’s most prominent outlets for social media. It’s a telephone app that helps people to send images, videos, or notes. The original idea was that these texts, up to 10 seconds long, were only usable for a brief amount of time.

Since its development, Snapchat has improved a lot, and now users can upload photos or videos without a time limit. They can store videos or photos as well.

Yet, the central notion remains the same. You will not be allowed to see it again until you leave the post. It also has many other exciting features, such as filters, cash-sending capabilities, and lenses. Such lenses are very sophisticated. People may make themselves look like infants, older adults, or even a different gender by using them.

In October of 2014, the first Snapchat ad was for the movie ‘Ouija.’ It was a Snapchat 24-hour story advertising the film that appeared in User’s Stories and vanished after the close of the 24-hour cycle. Today, Snapchat advertisements, as any consumer can tell you, are viral.

If Snapchat ads are right for my company, how do I know?

Until you give them a shot, you won’t know. However, with this advertisement tool, many digital advertisers see tremendous success.

I’m going to go as far as to say:

You NEED to give Snapchat advertising a shot if you’re aiming to hit the 18-24 age group audience. If you have a predominantly female audience, it could also be a good match for your business. Seventy percent of users on Snapchat are female.

Therefore, Snapchat is the best home for your ad efforts if you’re selling trendy women’s shoes. I’m going to suggest that you will fail to find strategies that work for you if your primary demographic is in their 50s or above. But this is a chance for a new community to interact. Care of your services/products/offers. Is there one that can appeal to a younger audience? Try to promote these on Snapchat, if so. You can discover a whole new source of income.

How Much Do Advertisements Pay for Snapchat?

Depending on the campaign you’re doing, Snapchat advertisements vary quite wildly.Their cheapest ad deals start at $5 a day, and for their more elaborate options, they go up to hundreds of thousands of dollars a day.

Getting Started: Determining Your Snapchat Advertising Targets

First, from a pre-set list, Snapchat lets you focus on the targets of your ad campaign. This data would be used to advise their auto-bids and ad positioning.

  • Video Views and Brand Recognition
  • Web Views and Conversions
  • Lead Generation
  • App Installs and Engagement
  • Brand Engagement
  • Catalog Sales

Naturally, if you are looking to get merchandise prices, you’ll want to pick Catalog Sales. Otherwise, you might want to consider using Brand Recognition Snapchat Advertising. Each digital marketer with whom I have talked has spoken favorably about the potential of Snapchat to raise brand recognition. So if that’s something that is wanted for your brand, I urge you to check it out.

Bid Strategy

Next, you will need a bidding plan to be chosen. There are three alternatives:

Auto-bidding: Snapchat takes the lead and makes the bids for you with Auto-bidding. Based on the objective you have chosen, they aim to get you the highest return. To decide what to bid on every given ad appearance, they use the budget, target demographic, and ad campaign length.

Max Bid: You say Snapchat with Max Bid how much they are entitled to bid. Below that number, they can run while also attempting to optimize for your target.

Target Cost: This one takes into account the entire length of the campaign. Say that your monthly budget is $1000. There could be days when you spend 50 dollars on advertisements and days when you spend 5 dollars. Snapchat will present the publicity for your targets to the most critical customers and pay as much as $1000 as possible during the month.

I advise you to start with auto-bidding. It will give you more consistent data than Goal Cost, and if you set your Max Bid too low, Max Bid will not show you the results you’re looking for.

Provide an incentive for their electronic auction mechanism to gain desirable clients. You can play with Max Bids or Target Cost until you are more familiar with the platform.

Snapchat Ad Types

Snapchat offers six primary ad types:

  • Single Image or Video
  • Filters
  • Lenses
  • Story Ads
  • Product Ads
  • Commercials

Single Image or Video Ads

This is the most direct advertising, perhaps. I suggest that beginners begin learning the ropes of making powerful Snapchat advertising here. These advertising, such as Consumer Stories, Advertisers, Authors, and Our Stories, show up between or after material on Snapchat. They can run up to 3 minutes, but there’s absolutely no way you can get someone on Snapchat to watch a 3-minute commercial.

For anyone new to this site, this is a sensible starting point.

They’ve got to be:

  • 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels
  • The aspect ratio of 9:16

How to make them work for you

With these, you will finally let your imagination run wild. They work with just about every sort of organization. Make sure your text or a picture that shows people what to do next is included. If they need to swipe up to reach your bid, let them know.

Here are two AT&T cases.

They were all video advertisements, and at the bottom of the commercial, they had multiple call-to-actions. It will lead you to a landing page if you swipe up, where you can go on with the bid.

The crucial thing is that you make yourself as transparent as possible your bid. People are likely to click on commercials, so you need to make sure that you get the point really quickly through your ad.

Both freebies and a limited time deal are included in this video ad. To get the revenue you want, you need to play into Snapchat’s fast-paced style.

Try to include a bar code in your single picture ad for a discount if you have a Brick-and-Mortar shop. “This Weekend Only!”


Snapchat Filter advertisements are pretty neat, but for eCommerce, I don’t recommend them. Snapchat Lenses are less dynamic models of them. Basically, with a promotional filter over the graphic, individuals may take a shot.

Who Should Use Filters?

For local industries, primarily restaurants, filters are a fantastic feature.

For you to run a Geo-filter over an area about a residential home’s size, Snapchat costs from $5-20 a day. To cover a wider region, you’ll have to pay extra: All-in-all, quite a reasonable expense.

It’s a cool feature that helps individuals in the region to advertise their company with family and friends. Just make sure that you let people know that you can use it.


I’m not going to go into great depth on this either; Lenses are far too pricey to rationalize using for most eCommerce shop owners. The lowest price I have been able to find on one of these is $450,000, to give you some insight.

Lenses, including the well-known dog lens that licks the screen as the user opens their mouth, are interactive.

Who Should Use Lenses?

These are mostly for big-budget deals, such as new blockbuster movies or tv programs.

Story Ads

Story Advertisements are contained in the “Discover” field of Snapchat. In your tales, they show up as their own branded “tile.”

They’ll be able to see between 3 and 20 photos or videos when a person opens them up.

Use them to convey to a heavily focused audience a wider variety of items.

Why Should Use Ads from Stories?

Anyone who has used and had success with Snapchat Ads before. More of an intermediate choice, they are. For someone who is brand new to Snapchat advertising, I don’t recommend them.

To find out what works for the viewers, first, use Single Image or Video advertising.

Product Ads

Product advertisements overlap with story advertisements and single image or video advertisements because you can actually use them as either. For eCommerce firms, I do suggest this kind.

This ad makes it easy for you to showcase your entire catalog of items.

You upload your Snapchat product feed, and then you can do some pretty fun stuff with them.

For selling related goods, use this. Four distinct styles of women’s footwear, for example.

  • To show off one product, use a single regular image or video ad. It will take them to the right page on your app or website if they swipe up.
  • Use this form, such as a best seller, to show off a particular product offering.
  • In Snapchat’s Discover section, Product Ad Story Ads display 3-20 photos or videos in a labeled tile, plus it has the interactive Product Ads feature.

Use this to view whole product catalogs, or attempt to screen three photos or videos that show the product and have the fourth ad a call-to-action to swipe up and order the product for your future buyer.

Who Should Use Product Ads?

Anyone that sells a retail commodity.

Brand advertisements make it easy for you to market a wide variety of goods.


The best thing about ads is that they’re unskippable.

They just last 3 to 6 seconds, but at least you know that without ending your ad, they can’t go on.

Extended Play Commercials can also be performed. For the first 6 seconds, they’re unskippable. They then proceed to a more extended ad, which can run up to 3 minutes.

Who Should Use Commercials?

For programs and goods that require a video to demonstrate their importance better, advertisements perform well.

In particular, if you have the time, resources, and resources to put together high-quality advertising video that in less than 6 seconds would draw people are attention.

The Best Part about Snapchat Ads: Targeting

This is what makes the ad efforts work. Targeting relates to the act of putting your commercials in front of the best audiences.

And for your ads, Snapchat has some outstanding targeting choices.

You’ve got the usual options, like:

  • Range of Age
  • Sex — Gender
  • Language Beyond

But for your targeting efforts, Snapchat still has some clear choices.

To list a few, it is possible to target:

  • Any specific income bracket
  • New mothers
  • Decision-makers for small businesses
  • Moms at High School with kids

Hence, in your targeting, you will get incredibly complex.

Based on what you already know about them from your analytics, target your audience. To create a custom audience, use these details.

Alternatively, from a Customer Relationship Management system, you should import a file, and Snapchat can produce a lookalike audience from it.

Categories for Audience

To try to make your life simpler, Snapchat also has Viewer Categories. For Audience Categories, my only concern is that they are not generally as powerful as you would want them to be. But they do work and are a good starting point, as well as expanding the audience.

How it works is that you pick a group of the crowd, then a subcategory, and then Snapchat gives you even more particular subcategories to further drive the audience further down.

Four groups exist:


Lifestyles divide individuals by their preferences and activities. This is the way to do it if you are trying to interact with fitness buffs, pet owners, photographers, gamers, etc.


Shoppers, of course, are persons with a normal tendency to make internet transactions. This is the one that should be concentrated on by most eCommerce shop operators. You should target home & garden, pet owners, clothes shoppers, etc.For these, take some time to see what works for you. To build personalized or lookalike audiences use the data you get from consumers who complete an order.


Via their movie or TV viewing patterns, viewers split audiences. You can attempt to experiment with these groups, but from their viewing patterns, they are mainly for segmenting people to market similar media they may be interested in.


Visitors are persons who have previously attended those kinds of institutions. Such as persons who have just been to a concert or seen a car dealer.

Analyze and Optimize

Snapchat provides internal analytics of its own. You’ll be able to figure out what is and what isn’t from here. They’re going to tell you which categories have the highest swipe-up speeds, what system type they’re on, and more. To enhance your targeting, use this data. You may be shocked to find out who is interacting with your advertising.